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当前位置: 查字典英语网 >高中英语 > 高考英语 > 高考高考英语 > 高考高考复习指南 > 高中英语语法对话练习《生活大爆炸-第3季》中英双译15素材
00:05:43,620  这怎么会跟空中旅行有关  How does that involve air travel?  118  00:05:43,690 --> 00:05:48,590  去迪士尼世界玩马特洪雪橇过山车[奥兰多  佛罗里达]  We're going to Disney World and ride the Matterhorn?  119  00:05:48,660 --> 00:05:50,160  不对  No.  120  00:05:50,220 --> 00:05:53,290  亲爱的  开始是挺好玩的 但现在没意思了  Okay, sweetie, this started out fun, but I'm over it.  121  00:05:53,360 --> 00:05:56,160  我们要去瑞士的  We're going to Switzerland  122  00:05:56,220 --> 00:05:58,490  欧洲核子研究中心参观超级对撞机  to see the CERN supercollider!  123  00:06:00,420 --> 00:06:02,860  还有去滑雪  And ski. We'll also go skiing.  124  00:06:02,920 --> 00:06:05,460" type="audio/mpeg" />-->