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当前位置: 查字典英语网 >高中英语 > 高考英语 > 高考高考英语 > 高考高考复习指南 > 高中英语语法对话练习《生活大爆炸-第3季》中英双译14素材
00:10:51,690  其实  我是想要找一份  No. I'm going to find  221  00:10:51,700 --> 00:10:53,430  半斤八两的低贱工作  a similarly menial job  222  00:10:53,440 --> 00:10:56,570  只需要动用我的基底神经节就行  where my basal ganglia are occupied with a routine task,  223  00:10:56,580 --> 00:10:58,200  那我的前额叶就能[高级神经活动部位]  freeing my prefrontal cortex  224  00:10:58,210 --> 00:11:01,000  专注于解决关键问题  to work quietly in the background on my problem.  225  00:11:01,890 --> 00:11:03,070  真是雄心壮志  Sounds like a great plan.  226  00:11:03,080 --> 00:11:04,100  这不废话么  Of course it is.  227  00:11:04,110 --> 00:11:05,170  就算和你讲话  Even talking to you is  228  00:11:05,180 --> 00:11:06,530" type="audio/mpeg" />-->