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当前位置: 查字典英语网 >高中英语 > 高考英语 > 高考高考英语 > 高考高考复习指南 > 高中英语语法对话练习《生活大爆炸-第4季》中英双译9素材
00:02:09,500  ■  3  00:02:09,510 --> 00:02:13,510  翻译:MADD  小蛮腰  海因里希  Joanna  4  00:02:09,510 --> 00:02:13,510  ■  5  00:02:13,510 --> 00:02:17,510  后期:孤帆  时间轴:小e  6  00:02:13,510 --> 00:02:17,510  ■  7  00:02:17,510 --> 00:02:21,510  校对:雨亦奇  总监:YY  8  00:02:17,510 --> 00:02:21,510  ■  9  00:02:23,510 --> 00:02:27,310  生活大爆炸  第四季第九集  10  00:00:02,020 --> 00:00:05,160  你知道漫画英雄世界里谁最有种吗  You know who's gonna be the bravest person in the Marvel Universe?  11  00:00:05,160 --> 00:00:07,690  能给女浩克做比基尼蜜蜡除毛的最有种  Whoever has to give She-Hulk a bikini wax.  12  00:00:05,160 --> 00:00:07,690  超英雄  绿巨人的表妹  13  00:00:08,880 --> 00:00:10,080  要说有种嘛  You want to talk brave,  14  00:00:10,080 --> 00:00:13,710  美国队长那位从墨西哥偷渡过来的园丁怎么样  how about Captain America's undocumented Mexican gardener?  15  00:00:10,080 --> 00:00:13,710  超级英雄  被视为美国精神的象征  16  00:00:14,940 --> 00:00:18,420  他比不上那个每次办完事后都上厕所的哥们  He's not braver than whoever uses the bathroom after The Thing?  17  00:00:19,540 --> 00:00:21,450  果不其然  你们又错了  As usual, you're all wrong.  18  00:00:21,450 --> 00:00:23,310  漫画英雄世界里最有种的人  The bravest person in the Marvel Universe  19  00:00:23,310 --> 00:00:27,040  是那位给金刚狼做前列腺检查的医生  is the doctor who gives Wolverine his prostate exam.  20  00:00:28,130 --> 00:00:31,560  那被金刚狼做前列腺检查的哥们儿呢  How about the guy who gets a prostate exam from Wolverine?  21  00:00:32,100 --> 00:00:34,330  你这是抬杠吧  Now you're just being silly.  22  00:00:34,330 --> 00:00:35,330  金刚狼可从来没表示过  Wolverine's never displayed  23  00:00:35,330 --> 00:00:36,820  对帮助他人预防前列腺癌的  the slightest interest in helping others  24  00:00:36,820 --> 00:00:38,810  有一点点兴趣  prevent prostate cancer.  25  00:00:42,860 --> 00:00:44,150  喂  Hello.  26  00:00:44,680 --> 00:00:46,340  对  电梯坏掉了  Yes, the elevator's out of order;  27  00:00:46,340 --> 00:00:48,510  你得爬楼梯了  you'll have to use the stairs.  28  00:00:48,510 --> 00:00:49,790  你当然可以  Of course you can.  29  00:00:49,790 --> 00:00:52,190  披萨的历史可以追溯到16世纪  Pizza dates back to the 16th century,  30  00:00:52,190 --> 00:00:55,460  可世界上第一部电梯1852年才面世  while the first elevator was not installed until 1852.  31  00:00:55,460 --> 00:00:58,030  也就是说在三百多年的时间里  That means that for over 300 years,  32  00:00:58,030 --> 00:01:00,720  人们都是爬楼梯送披萨的  people carried pizzas up stairs.  33  00:01:00,720 --> 00:01:03,020  请继承这一光荣传统吧  Be part of that proud tradition.  34  00:01:04,560 --> 00:01:07,550  趁他往披萨上吐口水的功夫  我去叫佩妮过来  I'll go get Penny while that guy spits on our food.  35  00:01:09,750 --> 00:01:13,100  你觉得金刚狼是不是有个金刚不坏前列腺呢  Do you think they gave Wolverine an adamantium prostate?  36  00:01:13,100 --> 00:01:14,930  这问题真傻逼  That's a stupid question.  37  00:01:14,930 --> 00:01:18,590  我们不是在讨论如何检查超级英雄的菊花吗  We're having a conversation about probing the heinie of superheroes.  38  00:01:18,830 --> 00:01:20,840  这有什么傻逼的  There are no stupid questions.  39  00:01:28,200 --> 00:01:28,970  找谁啊  Yes?  40  00:01:28,970 --> 00:01:31,850  哦  佩妮在吗  Oh, um, is Penny here?  41  00:01:32,290 --> 00:01:33,910  你就是莱纳德  对吗  You're Leonard, right?  