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2013年BBC News


BBC News with Sue MontgomeryThe United States has called for new sanctions on North Korea at the UN. They would for the first time target aspects of the state’s fin


BBC News with Fiona MacDonald.Britain, Italy and Greece said they believed that seven foreign hostages had been killed in Nigeria, as reported by the militant group that


BBC News with David Austin.The United States is to bolster its missile defence system to counter what it calls a growing threat from North Korea. The Defence Secretary Ch


BBC News with Sue Montgomery.The coffin of the late Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is inching its way through a huge crowd of his supporters in the streets of the capit

该音频有LRC字幕BBC新闻附字幕[译]:塞浦路斯情况好转 银行重新开张

BBC News with Charles Carroll.Cyprus has confirmed that its banks will reopen on Thursday. They were closed to prevent a flood of withdrawals while Cyprus negotiated a ba

该音频有LRC字幕BBC新闻附字幕[译]:朝鲜威胁袭击基地 美国表示严肃对待

BBC News with Mike Cooper.Lawyers representing two same sex couples from California have been arguing in the U.S. Supreme Court for California’s ban on same sex mar

该音频有LRC字幕BBC新闻附字幕[译]:意大利总统澄清辞职传闻 称将继续任职

BBC News with Sue Montgomery.Uhuru Kenyatta who has been confirmed as the winner of Kenya’s presidential election has promised to work with all his countrymen witho

该音频有LRC字幕BBC新闻附字幕[译]:曼德拉因病住院 总统呼吁民众莫惊慌

BBC news with Mario Howget.South Africa's president Jacque Zuma has urged people not to be alarmed over Nelson Mandela's sudden admission to hospital. Mr. Mandela was t

该音频有LRC字幕BBC新闻附字幕:apple向中国市场妥协 修改iphone售后规则

BBC News with Jerry Smit.Eight police officers have been arrested in Brazil after a television channel broadcast images of two teenagers being shot dead in a poor neighbo


BBC News with Nick Kelly.The U.N. General Assembly has overwhelmingly approved the first-ever internationaltreatytoregulatethe multibillion-dollar arms trad

该音频有LRC字幕BBC新闻附字幕[译]:撒切尔夫人去世 后人评价各不同

BBC News with Charles CarrollThe former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher has died in London at the age of 87 after suffering a stroke. Lady Thatcher transformed B


BBC News with Nick Kelly.Pope Francis has urged the Roman Catholic Church to act with determination to tackle thesexualabuse of children in his first rem

该音频有LRC字幕BBC新闻附字幕[译]:曼德拉病情好转现已出院 民众欢欣鼓舞

BBC News with Jonathan Izard.Nelson Mandela has returned to his Johannesburg residence after being discharged from hospital where he’d been treated for pneumonia fo

该音频有LRC字幕BBC新闻附字幕[译]:奥巴马宣布预算提案 呼吁增税减支

BBC News with Marion Marshall.The British Prime Minister David Cameron has praised Margaret Thatcher who died on Monday as an extraordinary leader who’d made Britai

该音频有LRC字幕BBC新闻附字幕[译]:伊朗发生大地震 欧盟马肉风波仍在继续

BBC News with Julie Candler.President Obama has described Monday’s deadly bomb attack on the Boston Marathon as a cowardly act of terror. But he said it remained un
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