These supporting ideas are based on the examples given in the Answer Key for Exercise W1. Yours may be different.
1. Ⅰ. disadvantages of owning a car
A. expensive to buy
B. expensive to maintain
C. difficult to park
D. causing air pollution and traffic jams
2. Ⅰ. reasons for living in a remote area
A. get away from city noise
B. live in unpolluted area
C. remaining where one has been born
D. be closer to nature
3. Ⅰ. disadvantages of studying abroad
A. far from family and friends
B. difficulty in understanding a foreign language
C. more expensive
D. hard to get home in an emergency
4. Ⅰ. kinds of home accidents
A. falls
B. poisoning
C. burns
D. cuts
5. Ⅰ. kinds of airports
A. international
B. national
C. rural
D. private
6. Ⅰ. problems caused by absenteeism
A. lost production
B. missed deadlines