42  00:01:33,910 --> 00:01:35,610  对啊  Yeah.  43  00:01:36,360 --> 00:01:38,960  妈的  终于见到你了  小子  Damn, it's good to finally meet you, son.  44  00:01:38,960 --> 00:01:41,890  有谁能给我补充点背景知识吗  Okay, I think a bit of context here might help.  45  00:01:41,890 --> 00:01:43,750  嗨  莱纳德  你见过我爸爸了  Oh, hey, Leonard. I see you met my dad.  46  00:01:43,750 --> 00:01:45,300  哇  好了  Oh, good.  47  00:01:45,300 --> 00:01:46,650  背景清楚了  Context.  48  00:01:46,950 --> 00:01:47,620  进来吧  伙计  Come on in, buddy.  49  00:01:47,620 --> 00:01:48,370  进来坐会儿  Take a load off.  50  00:01:48,370 --> 00:01:49,850  老爸  莱纳德没时间  Oh, gee, Dad, Leonard can't stay.  51  00:01:49,850 --> 00:01:51,250  他只是顺道来打招呼的  He just dropped by to say hello.  52  00:01:51,250 --> 00:01:52,480  谢谢你过来  亲爱的  Thanks for stopping by, sweetie.  53  00:01:52,480 --> 00:01:53,680  咱俩回聊  I'll see you later.  54  00:01:56,720 --> 00:01:57,920  拜  Bye.  55  00:02:02,390 --> 00:02:04,010  真诡异  That was odd.  56  00:02:31,590 --> 00:02:33,740  你确定这点儿漫画书就够了吗  Are you sure you have enough comics?  57  00:02:33,740 --> 00:02:36,240  到时候你可得守12个小时的望远镜  You're going to be monitoring the telescope for 12 hours,  58  00:02:36,240 --> 00:02:37,990  而据我估算你挑的这些书  and by my estimate, you've only selected  59  00:02:37,990 --> 00:02:40,220  只够看7个小时的  seven hours of reading material.  60  00:02:41,180 --> 00:02:42,020  我还算上了  That's even factoring in  61  00:02:42,020 --> 00:02:44,490  你纠结美国漫画书里这些俚语的时间  your difficulty in parsing American comic book idioms  62  00:02:44,490 --> 00:02:46,570  比如"嘭"  "唰"  like "Bamf!" and "Snikt!"  63  00:02:48,230 --> 00:02:48,930  他这算种族歧视吗  Is that racist?  64  00:02:48,930 --> 00:02:50,430  我觉得挺像的  It feels racist.  65  00:02:51,610 --> 00:02:52,970  别太敏感了  Don't be oversensitive.  66  00:02:52,970 --> 00:02:55,860  他是说你文盲  又不是说印度人都文盲  He's calling you illiterate, not your race.  67  00:02:57,160 --> 00:02:59,080  哦  那就好  Oh, okay. Good.  68  00:02:59,760 --> 00:03:00,790  我不用再挑漫画书了  I don't need more comics.  69  00:03:00,790 --> 00:03:02,150  霍华德到时候会过来  我们会一起玩  Howard's gonna stop by, we're gonna play  70  00:03:02,150 --> 00:03:04,930  星际战舰和印度大富翁  Intergalactic Battleship and Indian Monopoly.  71  00:03:05,210 --> 00:03:07,800  我可不喜欢大富翁的新版本  I don't care for novelty editions of Monopoly.  72  00:03:07,800 --> 00:03:10,730  我更喜欢经典的  普通版的和克林贡版的  I prefer the classics: regular and Klingon.  73  00:03:12,680 --> 00:03:13,660  其实印度大富翁  Actually, Indian Monopoly's  74  00:03:13,660 --> 00:03:15,930  和普通版差不多  只是钱变成了卢比  just like regular, except the money's in rupees,  75  00:03:15,930 --> 00:03:19,190  酒店变成了呼叫中心而已  instead of hotels you build call centers,  76  00:03:19,190 --> 00:03:22,450  如果你抽机会卡  有可能死于痢疾  and when you pick a Chance card, you might die of dysentery.  77  00:03:24,520 --> 00:03:25,350  顺便告诉你  Just FYI,  78  00:03:25,350 --> 00:03:27,160  这才叫种族歧视  that was racist.  79  00:03:29,630 --> 00:03:31,500  你们肯定猜不到刚才发生了什么  You'll never guess what just happened.  80  00:03:31,500 --> 00:03:32,870  你走在去门厅的路上  You went out in the hallway,  81  00:03:32,870 --> 00:03:34,720  一不小心跌进了异次元空间之门  stumbled into an interdimensional portal  82  00:03:34,720 --> 00:03:36,920  来到了5000年后的未来  which brought you 5,000 years into the future,  83  00:03:36,920 --> 00:03:38,810  然后你在那里利用当时的先进技术  where you took advantage of the advanced technology  84  00:03:38,810 --> 00:03:41,130  造了一架时间机器  现在你是回来  to build a time machine, and now you're back  85  00:03:41,130 --> 00:03:43,480  接我们去7010年  to bring us all with you to the year 7010  86  00:03:43,480 --> 00:03:45,810  那时候我们就能被派到飞海豚利用通灵术  where we are transported to work at the Thinkatorium  87  00:03:45,810 --> 00:03:48,930  控制的思维水族馆工作了  by telepathically controlled flying dolphins?  