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当前位置: 查字典英语网 >高中英语 > 高考英语 > 高考高考英语 > 高考高考复习指南 > 高中英语语法对话练习《生活大爆炸-第4季》中英双译12素材
00:02:52,500  ■  3  00:02:52,510 --> 00:02:56,510  翻译:米小勒  海因里希  取子小Q  小蛮腰  4  00:02:52,510 --> 00:02:56,510  ■  5  00:02:56,510 --> 00:03:00,510  后期:孤帆  时间轴:小e  6  00:02:56,510 --> 00:03:00,510  ■  7  00:03:00,510 --> 00:03:04,510  校对:Vin  总监:YY  8  00:03:00,510 --> 00:03:04,510  ■  9  00:03:06,610 --> 00:03:09,310  生活大爆炸  第四季第十二集  10  00:00:02,210 --> 00:00:03,840  老妈  淡定  Ma, Ma, calm down.  11  00:00:03,840 --> 00:00:04,790  听我说  Listen to me.  12  00:00:04,790 --> 00:00:05,990  我知道上面说着用鼠标点击  I know it says click with the mouse,  13  00:00:05,990 --> 00:00:08,940  但在笔记本电脑上  触控板就相当于鼠标了  but on a laptop, the trackpad is the mouse.  14  00:00:09,530 --> 00:00:11,440  现在  把你的手指放上去  Now, put your finger on it.  15  00:00:12,090 --> 00:00:14,420  无所谓用哪根手指  Doesn't matter which finger.  16  00:00:15,720 --> 00:00:17,290  明智的选择  Good choice.  17  00:00:17,920 --> 00:00:20,460  现在把指针移到电子邮件图标上  Now move it down to your e-mail icon.  18  00:00:20,460 --> 00:00:22,820  对  就是那个小信封图标  Yeah, the little envelope.  19  00:00:23,460 --> 00:00:24,870  什么叫"它长什么样"  What do you mean, "What does it look like?"  20  00:00:24,870 --> 00:00:26,900  它当然长个信封样!  It looks like an envelope!  21  00:00:27,170 --> 00:00:28,380  行啊  你要是不喜欢电脑  Fine, you don't like the computer,  22  00:00:28,380 --> 00:00:29,650  那就别用了  don't use it!  23  00:00:30,280 --> 00:00:33,970  行啊  我们可以换个沙拉搅拌机  再见  Sure, we can exchange it for a salad spinner. Good-bye!  24  00:00:36,730 --> 00:00:39,470  这就是你一直后悔买的那个光明节礼物吧  That's a Hanukkah present you're regretting, huh?  25  00:00:36,730 --> 00:00:39,470  光明节:犹太民族最隆重的节日  26  00:00:40,290 --> 00:00:43,070  我不能说所有无法掌握当代技术的  I won't say that all senior citizens  27  00:00:43,070 --> 00:00:46,520  老年人就应该被当众鞭策一番  who can't master technology should be publicly flogged,  28  00:00:46,520 --> 00:00:48,590  但倘若我们拿一两位作为案例  but if we made an example of one or two,  29  00:00:48,590 --> 00:00:51,380  或许能更好的鞭策他人努力学习呢  it might give the others incentive to try harder.  30  00:00:52,970 --> 00:00:54,800  我有个好主意  I had a great idea.  31  00:00:54,800 --> 00:00:55,850  我们总会被迫停下工作  You know how we're always having  32  00:00:55,850 --> 00:00:58,180  去解某些微分方程式吧  to stop and solve differential equations,  33  00:00:58,180 --> 00:00:59,850  比如你做傅里叶分析的时候  like when you're doing Fourier analysis,  34  00:00:59,850 --> 00:01:01,830  或是用到薛定谔方程的时候  or using the Schr dinger equation?  35  00:01:01,830 --> 00:01:04,670  霍华德用不到那个  他只不过是个工程师  Howard doesn't. He's only an engineer.  36  00:01:05,680 --> 00:01:08,710  我一直在想其实我们可以写个小程序  I was thinking, we could write a little app  37  00:01:08,710 --> 00:01:10,270  通过使用手写识别技术  that would use handwriting recognition,  38  00:01:10,270 --> 00:01:12,620  然后通过一个符号运算引擎来计算  and then run it through a symbolic evaluation engine.  39  00:01:12,620 --> 00:01:14,090  这样  只要你使用你的智能手机  You just use your smartphone,  40  00:01:14,090 --> 00:01:16,400  把你的方程式拍出来后就迎刃而解了  take a picture of the equation and bam!  41  00:01:16,400 --> 00:01:20,560  你们知道什么应用程序算牛吗  能制造放屁声的程序  You know what's a great app? The one that makes fart noises.  