00:03:39,360  这当然是很幽默 但...  Well, that's certainly amusing, but...  77  00:03:40,330 --> 00:03:41,960  但我..."/>

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当前位置: 查字典英语网 >高中英语 > 高考英语 > 高考高考英语 > 高考高考复习指南 > 高中英语语法对话练习《生活大爆炸-第3季》中英双译12素材
00:03:35,670  这是你必到的聚会  This is the place to be."  76  00:03:36,940 --> 00:03:39,360  这当然是很幽默 但...  Well, that's certainly amusing, but...  77  00:03:40,330 --> 00:03:41,960  但我没兴趣  I have no interest.  78  00:03:41,960 --> 00:03:43,280  别这样  谢尔顿  Come on, Sheldon,  79  00:03:43,280 --> 00:03:45,650  这个世界上充满了在室外活动的人  The world is filled with people doing things outside.  80  00:03:45,650 --> 00:03:46,740  我们出去吧  Let's go outside.  81  00:03:46,740 --> 00:03:48,810  外面多美好  Outside is good.  82  00:03:48,810 --> 00:03:52,210  要是外面这么美好  那为什么人类花费上千年  Outside is so good, why has mankind spent thousands of years  83  00:03:52,210 --> 00:03:54,010  来完美内部装饰" type="audio/mpeg" />-->