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Notes on the vocabularies 词语注释goodwill=friendship n. 友好goodwill games: 友好运动会goodwill visit: 友好访问pay a goodwill visit toofficial visit: 官方正式访问state visit: 国事.........阅读全文 >>
The houses look like houses : 房子都象房子(逼真)empty of :(=lack) 缺乏 = short ofhumanity : 人性unperson: 僵化的人 credibility: 可信度 motivation: 激情Needless to say:毫无疑问.........阅读全文 >>
running nose: 感冒,流鼻涕appointment: 预约 date: 约会 lover: only for man昵称: dear darling sugar honey sweet heart pupilpromote sb to be ... bureau head: 局长 section chie.........阅读全文 >>
prestige n. 声誉prestigious a. 享有声誉的 Qinghua university is very prestigious.近义词:fame renown(renowned 著名的) reputation eminencedisgrace vt. 使丢脸grace, graceful 反义词:.........阅读全文 >>
主要词汇解析Oxford: 牛津城 ox:公牛; 阉牛 cow:奶牛 cattle: 牛 calf: 小牛,牛犊Dallas Mavericks 达拉斯小牛队 Chicago bulls 芝加哥公牛队Cambrige: 剑桥城ruinv. : 毁坏(名声 名誉,抽象意义.........阅读全文 >>
Notes on the text 课文注释amazed: surprised, astound, stonished前两个词都可以用作表语和主谓宾结构,后两个词只有表语结构。The news surprised me.I was surprised by the news.I am asto.........阅读全文 >>
gleam :家具擦得特别亮 glitter: 金子发的光whiz kid : 奇才,神童 prodigy: 天才packed like sardines sesame jam: 芝麻酱crowded congested jamed jam-packed overcrowdedwilder: 使人迷惑 (.........阅读全文 >>
regard sb with sth: 看待regard sb with respect /love/awe/hatred .knowing : 表伴随, 原因pigeonhole=position 位置could do with could do with :将就 凑合 do with=need,需求中间插入.........阅读全文 >>
benefaction 捐款 donation n.: 捐赠品 捐款 贡献 donator n. 捐赠者endowment n.:(research,school) 为研究,学校捐款benefaction n.:(church)为教堂捐款 beneficiary:受益人 benefactor: 施主end.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 7Bats蝙蝠First listen and then answer the following question.听录音,然后回答以下问题。In what way does echo-location in bats play an utilitarian role?Not all sounds mad.........阅读全文 >>
notice, 祈使句cold : 冷漠的 colourless:平庸之辈on...but..., but=except craving for success:发迹get on in this society get on: 青云直上social climber , stages seekerplum:李子 好.........阅读全文 >>
Notes on the vocabularies 词汇注释laundry n.洗衣店 要洗的衣服. I go to the laundry.我去洗衣服了。can vt.把....装罐can (美国常用) tin(英国常用)can the fruit 把水果装罐ready-made fo.........阅读全文 >>
shift: 轮班职工 I'm on night shift. I'm on day shift.export: 出口 ex- 出: port 港口import: 进口lumber 隆隆地行进loads of 大批(车辆) shoals of 一群(鱼) a crowd of; thronghit.........阅读全文 >>
The engine is falling to pieces.PRIESTLEY,British essayist :散文家spur :激励MA=master of arts 文学硕士, MS=master of sciences 理科硕士Cambridge: 剑桥大学simplicity: 简捷 complexit.........阅读全文 >>
occupation n. 工作 具有最宽泛的含义 (work job)occupy v. I’m occupied.我正忙着。近义词:employment professionemployee 雇员 employer 雇主 强调雇用和被雇佣的关系unemployment : 失业prof.........阅读全文 >>
on the verge ofbrim n. 边 圆边: the brim of a cup/hatbrink n.:(水的)边缘 cliff n.: 悬崖 绝壁the edge of knife 刀刃margin n.: 页边的空白extinction n.: 灭绝 extinct v.:使.........阅读全文 >>
Notes on the text 课文注释do much less much far 放在比较级之前表示程度词 I’m far better.used to: 过去(一般习惯的动作)I used to walk for a while after supper.and : 表示结.........阅读全文 >>
and ...强调工业带来巨变no benefactions and research endowments can make up for the change in character which the city has suffered. At six in the morning the old courts s.........阅读全文 >>