42  00:01:25,400 --> 00:01:27,000  知道吗  莱纳德  You know, Leonard,  43  00:01:27,000 --> 00:01:28,980  那的确是个可行的主意  that's actually a valid idea.  44  00:01:28,980 --> 00:01:30,810  真的不错哦  Very good.  45  00:01:31,230 --> 00:01:33,770  你的口吻能否别弄得像是"我是一只刚学会  Can you say that and not make it sound like I'm a cat  46  00:01:33,770 --> 00:01:36,110  如何上厕所的猫"似的  who learned how to use the toilet?  47  00:01:36,980 --> 00:01:38,500  不行  No.  48  00:01:38,500 --> 00:01:40,380  两项成就都让人感到啧啧称奇  The two achievements are equally surprising  49  00:01:40,380 --> 00:01:41,730  同样令人钦佩  and equally admirable,  50  00:01:41,730 --> 00:01:42,750  但如果要选的话  though if pressed,  51  00:01:42,750 --> 00:01:45,420  我不得不说那只猫的成就更胜一筹  I'd have to give a slight edge to the cat.  52  00:01:45,420 --> 00:01:47,450  我还是拯救你于水火之中  I'll save you the pain and nervousness  53  00:01:47,450 --> 00:01:49,180  给你一个你期待已久的答案吧  of waiting for the answer.  54  00:01:49,180 --> 00:01:52,640  我同意参与你的计划  恭喜你  I agree to be part of your project. Congratulations.  55  00:01:53,170 --> 00:01:55,140  我的荣幸啊  Oh, yay for me.  56  00:01:56,370 --> 00:01:57,150  你们怎么说  What about you guys?  57  00:01:57,150 --> 00:01:58,230  我不敢保证什么  I can't promise anything,  58  00:01:58,230 --> 00:02:00,700  但有人就用这种东西赚到过钱呢  but people do make money off stuff like this.  59  00:02:00,700 --> 00:02:02,610  能赚点外快也是不错的选择  A few extra bucks would be nice.  60  00:02:02,610 --> 00:02:04,760  我终于能从我妈家搬出去了  I could finally move out of my mother's house.  61  00:02:04,760 --> 00:02:05,640  你搬到哪去呢  Where would you go?  62  00:02:05,640 --> 00:02:06,540  我一直梦想着能在车库上面  I always dreamed about  63  00:02:06,540 --> 00:02:09,750  搭造起属于自己的小天地  building a little place of my own over the garage  64  00:02:10,900 --> 00:02:13,180  如果我挣到更多的钱  我就能从工作中抽身  You know, if I made more money, I could take time off from work  65  00:02:13,180 --> 00:02:15,870  带着美女来一趟潜艇之旅了  and give pretty girls submarine rides.  66  00:02:15,870 --> 00:02:16,600  那是什么玩意  What's that?  67  00:02:16,600 --> 00:02:18,730  某种诡异的性爱方式吗  Some weird sex thing?  68  00:02:20,140 --> 00:02:20,910  不是啊  No.  69  00:02:20,910 --> 00:02:22,160  就是你带着美女坐在你的  You take pretty girls underwater  70  00:02:22,160 --> 00:02:24,930  私人潜艇里  让她们欣赏鱼儿  in your private submarine, and you show them fish.  71  00:02:25,520 --> 00:02:27,950  为什么所有事到你这都要龌龊一下  Why does everything have to be dirty with you?  72  00:02:28,600 --> 00:02:30,940  我想我们可以在晚上一起做这个  I was thinking we could work on this at night,  73  00:02:30,940 --> 00:02:32,440  也许经过几周的努力后  and then maybe in a couple of weeks,  74  00:02:32,440 --> 00:02:34,290  就能有我们自己的应用程序贩售了  we'll have ourselves an app to sell.  75  00:02:34,290 --> 00:02:35,800  我们这听起来像是在做生意啊  Sounds like we're in business.  76  00:02:35,800 --> 00:02:37,900  我认为我们应该拍一张  留住这精彩的瞬间  I think we should take a picture to capture this moment.  77  00:02:37,900 --> 00:02:39,580  -好啊  -哦  - Yeah. - Oh!  78  00:02:45,020 --> 00:02:48,030  你们说  这是不是我99美分花的最值的一次  Was that the best 99 cents I ever spent, or what?  79  00:03:15,990 --> 00:03:17,120  我查过应用商店了  I checked the App Store.  80  00:03:15,990 --> 00:03:17,120  应用商店:苹果公司为应用程序设计的下载平台  81  00:03:17,120 --> 00:03:18,040  还没人做过  No one is doing  82  00:03:18,040 --> 00:03:20,630  手写识别解微分方程的应用程序呢  handwriting-recognition differential equation solving.  