88  00:03:51,980 --> 00:03:52,950  错  No.  89  00:03:55,380 --> 00:03:56,840  佩妮刚才吻了我  Penny kissed me.  90  00:03:56,840 --> 00:03:59,010  这怎么猜得出来  Well, who would ever guess that?  91  00:03:59,880 --> 00:04:01,140  是  是哪种吻啊  What-what kind of a kiss?  92  00:04:01,140 --> 00:04:03,250  长吻啊  嘴对嘴的  A big kiss. On the mouth.  93  00:04:03,250 --> 00:04:05,540  会不会是她本来想吻你的脸的  Is it possible that she was going for your cheek  94  00:04:05,540 --> 00:04:08,400  结果你的脸一偏她就亲到嘴唇了  and you moved and she accidentally got lip?  95  00:04:08,400 --> 00:04:11,110  我跟我妈经常这样  That happens with me and my mom all the time.  96  00:04:12,600 --> 00:04:14,290  她跟她老爸介绍了我  She introduced me to her father,  97  00:04:14,290 --> 00:04:17,520  吻完我以后就当我面把门关了  kissed me and then shut the door in my face.  98  00:04:17,520 --> 00:04:19,510  也许这是暗示  Maybe she was trying to send you a message.  99  00:04:19,510 --> 00:04:20,190  真的吗  You think?  100  00:04:20,190 --> 00:04:21,580  是啊  暗示"这个男的不是我爸爸  Yeah. "This man is not my father.  101  00:04:21,580 --> 00:04:23,870  我被挟持了  I'm being held hostage.  102  00:04:23,870 --> 00:04:24,620  所以我要做一些  So I'm going to do  103  00:04:24,620 --> 00:04:25,730  疯狂之举好暗示你  something insane in the hopes  104  00:04:25,730 --> 00:04:27,510  去报警"  that you'll call 911."  105  00:04:28,290 --> 00:04:30,050  佩妮吻我可不是什么疯狂之举  Penny kissing me is not insane.  106  00:04:30,050 --> 00:04:31,540  她以前经常吻我的  She used to kiss me all the time.  107  00:04:31,540 --> 00:04:34,410  爱因斯坦对精神病的定义是  "翻来覆去地  Einstein defined insanity as "Doing the same thing  108  00:04:34,410 --> 00:04:37,750  重复一件事并期冀得到不同的结果"  over and over again and expecting different results."  109  00:04:38,490 --> 00:04:39,360  根据这个标准  By that standard,  110  00:04:39,360 --> 00:04:41,840  佩妮病得不轻  Penny is cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.  111  00:04:43,390 --> 00:04:44,240  我只是觉得  I'm just saying,  112  00:04:44,240 --> 00:04:46,300  那个吻有些意味深长  it felt like it may have meant something.  113  00:04:46,300 --> 00:04:47,980  这话让我想起从前了  Ah, this takes me back.  114  00:04:47,980 --> 00:04:49,990  那时候佩妮让莱纳德如此着迷  Leonard obsessing about Penny.  115  00:04:49,990 --> 00:04:52,060  别误会  我挺喜欢你现在的状态  I mean, don't get me wrong, I love your new stuff,  116  00:04:52,060 --> 00:04:54,950  但偶尔听听你的痴情独白还是蛮有意思的  but once in a while it's nice to hear the hits.  117  00:04:56,650 --> 00:05:00,490  你再说一遍"我们的孩子会才貌双全"  Do "Our babies will be smart and beautiful."  118  00:05:01,990 --> 00:05:04,200  每次想起这句话我就笑得不行  That one always makes me laugh.  119  00:05:06,290 --> 00:05:08,120  我真是吃饱了撑着跟你们聊天  Why do I bother talking to you people?  120  00:05:08,120 --> 00:05:10,760  我想说其实我们根本没在听  可能你会感觉好点  If it'll make you feel better, we rarely listen.  121  00:05:11,720 --> 00:05:12,990  能出来说句话吗  Hey, can I talk to you out here for a sec?  122  00:05:12,990 --> 00:05:14,530  当然  Yeah, sure.  123  00:05:15,960 --> 00:05:19,020  我有预感那个披萨永远也不会送来了  I'm starting to think we're never going to see that pizza.  