今天上午,我们举行一场激烈的比赛 ——呼啦圈比赛。
只听, 崔 老师一声令下,“比赛开始!”我们的呼啦圈在腰上灵活的转动起来
Suddenly, Liu Mingxuan was defeated. Then Liu Shujie, sun Peilong, Yang Mengxuan They were eliminated.
现在,场上只剩下我们五个人,大家都在为我们五位选手鼓掌。最后我,庄世龙,谢家雨,高佳伟 ,胡新涛赢得了这次比赛,我们兴高采烈得跳了起来。
Finally, the teacher asked us to hold a fierce attack match. I had a match with Liu Shujie and I won.
I had another match with Su Wenzhi. Alas, he won me.
On the way home, we were tired of backache. However, I won the game, but my heart is as sweet as honey.
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