83  00:03:20,630 --> 00:03:22,970  天呐  你小声点  Oh, dear Lord, shush.  84  00:03:24,280 --> 00:03:25,000  为什么  What?  85  00:03:25,000 --> 00:03:27,680  你好不容易能有个好点子  莱纳德  You have so few good ideas, Leonard.  86  00:03:27,680 --> 00:03:28,970  你打算就这么轻易地把它  And you're just going to spill the beans  87  00:03:28,970 --> 00:03:31,340  当着一个外人的面泄露出去吗  in front of an outsider?  88  00:03:38,050 --> 00:03:39,380  说谁呢  我吗  Who, me?  89  00:03:39,680 --> 00:03:41,520  谢尔顿  我不觉得佩妮  Sheldon, I don't think Penny cares  90  00:03:41,520 --> 00:03:43,810  多在乎这个基于手写识别技术的微分...  about handwriting-recognition based differential...  91  00:03:43,810 --> 00:03:46,460  夜晚的星星大而亮呀*  *The stars at night are big and bright  92  00:03:46,460 --> 00:03:48,910  深深地埋藏在德州的中央*  *Deep in the heart of Texas  93  00:03:49,420 --> 00:03:51,530  她不会来盗取我们的点子  She's not going to steal our idea.  94  00:03:51,530 --> 00:03:53,100  -什么点子  -我们要写一个应用程序...  - What idea? - We're gonna write an application...  95  00:03:53,100 --> 00:03:55,800  草原的星空宽而高呀*  *The prairie sky is wide and high  96  00:03:55,800 --> 00:03:56,840  深深地埋藏在...*  *Deep in the heart...  97  00:03:56,840 --> 00:03:58,440  行了  别唱了  Okay, stop, stop!  98  00:03:58,440 --> 00:03:59,960  德州的中央*  *Of Texas  99  00:04:00,880 --> 00:04:01,890  无论你们的秘密是什么  Whatever your secret is,  100  00:04:01,890 --> 00:04:04,100  我确信它必定无聊至极  所以我不会有兴趣的  I'm sure it's boring, so I'm not interested.  101  00:04:04,100 --> 00:04:06,300  一点也不无聊啊  It's not boring at all.  102  00:04:06,300 --> 00:04:07,610  你想想  在高阶数学中  You see, in higher order mathematics,  103  00:04:07,610 --> 00:04:08,460  一定会有  there are certain sets  104  00:04:08,460 --> 00:04:10,440  -联立方程组  它们有时...  -无聊  - of equations that... - Bored.  105  00:04:11,270 --> 00:04:12,230  满意了吗  Satisfied?  106  00:04:12,230 --> 00:04:13,100  恐怕很难  Hardly.  107  00:04:13,100 --> 00:04:16,180  试想一下这个不太可能却又非常真实的情节吧  Consider this unlikely but very plausible scenario.  108  00:04:16,180 --> 00:04:19,150  一位年轻女子只身来到大都市  A young woman alone in the big city.  109  00:04:19,150 --> 00:04:20,380  她荒谬的演员梦想  Her ridiculous dream  110  00:04:20,380 --> 00:04:23,230  欺骗了她  从而深深地打击了她  of becoming an actress lies shattered about her.  111  00:04:23,660 --> 00:04:24,840  拜托  你停一下好吗  Hey, wait a minute.  112  00:04:24,840 --> 00:04:26,550  等等  我们看看他的后续如何  Well, hang on. Let's see where he's going.  113  00:04:27,150 --> 00:04:28,290  然后现实打击了她  Then it hits her.  114  00:04:28,290 --> 00:04:29,980  她如何才能生存下去呢  How is she going to survive?  115  00:04:29,980 --> 00:04:33,380  因为她胸无大志且身无长物  I mean, she has no prospects, no marketable skills.  116  00:04:33,380 --> 00:04:34,930  直到有一天  And then one day,  117  00:04:34,930 --> 00:04:37,210  她遇到了一群天才们  she meets a group of geniuses  118  00:04:37,210 --> 00:04:39,310  以及天才们的朋友霍华德  and their friend Howard.  119  00:04:42,260 --> 00:04:42,840  我...  Hey, I...  120  00:04:42,840 --> 00:04:44,780  你也等等  我们看看他的后续如何  Hang on. Let's see where he's going.  121  00:04:46,230 --> 00:04:48,850  她与这帮人交朋友  然后伺机等候  She befriends them, and then lies in wait  122  00:04:48,850 --> 00:04:51,250  直到这帮人有了一个可销售的点子  until they reveal a marketable idea,  123  00:04:51,250 --> 00:04:54,500  于是她盗取了点子  卖给了出价最高的人  which she steals and sells to the highest bidder.  