124  00:05:20,560 --> 00:05:22,590  你可能在琢磨刚才是怎么回事  So you're probably wondering what that was all about.  125  00:05:22,590 --> 00:05:24,460  什么  你指你吻我那件事吗  What, uh, the kissing and everything?  126  00:05:24,460 --> 00:05:27,230  没什么  经常有女人对我这样的啦  Nah, women do that to me all the time.  127  00:05:28,620 --> 00:05:29,900  好吧  实际上  我貌似  Yeah, okay. The thing is, I kind of  128  00:05:29,900 --> 00:05:32,060  跟我爸说我们又在一起了  told my father we got back together again.  129  00:05:32,060 --> 00:05:33,490  什么  为什么  What? Why?  130  00:05:33,490 --> 00:05:34,580  你是至今以来  Well, you're the first guy  131  00:05:34,580 --> 00:05:36,210  第一个被他认可的人  知道吗  he's ever really approved of, you know?  132  00:05:36,210 --> 00:05:38,270  你是个上过大学的科学家  You're a scientist who went to college  133  00:05:38,270 --> 00:05:39,550  你脖子上没有纹身  and you don't have a neck tattoo  134  00:05:39,550 --> 00:05:44,160  不是通缉犯  也没孩子  or outstanding warrants or...or a baby.  135  00:05:45,280 --> 00:05:48,670  你以前都跟什么人在一起啊  What kind of guys did you used to go out with?  136  00:05:48,670 --> 00:05:49,980  就是一般人呗  Just guys.  137  00:05:49,980 --> 00:05:52,230  总之  他知道我们分手了以后伤心的要命  Anyway, when I told him we split up, he was heartbroken,  138  00:05:52,230 --> 00:05:53,950  他总是问我  莱纳德好吗  and he kept bugging me,"How's Leonard?  139  00:05:53,950 --> 00:05:55,530  你为什么就不能跟莱纳德和好呢  Why can't you get back together with Leonard?  140  00:05:55,530 --> 00:05:58,420  我敢说莱纳德从来不会惹祸上身  I bet Leonard never tipped a cow over on himself."  141  00:05:55,530 --> 00:05:58,420  tip a cow翻牛运动  美国农村的愚蠢运动  142  00:06:00,040 --> 00:06:01,400  所以为了让他不再烦我  So to get him off my back,  143  00:06:01,400 --> 00:06:03,430  我就跟他说咱俩和好了  I told him we worked things out.  144  00:06:03,430 --> 00:06:04,990  是吗  Really?  145  00:06:08,340 --> 00:06:10,630  咱俩是怎么和好的  How-how'd we manage that?  146  00:06:11,390 --> 00:06:12,190  什么  What?  147  00:06:12,190 --> 00:06:14,570  你道歉了吗  I mean, did you apologize?  148  00:06:14,570 --> 00:06:16,650  还是你跑来追我了  Did you have to woo me?  149  00:06:18,360 --> 00:06:19,010  少做白日梦了  Get over yourself.  150  00:06:19,010 --> 00:06:20,980  我一个口哨  你就冲过来了  I whistled, you came running.  151  00:06:22,560 --> 00:06:23,880  是吗  我可不这么认为  Yeah, no, I don't think so.  152  00:06:23,880 --> 00:06:25,970  好吧  你干吗要跟我争这个  Okay, why are you arguing about this?  153  00:06:25,970 --> 00:06:26,680  我只是想说  I'm just saying,  154  00:06:26,680 --> 00:06:27,750  如果我们假装和好  if we fake got back together,  155  00:06:27,750 --> 00:06:30,460  那也肯定不是这么和好的  that's totally not how it fake happened.  156  00:06:30,460 --> 00:06:31,590  好吧  随便啦  Okay, whatever.  157  00:06:31,590 --> 00:06:33,500  你能不能就跟我装到我爸离开为止  Will you please just play along until my dad leaves?  158  00:06:33,500 --> 00:06:34,920  等一下  你真的想让我  Hold on, you actually want me  159  00:06:34,920 --> 00:06:37,030  用我的演技和吻功  to deceive your father with some sort of  160  00:06:37,030 --> 00:06:38,800  来瞒过你老爸吗  sham playacting and kissing?  161  00:06:38,800 --> 00:06:40,720  我可是这方面的高手  'Cause I'm good with that.  162  00:06:41,830 --> 00:06:43,620  佩妮  你在外面吗  Penny, you out here?  163  00:06:50,530 --> 00:06:52,590  拜托  亲爱的  别当着我老爸这样啊  Come on, honey, not in front of my dad.  164  00:06:52,590 --> 00:06:54,210  别担心  我看过你跟烂得多的人  Relax, I've seen you do a lot worse  165  00:06:54,210 --> 00:06:55,950  干过严重得多的事呢  with a lot stupider.  