英国28岁学渣 驾考理论挂科110次 A 28-year-old woman has failed her driving theory test a record 110 times, new figures today revealed. 今日最新数据显示,英国一28岁女子创下了驾照理论考试挂科110次的新纪录。 The unnamed learner, from Southwark, south-east London, spent a staggering ?3,410 in a bid to show she knows the rules and dangers of the road. 这名未被提及姓名的女子来自伦敦东南部的萨瑟克区,为了证明自己了解交通规则和路况危险,竟然一共花了3410英镑参加考试。 But despite her determination to pass the test, she is yet to do so - and still has her practical driving test to overcome. 但是,尽管有通过考试的决心,她至今仍未通过理论考试,更别谈之后的路考了。 The driving theory test, costing ?31 a time, comprises multiple-choice questions and a hazard perception exam. 参加英国驾照理论考试每次需支付31英镑,题型包括多选题和路况危险感知测试。 Nationally, it has an average pass rate of 65.4 per cent. 全国平均通过率为65.4%。 If the woman had started sitting the test at the minimum driving age of 17, she would have sat it a whopping 10 times a year for the past 11 years. 假设这名女子一年满17岁就开始参加理论考试,那么在过去11年中,她平均每年都要考10次之多。 Although no other learner has come close to the woman s incredible number of attempts to pass, several appear to be trying their best. 虽然还没有人能超过这名女子的纪录,但一些人挂科的次数也不少。 A 30-year-old man from Peterborough has failed the driving theory test 86 times, while a 41-year-old learner from Birmingham passed on his 80th attempt. 彼得伯勒的一名30岁的男子就挂科了86次,伯明翰的一名41岁的男子也不遑多让,挂科了80次才最终通过。 The second worst female theory candidate on record was a 45-year-old woman from Bristol, who sat the exam a whopping 57 times. 一名来自布里斯托尔的45岁的女子是理论考试挂科次数第二多的女性,她一共挂科了57次。 They also showed that even when learners managed to pass the theory test, some still struggled to master the practical exam. 数据还显示,即使通过了理论考试,一些人还在为通过路考苦苦挣扎。 One such example was a middle-aged man who failed the practical driving test a record 36 times - thankfully, passing on his 37th attempt. 举例来说,一名中年男子就创下了36次路考挂科的纪录。谢天谢地,第37次他终于过了。 The unnamed 40-year-old, from Stoke-on-Trent, forked out at least ?2,294 trying to pass - which could have paid for a decent second-hand car. 斯托克的一名40岁的不知名男子共支付了超过2294英镑的考试费用,这些钱够用来买一辆还不错的二手车了。 Another man, aged 22, was slightly more successful, passing on his 36th attempt at a test centre in Chelmsford in Essex. 另一名22岁的男子稍微成功一点,在艾赛克斯切姆斯福德的考试中心考了36次终于通过。 The practical driving test, lasting about 40 minutes, costs ?62 to take on a weekday or ?75 on an evening, weekend or bank holiday. 路考时间大约为40分钟,工作日的考试费用为62英镑,在晚上、周末或银行休假日考试,费用则为75英镑。 A DSA spokesman told MailOnline: It is essential that all drivers demonstrate they have the right skills, knowledge and attitude to drive safely. 英国驾驶标准管理局发言人对每日邮报这样说,我们必须看到所有驾驶员掌握了正确的驾驶技术、知识和安全驾驶的态度。 The driver testing and training regime tests candidates ability to drive safely and responsibly as well as making sure they know the theory behind safe driving. 驾照考试和训练体制是为了测试学员是否能够安全、负责地驾驶,并确保他们了解安全驾驶背后的理论知识。