124  00:04:54,500 --> 00:04:56,640  -这也太扯了  -哦  是吗  - That is ridiculous. - Oh, is it?  125  00:04:56,640 --> 00:04:58,250  那你倒是给我们个合理的解释  Let's see you come up with an explanation  126  00:04:58,250 --> 00:05:00,870  为何这个女人一直跟我们厮混在一起  as to why this woman hangs out with us all the time.  127  00:05:05,030 --> 00:05:05,830  太棒了  你们知道吗  Oh, great. You know what?  128  00:05:05,830 --> 00:05:07,270  我已经从你们这蹭到晚饭了  I've already mooched dinner off you guys.  129  00:05:07,270 --> 00:05:08,910  所以我不需要再听这个点子了  I don't need to listen to this.  130  00:05:09,390 --> 00:05:11,430  这就是你要的答案  免费食物  There's your answer-- free food.  131  00:05:12,560 --> 00:05:14,410  好吧  我已经自作主张  All right, I've taken the liberty  132  00:05:14,410 --> 00:05:16,040  起草了这些工作流程图  of drafting these workflow charts  133  00:05:16,040 --> 00:05:19,140  这里列出了我们形形色色的职务以及  which outline our various duties and the path we will follow  134  00:05:19,140 --> 00:05:21,550  开发这独创程序过程中需遵照的事项  as we develop our ground-breaking new app.  135  00:05:23,020 --> 00:05:25,540  为何我负责的是电话服务  Hey, why am I in charge of phone support?  136  00:05:28,110 --> 00:05:30,040  貌似有点种族主义  Seems a bit racist.  137  00:05:30,040 --> 00:05:31,820  一个操着印度口音的客服  A customer service representative  138  00:05:31,820 --> 00:05:34,180  能够给客人们留下一种  with an Indian accent will create the impression  139  00:05:34,180 --> 00:05:37,880  我们这是跨国公司  使用海外客服中心的印象  we're a vast enterprise that uses overseas call centers.  140  00:05:37,880 --> 00:05:38,990  哦  Oh.  141  00:05:38,990 --> 00:05:40,030  很聪明  Very clever.  142  00:05:40,030 --> 00:05:41,830  但还是有种族色彩  But still racist.  143  00:05:42,090 --> 00:05:45,210  提醒下  你叫史蒂夫来自威奇托[美国城市]  Duly noted, Steve from Wichita.  144  00:05:46,640 --> 00:05:49,530  为什么我被列为你的行政助理  Why am I listed as your executive assistant?  145  00:05:49,530 --> 00:05:53,210  因为"秘书"这个词已经变得不大光彩了  Because the word "Secretary" has fallen into disrepute.  146  00:05:53,640 --> 00:05:55,860  提醒下  我妈妈的生日快到了  FYI, my mother's birthday is coming up.  147  00:05:55,860 --> 00:05:58,380  我需要你来帮我挑选个礼物  I'm going to need you to pick up a present.  148  00:05:59,140 --> 00:06:01,130  好吧  我们需要暂时先停一下了  Okay, we need to stop for a minute.  149  00:06:01,130 --> 00:06:03,180  莱纳德  拜托  我们可以在休憩时再谈  Leonard, please, we can talk during our break.  150  00:06:03,180 --> 00:06:04,450  这个午夜马上就有事情要做了  We have one coming up at midnight.  151  00:06:04,450 --> 00:06:06,330  我们需要小吃  We'll need snacks.  152  00:06:06,330 --> 00:06:08,220  谢尔顿  这个并不是你负责的  Sheldon, you're not in charge.  153  00:06:08,220 --> 00:06:09,730  这是我的点子  我才是负责的  It's my idea. I'm in charge.  154  00:06:09,730 --> 00:06:10,870  当然是你负责啊  Oh, of course you are.  155  00:06:10,870 --> 00:06:12,240  快看看上面的组织机构吧  Look at the organizational chart.  156  00:06:12,240 --> 00:06:14,290  你被清楚地列为了奠基人  You're clearly listed as founder.  157  00:06:14,290 --> 00:06:17,900  是啊  同时你被列为了首席执行官  Well, yes, and you're listed as Chief Executive Officer,  158  00:06:17,900 --> 00:06:21,440  首席财务官和首席运营官  Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer.  159  00:06:21,440 --> 00:06:23,120  你还少说了首席科技官  You missed Chief Science Officer,  160  00:06:23,120 --> 00:06:25,530  董事局主席以及秘密圣诞委员会首脑  Chairman of the Board, and Head of the Secret Santa Committee.  