166  00:06:57,860 --> 00:06:59,360  看吧  他不介意  See? He doesn't mind.  167  00:06:59,360 --> 00:07:00,670  莱纳德  我准备带你的女朋友  So, Leonard, I'm taking your gal out  168  00:07:00,670 --> 00:07:02,030  去吃牛排  你要一起来吗  for a steak dinner; you want to join us?  169  00:07:02,030 --> 00:07:04,360  爸  你真好人  但是莱纳德还要工作呢  Oh, Dad, that's nice, but Leonard has to work.  170  00:07:04,360 --> 00:07:05,100  对吧  莱纳德  Right, Leonard?  171  00:07:05,100 --> 00:07:06,760  没错  我要工作  Uh, I do, I have to work.  172  00:07:06,760 --> 00:07:08,450  但我决定丢下工作来陪我的宝贝儿  But I'm gonna blow that off to spend the evening  173  00:07:08,450 --> 00:07:10,930  和她的父亲  因为  with my sweetie and her father, 'cause, you know,  174  00:07:10,930 --> 00:07:13,110  我就是这种体贴的男朋友  just the kind of boyfriend I am.  175  00:07:14,120 --> 00:07:15,400  过来吧宝贝儿  Come here, you.  176  00:07:24,350 --> 00:07:26,300  C-7  C-7.  177  00:07:26,300 --> 00:07:27,060  错了  Miss.  178  00:07:27,060 --> 00:07:27,920  怎么会错呢  How could that be a miss?  179  00:07:27,920 --> 00:07:29,820  C-6中了  C-8也中了  C-6 was a hit, C-8 was a hit.  180  00:07:29,820 --> 00:07:33,160  你的飞船肯定有一部分是在C-7上的  Part of your starship has to be on C-7.  181  00:07:33,160 --> 00:07:35,410  除非飞船上有个洞  Not if it has a hole in the middle.  182  00:07:36,550 --> 00:07:40,420  什么飞船上会有洞呀  What kind of spaceship has a hole in the middle?  183  00:07:40,420 --> 00:07:43,750  罗慕伦战斗百吉饼  A Romulan Battle Bagel?  184  00:07:46,110 --> 00:07:47,150  敲敲  Knock-knock.  185  00:07:47,150 --> 00:07:48,420  太好了  你来了  Oh, great, you made it.  186  00:07:48,420 --> 00:07:49,630  快进来  Come on in.  187  00:07:50,380 --> 00:07:52,200  是我请她来的  I invited her.  188  00:07:52,200 --> 00:07:53,600  望远镜在哪  So where's the telescope?  189  00:07:53,600 --> 00:07:56,390  在夏威夷  但是拉杰可以在这里控制  It's in Hawaii, but Raj controls it from here.  190  00:07:56,390 --> 00:07:59,390  他想观测波江座ε星云  从而证明  He's hoping to see Epsilon Eridani dim, which would be  191  00:07:59,390 --> 00:08:01,740  有行星围绕它的轨道运行  evidence of a planet orbiting it.  192  00:08:01,740 --> 00:08:03,480  所以我们就坐在这盯着屏幕  So we just sit and stare at the screen,  193  00:08:03,480 --> 00:08:05,600  然后干等吗  waiting for something to happen?  194  00:08:05,930 --> 00:08:09,130  咱俩租《恋恋笔记本》看的时候不就这样吗  I did it with you when we rented the Note Book.  195  00:08:12,730 --> 00:08:16,080  没错  吉娜·罗兰兹是很漂亮  Yes, Gena Rowlands is a treasure.  196  00:08:16,840 --> 00:08:18,250  你最好把那瓶酒开了  You'd better open up that bottle of wine  197  00:08:18,250 --> 00:08:20,400  不然我的耳朵里就全是他的口水了  or I'm gonna end up with swimmer's ear.  198  00:08:22,160 --> 00:08:23,230  不好意思  Excuse me.  199  00:08:23,230 --> 00:08:24,720  我不能喝酒  我就要完成  I can't be drinking, I'm about to make  200  00:08:24,720 --> 00:08:26,560  一个重大的科学发现了  an important scientific discovery here.  201  00:08:26,560 --> 00:08:30,100  什么  伽利略的伟绩都是喝着酒完成的  What? Galileo did his best work while drinking wine.  202  00:08:30,100 --> 00:08:31,120  你怎么知道  How do you know that?  203  00:08:31,120 --> 00:08:32,570  他是意大利人  Well, he was Italian.  204  00:08:32,570 --> 00:08:34,380  意大利人不都这样吗  It's a reasonable assumption.  