if your mind is racing and you are having difficulty falling asleep, a few minutes of simple but effective breathing exercises can help calm your nervous system on a chemical level and lead to greater success in hitting the sack. the awareness and control of breath has been a central component of yoga, martial arts and taoism for thousands of years. there are dozens of different methods and exercises you can explore through a good teacher or book. the practice of breath control in yoga is called pranayama. i'll detail a simple pranayama exercise here that is particularly effective for falling asleep called alternate nostril breathing (that's "nadi shodana" for the sanskrit posse
alternate nostril breathing is a great way to clear obstructed nostrils, balance the yin and yang energy of the body and focusing the busy mind on the present for a deliberate and calming exercise. when our nostrils are unobstructed, we involuntarily alternate breathing through one or the other about every two hours. breathing through your right nostril stimulates the left side of the brain (intellectual, analytical, rational thought) and prepares the body for physical action (yang energy). breathing through your left nostril stimulates the right side of the brain (creative, emotional thought) and prepares the body for passive mental activity (yin energy). if both nostrils are not clear, breathing will become imbalanced and so will the energy in your body.
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★ 在心里种花
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