161  00:06:25,530 --> 00:06:26,710  好了  Okay.  162  00:06:27,930 --> 00:06:29,820  你现在就需要搞明白这件事  You need to get clear on this right now.  163  00:06:29,820 --> 00:06:32,690  我才是这个计划的决策人  I am in charge of this project.  164  00:06:33,180 --> 00:06:36,850  哦哦  莱纳德想取代谢尔顿成为"书呆子"界的领袖喽  Ooh. Leonard's going all alpha nerd on Sheldon's ass...  165  00:06:37,930 --> 00:06:39,940  好吧  好吧  我不打算跟你争执下去了  All right. All right, I'm not going to argue with you.  166  00:06:39,940 --> 00:06:42,390  谢尔顿·库珀如果不团队协作也一事无成  Sheldon Cooper is nothing if not a team player.  167  00:06:42,390 --> 00:06:45,030  霍夫斯塔德博士  一切由你指挥  Dr. Hofstadter, you have the conn.  168  00:06:47,140 --> 00:06:48,300  谢谢  Thank you.  169  00:06:49,400 --> 00:06:51,740  我认为我们可以先从用户界面开始讨论  I thought we might start by talking about the user interface.  170  00:06:51,740 --> 00:06:53,550  哦天呐  我们失败定了  Oh, dear Lord, we're doomed.  171  00:06:55,900 --> 00:06:57,750  那么这个按钮  So this button here  172  00:06:57,750 --> 00:06:59,840  能让你扫描一个新方程  will allow you to scan a new equation,  173  00:06:59,840 --> 00:07:01,520  而你按这边的按钮  but over here, you can press this,  174  00:07:01,520 --> 00:07:04,310  就能替换新的系数  and just substitute new values for the coefficients.  175  00:07:04,310 --> 00:07:06,040  不错哎  头儿  Good one, boss.  176  00:07:10,110 --> 00:07:10,990  啥  What?  177  00:07:10,990 --> 00:07:12,360  这个图例  This diagram.  178  00:07:12,360 --> 00:07:14,910  你以为您是想讲个开场笑话  I assume you were opening with a joke.  179  00:07:15,210 --> 00:07:18,430  毫无疑问鼓舞了我这个小员工的团队精神  It certainly buoyed up this employee's esprit de corps.  180  00:07:19,900 --> 00:07:22,160  这不是玩笑  就是这么设计  It's not a joke. It's the real design.  181  00:07:22,590 --> 00:07:25,130  这样的话  能让我稍微修改27处  In that case, may I offer 27 little tweaks  182  00:07:25,130 --> 00:07:27,430  让这玩意儿看着不那么丢人吗  to make it slightly less embarrassing?  183  00:07:28,130 --> 00:07:29,530  谢尔顿  我觉得这个能成  Sheldon, I think this will work.  184  00:07:29,530 --> 00:07:31,190  就按我说的做先  Let's just try it my way.  185  00:07:31,190 --> 00:07:32,520  不好意思  Oh, I'm-I'm sorry.  186  00:07:32,520 --> 00:07:33,510  我以为你希望你的属下  I assumed that you wanted  187  00:07:33,510 --> 00:07:35,540  能畅所欲言  直言进谏  candid truth-telling from your employees,  188  00:07:35,540 --> 00:07:38,110  而我现在意识到  你不过是喜欢  but I realize now, you want the mindless nattering  189  00:07:38,110 --> 00:07:40,290  盲目奉承  沾沾自喜的应声虫  of complacent yes-men.  190  00:07:41,460 --> 00:07:42,200  说完了吗  Are you done?  191  00:07:42,200 --> 00:07:43,810  听你的  头儿  If you say so, boss.  192  00:07:46,410 --> 00:07:48,010  好  按下这个键  So right now, this button-press event  193  00:07:48,010 --> 00:07:49,970  就能调用一个虚拟程序...  is just triggering a dummy procedure call...  194  00:07:49,970 --> 00:07:52,390  应用程序叫这名儿怎样  How about this for the app name?  195  00:07:52,390 --> 00:07:54,990  出奇-好用-微分-方程-相关  The Surprisingly Helpful Equation-Linked  196  00:07:54,990 --> 00:07:58,300  优化-计算器  Differential Optimized Numerator.  197  00:07:59,180 --> 00:08:01,920  首字母连起来就是"谢尔顿"  So it spells "Sheldon."  198  00:08:03,000 --> 00:08:04,080  是吗  Does it?  199  00:08:04,080 --> 00:08:06,140  好巧啊  A happy accident.  200  00:08:07,140 --> 00:08:10,060  现在不急着起名  霍华德  来吧  We're not doing names now. Howard?  