2. He insists he was always good at keeping in touch with those he worked closely with. But not very good at keeping on side with those he had to? “Yes, yes, yes, I think that’s probably right.” There’s a long pause, as he struggles with his words. “Difficult . . . the party became very divided in the 80s. They had a view about who was ‘One of us’ as the phrase was, and I never was.” The assassin sounds rather hurt. He must at times wish he hadn't stood against her. “I don’t have any regrets,” he says. But it’s only human to have regrets. “I had a wonderful time, huge privilege,” he chants. “I cast the dice, and I knew what I was doing.” He equates regret with failure, and he doesn’t do failure.
3. So that we get started on the right note, some straight talking and a few personal goal settings ground rules. I don’t do problems I don’t do failure I don’t do dreams I don’t do hope I don’t do desire I don’t do wish Saying you have a health ‘problem’, is the same as saying the health 'problem' have you because you have made it a part of you. When you work with me in setting and achieving a realistic goal or goals, you will learn that ‘Problems’ are simply health challenges, barriers or blocks, that, with a bit of effort, you simply choose to walk around, jump over or break down. Nor do I do ‘failure’. You see telling yourself or allowing other people to tell you, you have or will fail is sabotaging yourself before you’ve even begun. Think about this for a moment. You are walking on a slippery surface. You tell yourself – ‘I hope I don’t fall.’ What do you suppose happens? Yes, just as you tell yourself that, you fall because you planted a little seed that would sprout ‘failure’ and when it does, you further reinforced that ‘failure’ by telling yourself ‘I knew that would happen’. ... Nor do I do ‘dreams’, ‘hope’, desire or ‘wish’. Sure you can dream but dreams belong in your sleep and in your positive visualizations of that round the world cruise you are going to reward yourself with upon successful completion of your personal health goals. (That’s the one your partner don’t know about yet). Wishes and dreams etc., have no place in your clearly defined health goals.
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