205  00:08:35,270 --> 00:08:36,420  伙计  你是不是一张嘴  Dude, can you even open your mouth  206  00:08:36,420 --> 00:08:38,230  就要一棒子打死一个民族呀  without spewing a cultural stereotype?  207  00:08:38,230 --> 00:08:41,700  好吧  对不起  伽利略喝健怡雪碧  Oh, I-I'm sorry, Galileo drank Diet Sprite.  208  00:08:42,860 --> 00:08:44,920  你是我的死党  她是我女朋友  Look, you're my best friend, she's my girlfriend;  209  00:08:44,920 --> 00:08:46,110  你们应该培养感情  you should bond.  210  00:08:46,110 --> 00:08:48,110  就像你跟我妈那样  You know, like you and my mom did.  211  00:08:48,340 --> 00:08:50,770  你妈吓死我了  Your mom creeps the hell out of me.  212  00:08:51,670 --> 00:08:55,140  是  但她不再叫你贫民窟的百万富翁了  Yes, but she's stopped calling you Slumdog Millionaire.  213  00:08:55,900 --> 00:08:57,550  这点我的确很感激她  I do appreciate that.  214  00:08:58,510 --> 00:08:59,920  酒来了  Here we go.  215  00:08:59,920 --> 00:09:02,140  我想敬个酒  I'd like to propose a toast.  216  00:09:02,140 --> 00:09:04,660  敬科学和友谊  To science and friendship.  217  00:09:06,410 --> 00:09:07,830  等等  等一下  Hold on. Wait.  218  00:09:08,110 --> 00:09:09,760  不  没事了  喝吧  No, it's okay, go ahead.  219  00:09:09,760 --> 00:09:10,470  怎么了  What?  220  00:09:10,470 --> 00:09:11,450  我今天在实验室里  Oh, I was working with  221  00:09:11,450 --> 00:09:13,550  研究抗青霉素的淋病  penicillin-resistant gonorrhea in the lab today  222  00:09:13,550 --> 00:09:16,640  所以我刚才在回忆我有没有洗手  and I was just trying to remember if I washed my hands.  223  00:09:23,750 --> 00:09:25,260  谢谢你请我吃牛排  怀特  Thanks for the steak, Wyatt.  224  00:09:25,260 --> 00:09:26,510  不用客气  My pleasure.  225  00:09:26,510 --> 00:09:28,040  能跟佩妮找的会用餐巾的男朋友  It's nice to have dinner with a boyfriend of Penny's  226  00:09:28,040 --> 00:09:30,050  一起吃饭是件好事  that knows how to use a napkin.  227  00:09:31,180 --> 00:09:32,780  不好笑  老爸  So not funny, Dad.  228  00:09:33,250 --> 00:09:35,140  我跟你介绍一下她之前的男朋友  Let me tell you about this one genius she was going out with,  229  00:09:35,140 --> 00:09:36,570  那个叫多尼的家伙吧  this-this fella Donnie.  230  00:09:36,570 --> 00:09:37,980  你别再提了行不行  Oh, will you please let it go?  231  00:09:37,980 --> 00:09:40,150  多尼准备把农场废物  Donnie was gonna make millions turning farm waste  232  00:09:40,150 --> 00:09:42,740  转变成生物燃料然后买给政府  into biofuel and selling it to the government.  233  00:09:42,740 --> 00:09:43,980  很多人在干这行  A lot of people are doing that.  234  00:09:43,980 --> 00:09:44,880  听到没  Oh, see?  235  00:09:44,880 --> 00:09:47,740  但是多尼只是把猪粪混了点水  Yeah, but all Donnie did was mix pig poop with a little water  236  00:09:47,740 --> 00:09:49,960  然后就灌进他妈的凯美瑞里  and pump it into his mom's Camry.  237  00:09:51,500 --> 00:09:52,270  真不错  Yeah, that's great.  238  00:09:52,270 --> 00:09:53,950  故事真好笑  说别的吧  It's a funny story. Moving on.  239  00:09:53,950 --> 00:09:55,540  要是跟那个想把乒乓球啤酒游戏列入  And Donnie was a rocket scientist  240  00:09:55,540 --> 00:09:56,200  奥林匹克项目的家伙比的话  compared to that boy  241  00:09:56,200 --> 00:09:58,300  多尼也算是个火箭科学家了  who wanted to get beer pong into the Olympics.  242  00:09:58,300 --> 00:09:59,640  他叫什么名字啊  宝贝儿  What was his name, sweetheart?  243  00:09:59,640 --> 00:10:02,030  柯蒂斯  我肯定他在说笑  Curtis, and I'm pretty sure he was joking.  244  00:10:02,030 --> 00:10:02,860  我也不知道  I don't know.  245  00:10:02,860 --> 00:10:04,780  他还递了申请呢  我看他挺认真的  That petition looked real to me.  246  00:10:05,710 --> 00:10:06,970  好吧  同志们该刹车了  Yeah, okay, I think this ends  247  00:10:06,970 --> 00:10:09,290  今晚别再提起我前男友了  the ex-boyfriend portion of our evening.  