201  00:08:10,060 --> 00:08:12,460  我也说了  现在只是个虚拟程序  Like I was saying, right now it's just a dummy procedure,  202  00:08:12,460 --> 00:08:13,910  但最终会进入...  but eventually, it will drop us into...  203  00:08:13,910 --> 00:08:15,830  好吧  如果我们先不起名  All right, fine. If we're not going to give it a name,  204  00:08:15,830 --> 00:08:18,630  好歹起个秘密代号吧  can we at least give it a secret code designation?  205  00:08:19,010 --> 00:08:20,350  -不要  -听我说完  - No. - Hear me out.  206  00:08:20,350 --> 00:08:22,620  原子弹计划的代号是曼哈顿计划  The atomic bomb was The Manhattan Project.  207  00:08:22,620 --> 00:08:25,270  Win95最早的代号是芝加哥计划  Windows 95 was originally Project Chicago.  208  00:08:25,270 --> 00:08:29,740  而咱的应用程序  我低调建议就叫顿尔谢计划好了  For our app, I would humbly suggest Project Nodlehs.  209  00:08:30,850 --> 00:08:33,250  不过是"谢尔顿"倒过来而已  That's just "Sheldon" Backwards.  210  00:08:33,750 --> 00:08:35,610  又是个愉快的巧合啊  Another happy accident.  211  00:08:36,190 --> 00:08:39,180  我们现在不浪费时间起名字  We're not wasting time with names right now.  212  00:08:39,180 --> 00:08:40,530  我懂了  I see.  213  00:08:41,160 --> 00:08:43,110  能公开讨论下这个决议吗  Is that decision open for discussion?  214  00:08:43,110 --> 00:08:44,450  不  No.  215  00:08:44,450 --> 00:08:46,580  能公开讨论下为什么不公开讨论吗  Is the decision to not discuss it open for discussion?  216  00:08:46,580 --> 00:08:47,890  不  No.  217  00:08:48,460 --> 00:08:49,410  再说一遍  Again,  218  00:08:49,410 --> 00:08:51,750  现在这只是个虚拟程序  right now it's just a dummy procedure,  219  00:08:51,750 --> 00:08:53,250  但最终会进入...  but eventually, it will drop us into...  220  00:08:53,250 --> 00:08:54,800  我要对现在的领导人发起不信任投票  I call for a vote of no confidence  221  00:08:54,800 --> 00:08:56,500  并且要求立即更换领导人  and an immediate change in leadership.  222  00:08:56,500 --> 00:08:57,610  谢尔顿  快住口  Sheldon, stop it.  223  00:08:57,610 --> 00:09:00,240  在人类活动过程中  有必要缓解  When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary  224  00:09:00,240 --> 00:09:03,070  三位有能力的科学家的合作关系  to dissolve the bonds that tie three competent scientists together...  225  00:09:03,070 --> 00:09:05,060  -够了  谢尔顿  -好吧  直接开始投票吧  - That's enough, Sheldon. - All right, let's get right to the vote.  226  00:09:05,060 --> 00:09:06,700  现在请所有反对莱纳德  Show of hands-- all those opposed  227  00:09:06,700 --> 00:09:09,160  和他的专制帝国的人  举手  to Leonard and his reign of tyranny.  228  00:09:10,990 --> 00:09:13,070  够了  你被炒了  Okay, that's it, you're fired.  229  00:09:13,580 --> 00:09:15,110  真的吗  Really?  230  00:09:15,630 --> 00:09:17,100  为什么  Why?  231  00:09:18,210 --> 00:09:21,380  因为你没法和人合作  Because you're impossible to work with.  232  00:09:21,380 --> 00:09:22,820  我明白了  I see.  233  00:09:26,540 --> 00:09:28,200  能公开讨论下吗  And is that open for discussion?  234  00:09:34,330 --> 00:09:35,640  你在做什么  What are you doing?  235  00: 09:35,640 --> 00:09:38,710  早上好  大懒虫  Oh. Good morning, shoemaker.  236  00:09:39,170 --> 00:09:40,190  我想你会很高兴看到  I think you'll be pleased  237  00:09:40,190 --> 00:09:42,890  昨晚精灵们的辛勤劳动成果  with what the elves were up to last night.  238  00:09:43,350 --> 00:09:44,490  我不是炒了你么  I fired you.  239  00:09:44,490 --> 00:09:47,480  我知道  我现在是个合同工  Oh, I know. I'm now an independent contractor.  240  00:09:48,250 --> 00:09:50,080  不  你啥都不是  No, you are now nothing.  