New words and expressions 生词短语释义characterize vt.: 刻画 表示...的特点 character: 人物 -ize:动词的特殊结构characteristic: 特色compensate vi.:补偿 弥补他的损失: to compensate sb..........阅读全文 >>
wide choice: 大量的选择机会coeducation: 男女同校 private school:私塾wage-earner: 赚钱的人 bread-earner:养家糊口者In your family ,who is the bread-earner?相对而言,wage 给 labours而 .........阅读全文 >>
Loads of ...--many Loads of motor-engines 大批内燃机引擎soundly noise 打雷般的噪音are hurried 表示状态 thronged=crowded ; population 一般(人口)不可数which has no interest in le.........阅读全文 >>
triviality n.:琐事 细节 trivial a. : 微小的 细小的humanity n.: 人性 人类(只用做集合名词)credibility n. : 可信性 credible a. 可信的 incredible:不可信的 credulous :轻信的believe :.........阅读全文 >>
New words and expressions 生词与短语original:侧重 thinking thought 思想的独创 origin: 祖先的根,渊源creative:侧重 hand 动手能力 inventive innovativefertile:土壤有肥力 思想有创见imagina.........阅读全文 >>
It might have been thought that...虚拟语气 表明事实正好相反the culture of the university 大学的文化氛围 should/would 虚拟radiate out 辐射:spread That is everyone can be one ..........阅读全文 >>
课文讲解characterizes :刻画,特点picture:照片 影片 motion picture :电影inner emptiness: 内在的空洞 emptiness:空洞What characterizes...(emphasis)= The characteristic of ...(这样比较平白,.........阅读全文 >>
Wherever the fault may lie the fact remains that it is ...不管问题出在哪里,事实就是如此the fact remains that it is the theatre at Oxford and not at Cambridge which ...强.........阅读全文 >>
assess:评估的意思 general ability:综合能力 random:随意progressive:递进 gravity 重力think:思想->reason:推理->judge:判断->analyse:分析->synthesize:综合更侧重于 practical连缀,两个以上如果做名词.........阅读全文 >>
impersonal interest: 广泛的爱好 impersonal verv 无主动词ego n.: 自我 egoism:个人主义 altruism: 利他主义 ego-trip: 利己行为egocentric : 自我为中心recede vi.:退去 retreat: 撤退 the.........阅读全文 >>
第18课New words and expressions 生词短语weigh vi.:起作用(1)称重: I weigh 100 pounds. I am 100 pounds in weight.(所有表计量单位的词都可以用in) How much do you weight?What is y.........阅读全文 >>
14课Bertrand Russell How to Grow Old from Portraits from Memory重点词汇解析oppress vt.:忧郁 压抑 depressed in low/high spiritsI'm a little down. feel bluejustification n.:正当.........阅读全文 >>
vitality n.: 精力 vital: 关键的 vigor: 精力 animationweariness n.: 疲惫感 worn out, dog-tired, fatigued, drained课文讲解Some old people are oppressed by the fear of death.jus.........阅读全文 >>
4.ride:骑马navy:海军army:陆军5.rule:治国6.political economy:政治经济学less about:更不要提=not to mention/not to speak ofI know nothing of maths, not to mention English. 我不懂数学,.........阅读全文 >>
considerably ad.:相当的程度词 considerate:体贴的, 考虑周到的sb.+thoughtful, helpful, cooperativeconsiderable+sth.I make considerable money.(=substantial)positive 确实的The result is po.........阅读全文 >>
in him to do 对他而言 在他看来walls 壁垒 隔阂 There is a wall between us/couples.childhood , adolescence (youth) , adulthood , old agebank :surroundingsebb and flowwaterfa.........阅读全文 >>
9.arise= apper,常搭配副词 here, therewant:需求pursue: 追求10.attend to= be concerned with 关注attend to 后面只能跟名词、动名词While I am out/away, please attend to my house.当我.........阅读全文 >>
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