248  00:10:09,290 --> 00:10:12,120  我只是很高兴你终于找到了一位护花使者  Well, I'm just glad you finally found yourself a keeper.  249  00:10:12,120 --> 00:10:13,610  谢谢  怀特  Thanks, Wyatt.  250  00:10:14,530 --> 00:10:16,240  我是护花使者哟  I'm a keeper.  251  00:10:20,670 --> 00:10:22,060  莱纳德  来吃个宵夜吧  Leonard, you want to come in for a nightcap?  252  00:10:22,060 --> 00:10:23,120  天  老爸  他也很想  Oh, gee, Dad, he'd love to,  253  00:10:23,120 --> 00:10:25,320  但莱纳德明天一早要工作  but Leonard has to work in the morning.  254  00:10:25,320 --> 00:10:26,790  也许我能晚点去  Maybe I could go in a little late.  255  00:10:26,790 --> 00:10:28,180  不不不  不行  No, no, no, you can't.  256  00:10:28,180 --> 00:10:30,590  你的工作相当重要  Your career is far too important.  257  00:10:30,590 --> 00:10:32,420  每个成功的男人背后  都有个唠叨的女人  Behind every great man is a nagging woman  258  00:10:32,420 --> 00:10:35,010  让他没法享乐子  是吧  莱纳德  who won't let him have any fun, am I right, Leonard?  259  00:10:36,190 --> 00:10:37,940  可不是嘛  Don't I know it.  260  00:10:39,710 --> 00:10:40,580  晚安  孩子  Well, good night, son.  261  00:10:40,580 --> 00:10:41,760  晚安  怀特  Good night, Wyatt.  262  00:10:41,760 --> 00:10:43,230  晚安  亲爱的  Oh, good night, honey.  263  00:10:43,230 --> 00:10:44,690  晚安  Good night.  264  00:10:46,280 --> 00:10:48,120  我爱你  I love you.  265  00:10:51,250 --> 00:10:52,730  我也爱你  Love you, too.  266  00:11:01,120 --> 00:11:02,240  搞什么  又当众闪光[Frak出自《BSG》科幻版Fuck]  Oh, friggety-frak.  267  00:11:02,240 --> 00:11:04,150  有完没完  Not this again.  268  00:11:09,550 --> 00:11:13,660  3  4  6  过  得到两千卢比[印度货币]  Three, four, five-- pass go, get 2,000 rupees--  269  00:11:13,660 --> 00:11:15,720  6  7  six, seven.  270  00:11:15,720 --> 00:11:18,930  哎呀  不能走了  一头圣牛挡住了我去路  Whoops. Can't go any further. There's a sacred cow in my way.  271  00:11:19,930 --> 00:11:20,880  伯纳黛特  你能不能告诉你男友  Bernadette, please tell your boyfriend  272  00:11:20,880 --> 00:11:22,300  别再纠结印度圣牛的笑话了  to cool it with the cow jokes.  273  00:11:22,300 --> 00:11:23,190  没用的  It won't help.  274  00:11:23,190 --> 00:11:25,830  他要是找到一个笑话  就会一直讲个不停  Once he finds a joke he likes, he sticks with it.  275  00:11:25,830 --> 00:11:26,710  没错  Yeah.  276  00:11:26,710 --> 00:11:28,290  就比如他理发那次  Like his haircut material.  277  00:11:28,290 --> 00:11:30,200  是啊  你理过发了吗  Oh, right. Did you get your hair cut?  278  00:11:30,200 --> 00:11:32,320  "不  我全部理光了"  "No. I got them all cut."  279  00:11:33,550 --> 00:11:36,020  现在还是真好笑呀  Which is still so funny.  280  00:11:37,020 --> 00:11:38,320  你去到一家中餐馆  And when you go to a Chinese restaurant,  281  00:11:38,320 --> 00:11:40,850  他每次都在幸运饼里拿到同一张纸条  he always gets the same fortune in his fortune cookie.  282  00:11:40,850 --> 00:11:42,590  没错  "救命  我是个囚犯"  Right. "Help, I'm a prisoner  283  00:11:42,590 --> 00:11:45,040  "被关在中国幸运饼工厂里"  in a Chinese fortune cookie factory."  284  00:11:46,450 --> 00:11:48,710  好吧  你们侃我侃够了吧  Okay, I think that's enough about me.  285  00:11:48,710 --> 00:11:51,410  没错  我们开始侃他老妈  He's right. Let's make fun of his mother.  