241  00:09:50,080 --> 00:09:53,450  你和这项目没有一毛钱关系了  You have no connection to this project whatsoever.  242  00:09:53,450 --> 00:09:55,440  但我做了改进  But I made it better.  243  00:09:55,440 --> 00:09:58,390  我不要你做改进  我要按我自己的来  I don't want it better. I want it my way.  244  00:09:58,390 --> 00:10:00,530  这话真是意味深长  是吧  Well, that speaks volumes, doesn't it?  245  00:10:01,370 --> 00:10:05,570  好吧  我想我还是去穿公车裤吧  All right, I suppose I'll go put on my bus pants.  246  00:10:05,570 --> 00:10:07,360  公车裤是什么玩意  What the hell are bus pants?  247  00:10:07,360 --> 00:10:09,870  就是穿在普通裤子外面的裤子  They are pants one wears over one's regular pants  248  00:10:09,870 --> 00:10:11,280  因为你要坐在公车上  when one sits on bus seats  249  00:10:11,280 --> 00:10:13,560  别人坐过的椅子上  that other people have previously sat on.  250  00:10:14,700 --> 00:10:16,920  不过也许你是企业里  But perhaps from your lofty heights  251  00:10:16,920 --> 00:10:19,050  高高在上的领导  恐怕不会理解  atop the corporate ladder, you've lost touch  252  00:10:19,050 --> 00:10:21,750  身为普通人的辛酸苦辣  with the struggles of the common man.  253  00:10:22,660 --> 00:10:25,280  听着  我还是很乐意开车送你去上班  Look, I'm still happy to drive you to work.  254  00:10:25,280 --> 00:10:26,740  在这点上没有改变  Nothing's changed in that regard.  255  00:10:26,740 --> 00:10:29,300  我们还是室友  还是朋友  We're still roommates, we're still friends.  256  00:10:29,300 --> 00:10:32,200  但你却把我  你最好的朋友  Except you identified me, your best friend,  257  00:10:32,200 --> 00:10:34,730  当成一块坏死的肉  as a gangrenous limb that needed to be severed  258  00:10:34,730 --> 00:10:37,130  从组织上割下来再扔掉  from the organism and tossed away.  259  00:10:37,130 --> 00:10:39,030  你这有严重拿破仑情结的小个子  The desperate act of a little man  260  00:10:39,030 --> 00:10:41,550  还真是穷凶极恶  with a big Napoleon complex.  261  00:10:43,780 --> 00:10:45,070  老子告诉你  You know what?  262  00:10:45,070 --> 00:10:47,090  速度穿你的公交裤去吧  Go put on your bus pants.  263  00:10:52,980 --> 00:10:54,490  昨天晚上  我做了个梦  Mm. Last night, I had a dream  264  00:10:54,490 --> 00:10:56,430  我们因为这应用程序发了大财  we got so rich from the app,  265  00:10:56,430 --> 00:10:59,590  我俩买了两幢相邻的别墅  you and I bought matching side-by-side mansions.  266  00:11:00,260 --> 00:11:00,940  但是...  But...  267  00:11:00,940 --> 00:11:02,130  中间有条秘密隧道  there was a secret tunnel  268  00:11:02,130 --> 00:11:05,740  从你的前庭连到我的后院  connecting your front yard to my back yard.  269  00:11:10,330 --> 00:11:12,410  你觉得这是啥意思  What do you think that means?  270  00:11:13,200 --> 00:11:16,960  意思是我们玩完手球后  我在家洗澡  It means after we play handball, I'm showering at home.  271  00:11:20,010 --> 00:11:22,100  早上好  霍华德好友  Good morning, Friend Howard.  272  00:11:22,100 --> 00:11:23,370  拉杰好友  Friend Raj.  273  00:11:23,370 --> 00:11:26,270  两位先生在喝饮料啊  I see you gentlemen are enjoying beverages.  274  00:11:26,270 --> 00:11:30,090  也许这些能让它们喝起来更美味  Perhaps they would taste better out of these.  275  00:11:30,900 --> 00:11:32,530  "世上最伟大的天文物理学家"  "World's Greatest Astrophysicist"?  276  00:11:32,530 --> 00:11:35,340  不用谢我  你应得的  Don't thank me. You earned it.  277  00:11:36,880 --> 00:11:39,250  "霍华德·沃罗威茨"  "Howard Wolowitz."  278  00:11:41,430 --> 00:11:43,900  为啥不是"世上最伟大的工程师"  Why not "World's Greatest Engineer"?  279  00:11:43,900 --> 00:11:44,750  不好意思  I'm sorry.  