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Lesson 41Illusions of Pastoral peace宁静田园生活的遐想Listen to the tape then answer the question below.听录音,然后回答以下问题。What particular anxiety spoils the country dwelle.........阅读全文 >>
L41-06 begin 14’38”City life appeals to me. City life is superior to country life.fails to mention == says nothing about 没有提到……背熟:Why people are prepared to tole.........阅读全文 >>
§ Lesson 39 Nothing to worry about 不必担心【New words and expressions】 生词和短语●rough adj. 崎岖不平的●boulder n. 大石块●pit v. 使得坑坑洼洼●perturb v. 使不安●underestim.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 43Fully insured全保险Listen to the tape then answer the question below.听录音,然后回答以下问题。Who owned the pie and why?Insurance companies are normally willing to in.........阅读全文 >>
§ Lesson 39 Nothing to worry about 不必担心【New words and expressions】 生词和短语●rough adj. 崎岖不平的●boulder n. 大石块●pit v. 使得坑坑洼洼●perturb v. 使不安●underestim.........阅读全文 >>
available : able to be used anytime 随时可以应用的主语做表语或定语,做定语时要放在被修饰词的后边。I am availble to have a chat with you.The books in our classroom are available.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 43Fully insured全保险Listen to the tape then answer the question below.听录音,然后回答以下问题。Who owned the pie and why?Insurance companies are normally willing to in.........阅读全文 >>
L45-02 begin 10’05”◆abuse v. 滥用Eg: Don’t abuse your authority. 不要滥用职权。We shouldn’t abuse our rights.不能乱用自己的权力。For VIP, they shouldn’t abuse their privile.........阅读全文 >>
◆exhaust vt. 使精疲力尽exhausted adj.exhausting adj.tire outEg: I’m exhausted. 我精疲力尽了。What exhausts you? 什么使你精疲力尽呀?I’m tired out.wear out 使疲劳,使磨损wornworn .........阅读全文 >>
L45-03 begin 10’38”endlessEg: You can appreciate endless unbroken clouds.Studying English is our perpetual task.eternal adj. 永恒的,永久的,不朽的immortalEg: His name is immor.........阅读全文 >>
◆breathtaking adj. 激动人心的;不寻常的Eg: The picture takes my breath. 这幅画太美了。The girl takes my breath.The beautiful dress takes my breath.decide to go for a trip 决.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 43Fully insured全保险Listen to the tape then answer the question below.听录音,然后回答以下问题。Who owned the pie and why?Insurance companies are normally willing to in.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 44Inevitably you arrive at your destination almost exhausted.exhausted 在这里是形容词做状语wear out; tire out; fatigue; knock out 筋疲力尽Long car journeys are even less.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 43Fully insured全保险Listen to the tape then answer the question below.听录音,然后回答以下问题。Who owned the pie and why?Insurance companies are normally willing to in.........阅读全文 >>
L45-04 begin 10’38”deed行为,行径Eg: Your deeds should be rightly condemned.forest authorities 森林当局education authorities 教育当局the authorities 有关当局the authorities of th.........阅读全文 >>
have the disadvantage ofhave the reputation ofmatch sb. forbut nothing can be equal to them.第二部分当中是采用对比法It is almost impossible to take your mindoff the journey.Y.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 43Fully insured全保险Listen to the tape then answer the question below.听录音,然后回答以下问题。Who owned the pie and why?Insurance companies are normally willing to in.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson45B begin 37:44L45-05 begin 10’19”major: great, considerableIn the first paragraph the writer illustrate how powerful the press is in the general way.acquire: gain ==.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson44B begin 1:12:29L44-06 begin 18’43”最主要的方法有三种:对比法,比较法,例证法结尾段起到的作用是再次肯定和强调主题,加深读者印象。段落是由主题句,扩展句组成,扩展句之后是具体的例子。想.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 43Fully insured全保险Listen to the tape then answer the question below.听录音,然后回答以下问题。Who owned the pie and why?Insurance companies are normally willing to in.........阅读全文 >>
bear 容忍;生育 born 是bear的过去分词attract the attention of the pressThe rise to the fame is swift==Their being famous was rapid.huge sums ==huge sums of moneycare for 关.........阅读全文 >>
§ Lesson 44 Speed and comfort 又快捷又舒适People travelling long distances frequently have to decide whether they would prefer to go by land, sea, or air. Hardly anyone .........阅读全文 >>
L45-07 begin 13’46”【Vocabulary】 P210restrict: 限制 (restrict to)confine (confine to ), limitequally: 同样地alike, in the same way / degreecontention: 论点argumentuntold:数.........阅读全文 >>
2. 承: to start with, at the same time, at any rate无论如何,besides此外,除了…之外还有,apart from, in addition, in addition to, furthermore,in fact 事实上,actually, as a.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson46B begin 54:56L46-05 begin (47-02) 13’58”gaily == happily, cheerfullyembark on doing sth. 从事做(新的、难度大的事情)==start sth. (new or difficult)lay out 安排,布置go.........阅读全文 >>
L45-08 begin 3’40”press: 榨汁; 熨烫;按住,压住 (n. )出版,发行invoke 求助,祈求impose 强加于人wield 造成 (== bring about, cause, result in )10 Reporters _____ interviews.........阅读全文 >>
4.合: 主要是用来小结上文的或是用作结尾段: accordingly于是,因此,as has been noted (above) 如前所述的,as has been mentioned, as has been talked of,at last, finally, lastly, at.........阅读全文 >>
L46-06 begin 14’08”背诵:Some wives tend to believe that their husbands are infinitely resourceful and can fix anything.Some wives live under the illusion that their husba.........阅读全文 >>
L44-09 begin 11’23”【Vocabulary 】Page 206cramped and stuffy: not roomy, not sacious,lacking space, airless lacking space and airmonotonous 单调乏味的 unchanginglulls: cause t.........阅读全文 >>
L46-02 begin 13’05”Eg: I’m quite at leisure if you want to me to help you.at one’s leisure 在某人空闲的时候,在某人高兴的时候Eg: Look me up, at your leisure.drop in me,.........阅读全文 >>
L46-07 begin 14’15”get / come round to sth. 抽出时间做某事make time to do sth. / spare time to do sth.Eg: I got round to writing the letter after two days delay.as f.........阅读全文 >>
L46-03 begin 13’05”Eg: He’s in trouble and he’s witts ended.wit: 智慧,智谋(通常用复数形式)resource 资源;消遣,娱乐==entertainment, amusemententertainment 为使某人开心而进行的娱.........阅读全文 >>
L44-10 begin 10’06”3 No forms of transport can be more comfortable and faster than aeroplanes.Structure4 People travelling long distances frequently have to decide _____ t.........阅读全文 >>
§ Lesson 45 The power of the press 新闻报道的威力【New words and expressions】 生词和短语●democrat 民主的●restrict v. 限制●abuse v. 滥用●contention n. 论点●untold adj. 数.........阅读全文 >>
L46-08 begin 12’09”【Vocabulary】 P214Explain the meanings of the following words and phrases as they are used in the passage: inreasingly(l.2); plead ignorance (l.3); gail.........阅读全文 >>
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