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Lesson 61 A bad coldMR. WILLIAMS: Where's Jimmy?MRS. WILLIAMS: He's in bed.MR. WILLIAMS: What's the matter with him?MRS. WILLIAMS: He feels ill.MR. WILLIAMS: He looks ill.M.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 71 He's awful!Listen to the tape,then answer this question: How did Pauline answer the telephone at nine o'clock?What's Rom Marston like,Pauline?He's awful!He telephon.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 93Our new neighbour我们的新邻居Listen to the tape then answer this question. Why is Nigel a lucky man?听录音,然后回答问题。为什么说奈杰尔很幸运?Nigel is our new next-do.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 63 Thank you, doctorDOCTOR: How’s Jimmy today?MRS. WILLIAMS: Better. Thank you, doctor.DOCTOR: Can I see him please, Mrs. Williams?MRS. WILLIAMS: Certainly, doctor. C.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 73The way to King Street到国王街的走法Listen to the tape then answer this question. Why did the man need a phrasebook?听录音,然后回答问题。为什么这位男士需要一本常用语手.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 75Uncomfortable shoes不舒适的鞋子Listen to the tape then answer this question. What's wrong with the fashionable shoes?听录音,然后回答问题。这些时髦的鞋有什么毛病?LADY: Do.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 65 Not a babyFATHER: What are you going to do this evening, Jill?JILL: I'm going to meet some friends, Dad.FATHER: You mustn't come home late.You must be home at.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson nine-five: Tickets, please.Two return tickets to London, please.What time will the next train leave?At nineteen minutes past eight.Which platform?Platform Two.Over the .........阅读全文 >>
Lesson One hundred and seven: It’s too small.Do you like this dress, madam?I like the colour very much.It’s a lovely dress, but it’s too small for me.What about this.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 77Terrible toothache要命的牙痛Listen to the tape then answer this question. What time of day is it, do you think? How do you know?听录音,然后回答问题。你认为现在是几点.........阅读全文 >>
(有翻译)Lesson 97A small blue case一只蓝色的小箱子Listen to the tape then answer this question. Does Mr. Hall get his case back?听录音,然后回答问题。霍尔先生有没有要回他的提箱.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 109A good idea好主意Listen to the tape then answer this question. What does Jane have with her coffee?听录音,然后回答问题。喝咖啡时简吃了什么?CHARLOTTE: Shall I make s.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 79Carol's shopping list卡罗尔的购物单Listen to the tape then answer this question. What is Carol not going to buy?听录音,然后回答问题。卡罗尔不准备买什么?TOM: What are .........阅读全文 >>
(有翻译)Lesson 99Ow!啊哟!Listen to the tape then answer this question. Must Andy go to see the doctor?听录音,然后回答问题。安迪需要去看医生吗?ANDY: Ow!LUCY: What's the matte.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson One hundred and eleven: The most expensive modelI like this television very much.How much does it cost?It’s the most expensive model in the shop.It costs five hun.........阅读全文 >>
(有翻译)Lesson 101A card from Jimmy吉米的明信片Listen to the tape then answer this question. Does Grandmother seem pleased to get a card from Jimmy? Why/Why not?听录音,然.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson eighty-one: Roast beef and potatoesHi, Carol!Where’s Tom?He’s upstairs.He’s having a bath.Tom! Yes?Sam’s here. I’m nearly ready.Hello, Sam.Have a cigarette.No, thank.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson eighty-three: Going on holidayHello, Sam.Come in.Hi, Sam. We’re having lunch.Do you want to have lunch with us?No, thank you, Tom.I’ve already had lunch.I had lunc.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson One hundred and thirteen: Small changeFares, please!Trafalgar Square, please.I’m sorry, sir.I can’t change a ten-pound note.Haven’t you got any small change?I’ve go.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 103 The French testListen to the tape,then answer this question: How long did the exam last?How was the exam,Richard?Not too bad.I think I passed in English and M.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 115 Knock, knock!Listen to the tape,then answer this question: What does Jim have to drink?Isn't there anyone at home?I'll knock again,Helen.Everything's very quiet.I'.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson eighty-five: Paris in the springHello, Ken.Hi, George.Have you just been to the cinema?Yes, I have.What’s on?‘Paris in the Spring’.Oh, I’ve already seen it.I saw.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson One hundred and five: Full of mistakesWhere’s Sandra, Bob?I want her.Do you want to speak to her?Yes, I do.I want her to come to my office.Tell her to come at.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson One hundred and twenty seven:A famous actressCan you recognize that woman, Liz?I think I can, Kate.It must be Karen Marsh, the actress.I thought so.Who’s that besi.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 117Tommy's breakfast汤米的早餐Listen to the tape then answer this question. What does she mean by 'change in the last sentence?听录音,然后回答问题。最后一名话中的“change.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 2Breakfast or lunch?First listen and then answer the question.听录音,然后回答以下问题。Why was the writer's aunt surprised?It was Sunday. I never get up early on Sund.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson One hundred and twenty nine:Seventy miles an hourLook, Gary!That policeman’s waving to you.He wants you to stop.Where do you think you are?On a race track?You must.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 119A true story一个真实的故事Listen to the tape then answer this question. Who called out to the thieves in the dark?听录音,然后回答问题。谁在暗处对窃贼喊了一声?Do you.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 3Please send me a card请给我寄一张明信片First listen and then answer the question.听录音,然后回答以下问题。How many cards did the writer send?Postcards always spoil my .........阅读全文 >>
Lesson One hundred thirty oneDon’t be so sure!Where are you going to spend your holidays thisyear, Gary?We may go abroad.I’m not sure.My wife wants to go to Egypt.I’d.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 121The man in a hat戴帽子的男士Listen to the tape then answer this question. Why didn't Caroline recognize the customer straight away?听录音,然后回答问题。为什么卡罗琳没.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 4An exciting trip激动人心的旅行First listen and then answer the question.听录音,然后回答以下问题。Why is Tim finding this trip exciting?I have just received a letter fr.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 133 Sensational news 爆炸性新闻!Listen to the tape then answer this question .What reasons did Karen Marsh give for wanting retire?REPORTER: Have you just made a n.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 123A trip to Australia澳大利亚之行Listen to the tape then answer this question. Who is the man with the beard?听录音,然后回答问题。那个长着络腮胡子的人是谁?MIKE: Look, .........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 5No wrong numbers无错号之虞First listen and then answer the question.听录音,然后回答以下问题。What does 'No wrong numbers' mean?Mr.James Scott has a garage in Silbury a.........阅读全文 >>
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