280  00:11:44,750 --> 00:11:46,620  我在做标签的时候是这么打过  I typed that into the label maker,  281  00:11:46,620 --> 00:11:48,870  但实在按不下确认键  but I just couldn't press enter.  282  00:11:48,870 --> 00:11:50,270  现在谈正事吧  Now down to business.  283  00:11:50,270 --> 00:11:53,040  你们何不抛弃莱纳德  What would it take for you to abandon Leonard  284  00:11:53,040 --> 00:11:55,100  加入竞争对手  我的公司  and join me in a rival company?  285  00:11:55,100 --> 00:11:57,170  要是这两个马克杯还不够  Unless, of course, the mugs are sufficient,  286  00:11:57,170 --> 00:11:59,520  不管怎样  欢迎你们入伙  in which case, welcome aboard.  287  00:12:00,160 --> 00:12:01,710  我们不会抛弃莱纳德  We're not quitting on Leonard.  288  00:12:01,710 --> 00:12:04,720  我明白  你们的忠诚值得赞扬  I understand. Your loyalty is admirable.  289  00:12:04,720 --> 00:12:08,690  但如果我再增加筹码呢  But what if I were to up the ante?  290  00:12:09,180 --> 00:12:10,810  你在说什么鬼  What are you talking about?  291  00:12:10,810 --> 00:12:12,790  字母组合钥匙链  Monogrammed key chains  292  00:12:12,790 --> 00:12:15,060  还配有内置激光  with a built-in laser pointer.  293  00:12:19,150 --> 00:12:20,550  还是不吗  No?  294  00:12:21,400 --> 00:12:23,140  那印有我们大学  How about can cozies  295  00:12:23,140 --> 00:12:26,260  吉祥物的保温罩呢  emblazoned with our university mascot?  296  00:12:27,580 --> 00:12:29,320  冲啊  海狸  Go, Beavers.  297  00:12:31,940 --> 00:12:33,650  我马上回来  I'll be back.  298  00:12:35,430 --> 00:12:37,600  好  我们试下这个  Okay, let's try this one.  299  00:12:40,100 --> 00:12:41,960  "球面汉克尔函数"  "Spherical Hankel function."  300  00:12:41,960 --> 00:12:43,470  稍等  Hold on.  301  00:12:43,750 --> 00:12:44,800  有了  That's it!  302  00:12:44,800 --> 00:12:45,860  中了  Eureka!  303  00:12:45,860 --> 00:12:47,430  喂  我们不是说好"中了"的时候  Hey, we agreed when it was "Eureka" Time,  304  00:12:47,430 --> 00:12:49,620  要一起说的吗  we were all gonna say it together.  305  00:12:50,280 --> 00:12:51,770  好吧  那再一起说一次好了  Fine. Let's say it together.  306  00:12:51,770 --> 00:12:53,840  不了  这个时机已经过了  No. The moment has passed.  307  00:12:54,940 --> 00:12:56,950  你们好  先生们  Greetings, gentlemen.  308  00:12:56,950 --> 00:12:58,730  你们的小项目咋样了  How goes your little project?  309  00:12:58,730 --> 00:13:01,370  你是指  "莱沃帕里"计划吗  You mean, "Project Lenwoloppali"?  310  00:13:02,160 --> 00:13:05,110  是你们名字的组合啊  Ah, a combination of all your names.  311  00:13:05,110 --> 00:13:06,320  真聪明  Very clever.  312  00:13:06,320 --> 00:13:09,650  为啥不是"库萨纳德威茨"呢  I assume "Koothranardowitz" Was taken?  313  00:13:10,960 --> 00:13:13,410  我们在扫描方程  效果还不错  We're actually scanning equations and getting good results.  314  00:13:13,410 --> 00:13:15,910  好吧  你们继续努力吧  Oh, well then, by all means, carry on.  315  00:13:15,910 --> 00:13:17,920  我不想妨碍你们的进程  I wouldn't want to impede your progress.  316  00:13:17,920 --> 00:13:20,370  霍华德  你解决了安装时间的问题了吗  Howard, did you solve the install time problem yet?  317  00:13:20,370 --> 00:13:22,000  没有  这有点难应付  No. It's a little tricky.  318  00:13:22,000 --> 00:13:24,280  我准备查下图书馆的查询系统...  I'm gonna try having it pick up the libraries dyn...  319  00:13:31,740 --> 00:13:33,410  你在搞什么  What are you doing?!  320  00:13:34,240 --> 00:13:36,030  在演奏特雷门琴  Playing the theremin.  321  00:13:38,260 --> 00:13:41,570  不  我是说  你拿特雷门琴在搞什么  No. I mean, what are you doing" type="audio/mpeg" />-->