286  00:11:52,150 --> 00:11:53,970  霍华德  快来帮我搓脚  "Howard, come rub my feet!  287  00:11:53,970 --> 00:11:56,140  我脚上的鸡眼痛死了  My corns are killing me!"  288  00:11:58,120 --> 00:12:00,370  霍华德  快把我从浴缸里拉起来  "Howard, help me out of the tub!  289  00:12:00,370 --> 00:12:02,440  我又卡在里面了  I'm stuck again!"  290  00:12:06,490 --> 00:12:07,870  来了  Coming.  291  00:12:10,930 --> 00:12:12,780  你好呀  小心肝  Hey, lovebug.  292  00:12:13,860 --> 00:12:15,420  闭嘴  Shut up.  293  00:12:15,870 --> 00:12:17,460  你知道前一个小时我都在做什么吗  You know what I've been doing for the last hour?  294  00:12:17,460 --> 00:12:20,160  在本子上涂鸦心目中的  Mm, dreamily doodling "Mrs. Leonard Hofstadter"  295  00:12:20,160 --> 00:12:21,790  "霍夫斯塔德太太"形象吗  in a notebook?  296  00:12:22,290 --> 00:12:23,880  听我爸不停念叨  Listening to my father go on and on  297  00:12:23,880 --> 00:12:25,500  你是个多么棒的人  about what a great guy you are.  298  00:12:25,500 --> 00:12:27,400  你得承认  我的确很讨人喜欢  You got to admit, I am... I'm delightful.  299  00:12:29,860 --> 00:12:31,490  你干嘛把事情搞这么复杂  Why are you making this so difficult?  300  00:12:31,490 --> 00:12:32,600  哪里复杂了  It's not difficult for me.  301  00:12:32,600 --> 00:12:34,400  我觉得很有趣  I'm having fun.  302  00:12:35,260 --> 00:12:36,040  莱纳德  Leonard.  303  00:12:36,040 --> 00:12:37,790  那你要我怎么样  是你挑起来的  What do you want me to do? You started this.  304  00:12:37,790 --> 00:12:39,470  你想过去告诉他我们分手了吗  Do you want to go over and tell him we're broken up?  305  00:12:39,470 --> 00:12:40,880  -不想  -那你想怎么样  - No. - Well, then, what do you want?  306  00:12:40,880 --> 00:12:41,800  我不知道  I don't know.  307  00:12:41,800 --> 00:12:42,920  难道你在跑过来之前  Don't you think that's something you should  308  00:12:42,920 --> 00:12:45,950  不应该先想想清楚吗  have figured out before you stomped over here?  309  00:12:45,950 --> 00:12:47,590  好吧  也许是  Maybe.  310  00:12:48,120 --> 00:12:49,890  莱纳德  佩妮  刚好你们在  Leonard, Penny, excellent.  311  00:12:49,890 --> 00:12:52,610  我想说我很高兴你们又在一起了  I'd like to say I'm very happy that you're back together,  312  00:12:52,610 --> 00:12:54,600  如果我能有法子让自己显得更真诚些  and if I can figure out a way to do so  313  00:12:54,600 --> 00:12:56,890  我肯定会不遗余力  and sound sincere, I will.  314  00:12:57,670 --> 00:12:58,710  与此同时  In the meantime,  315  00:12:58,710 --> 00:13:00,590  我要对室友协议进行一些修订  I'd like to go over some proposed changes  316  00:13:00,590 --> 00:13:03,050  特别要提出关于佩妮  to the roommate agreement specifically to address  317  00:13:03,050 --> 00:13:05,260  十分烦人的个人习惯  Penny's annoying personal habits.  318  00:13:05,690 --> 00:13:06,720  我的老天  Oh, my God.  319  00:13:06,720 --> 00:13:09,750  -什么个人习惯  -我列了个单子  - What personal habits? - I have a list.  320  00:13:09,750 --> 00:13:14,150  顺便  第12条就是"我的天啊"的滥用  FYI, overuse of the phrase "Oh, my God" is number 12.  321  00:13:14,820 --> 00:13:16,220  好吧  谢尔顿  你没必要这么做  Okay, Sheldon, you don't have to do this  322  00:13:16,220 --> 00:13:17,950  -因为我和莱纳德不...  -吡吡吡吡吡  - because Leonard and I are not... Ba-ba-ba-ba.  323  00:13:17,950 --> 00:13:19,810  你确定要把他也牵扯进来吗  Are you sure you want to include him in this?  324  00:13:19,810 --> 00:13:21,390  牵扯进什么东西  Include me in what?  325  00:13:21,390 --> 00:13:22,690  有什么正在策划中的阴谋?  Is there a plot afoot?  326  00:13:22,690 --> 00:13:24,610  我可绝对不参与阴谋  I'll have no truck with plots.  327  00:13:26,000 --> 00:13:26,630  好吧  你是对的  No, you're right.  328  00:13:26,630 --> 00:13:30,740  不不" type="audio/mpeg" />-->