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当前位置: 查字典英语网 >高中英语 > 高考英语 > 高考高考英语 > 高考高考复习指南 > 高中英语语法对话练习《生活大爆炸-第2季》中英双译21素材
00:00:03,330  你是星战银河系里的吗  Okay. Are you from the Star Wars universe?  2  00:00:03,330 --> 00:00:04,500  是  Yes.  3  00:00:04,570 --> 00:00:05,870  是原始三部曲里的吗  Were you in the original trilogy?  4  00:00:05,930 --> 00:00:06,590  是  Yes.  5  00:00:06,590 --> 00:00:10,760  是不是我钱包里 夹着一张你穿金属比基尼的照片  Oh, is there a picture of you in my wallet wearing a metal bikini?  6  00:00:11,930 --> 00:00:13,660  老天  我可不希望如此  God, I hope not.  7  00:00:14,890 --> 00:00:16,660  不对  不是莱娅公主  And no, I'm not Princess Leia.  8  00:00:16,730 --> 00:00:18,190  轮到我了  Okay, okay. My turn. Um...  9  00:00:18,260 --> 00:00:20,560  六部星战电影都有你吗  Are you in all six Star Wars movies?  10  00:00:20,630 --> 00:00:22,160  -对  -有意思  - Yes. - Interesting.  11  00:00:22,230 --> 00:00:23,590  你是机器人吗  Are you a droid?  12  00:00:23,660 --> 00:00:24,630  是  Yes.  13  00:00:24,690 --> 00:00:26,530  是不是有点像闪闪亮的谢尔顿  Do you kind of look like a shiny Sheldon?  14  00:00:29,160 --> 00:00:30,690  是  Yes.  15  00:00:30,760 --> 00:00:32,090  C-3PO  C-3PO.  16  00:00:32,160 --> 00:00:34,330  猜对了  You got it.  17  00:00:34,390 --> 00:00:35,930  太荒谬了  That's preposterous.  18  00:00:35,990 --> 00:00:37,990  我才不像C-3PO呢  I do not resemble C-3PO.  19  00:00:38,060 --> 00:00:39,190  别误会  Don't get me wrong.  20  00:00:39,260 --> 00:00:40,960  虽然受宠若惊  但我不这么认为  I'm flattered. I just don't see it.  21  00:00:43,960 --> 00:00:45,960  [手机铃声:她用科学迷了我的眼]  22  00:00:46,830 --> 00:00:48,330  是莱斯利·温克尔  Leslie Winkle.  23  00:00:48,390 --> 00:00:51,590  接通"互利友人"  You've reached "Friends with Benefits."  24  00:00:51,660 --> 00:00:54,630  性爱电招  请按一  For a booty call, press one now.  25  00:00:57,730 --> 00:00:59,590  什么叫做  What exactly does that expression mean,  26  00:00:59,660 --> 00:01:01,160  "互利友人"  "friends with benefits"?  27  00:01:01,230 --> 00:01:04,760  他给她提供健康保障了?  Does he provide her with health insurance?  28  00:01:04,830 --> 00:01:06,090  不是  No.  29  00:01:06,500 --> 00:01:10,300  想象你和某人 保持性交关系  Imagine you maintained a friendship with someone you had sex with,  30  00:01:10,300 --> 00:01:13,660  但同时能和任何人约会  but you were free to date whoever you wanted.  31  00:01:13,660 --> 00:01:17,100  抱歉  我想不出任何一个  I'm sorry. I can't imagine any of that.  32  00:01:17,160 --> 00:01:19,160  还是玩游戏吧  All right. Back to the game.  33  00:01:19,230 --> 00:01:20,920  应该轮到我了  I believe it's my turn.  34  00:01:21,000 --> 00:01:23,330  你们随时可以提问了  You may begin your questions whenever you're ready.  35  00:01:23,400 --> 00:01:24,300  你是斯波克吧[星战人物]  Are you Spock?  36  00:01:29,330 --> 00:01:31,500  我不喜欢这个游戏  I don't like this game.  37  00:01:32,530 --> 00:01:34,430  轮到谁了  So, where were we?  38  00:01:34,500 --> 00:01:35,930  你不是应招去做爱吗  Aren't you leaving for your booty call?  39  00:01:36,000 --> 00:01:37,930  不是  是其他事  No, it was something else.  40  00:01:38,000 --> 00:01:40,500  怎么什么事都要和性爱挂钩  拜托  Why does everything have to be about sex with you? Come on.  41  00:01:40,570 --> 00:01:42,100  轮到谁了  Whose turn is it?  42  00:01:42,100 --> 00:01:42,950  到你了  We were up to you.  43  00:01:42,950 --> 00:01:44,420  好  开始吧  Great. Just start.  44  00:01:44,420 --> 00:01:46,370  好  Okay, let's see.  45  00:01:46,430 --> 00:01:48,600  你是连续剧里的吗  Are you from a TV series?  46  00:01:48,670 --> 00:01:50,230  她把我甩了  She dumped me!  47  00:01:52,670 --> 00:01:55,100  我看他是《巴比伦5号》的  I bet he's someone from Babylon 5.  48  00:01:55,170 --> 00:01:57,000  我们猜不中了  We're never going to get it.  49  00:02:23,000 --> 00:02:24,730  莱斯利怎么了  为什么甩你  What happened with Leslie? Why did she dump you?  50  00:02:24,800 --> 00:02:26,430  我不知道  她就说  I don't know. She just said,  51  00:02:26,500 --> 00:02:29,500  霍华德  老娘见异思迁了  "Howard, Mama's a rolling stone."  52  00:02:31,630 --> 00:02:34,130  然后电话哔了一声就挂了  Then her call waiting beeped and she was gone.  53  00:02:36,000 --> 00:02:38,230  我不明白  I don't understand.  54  00:02:38,300 --> 00:02:41,000  如果你们之间没有感情  If you were in a non-emotional relationship, then why  55  00:02:41,070 --> 00:02:45,300  怎么情绪反应得这么波动  are you having what appears to be an emotional response?  56  00:02:45,370 --> 00:02:47,430  谢尔顿  他显然对她有感情  Sheldon, he obviously had feelings for her.  57  00:02:47,500 --> 00:02:49,370  我当然对她有感情  Of course I had feelings for her.  58  00:02:49,430 --> 00:02:52,600  我看了她的裸体呢  老天  I saw her naked, for God's sake.  59  00:02:52,670 --> 00:02:55,330  你要转移一下注意力  Okay, look, you just need to get your mind off it.  60  00:02:55,400 --> 00:02:57,170  想不想去漫画书店  Do you want to go to the comic book store?  61  00:02:57,230 --> 00:02:58,270  或者看部电影  Maybe go see a movie?  62  00:02:58,330 --> 00:03:00,470  我哪也不想去  I don't want to go anywhere.  63  00:03:02,270 --> 00:03:05,800  我发现内华达州有一大堆  I'm given to understand that there's an entire city in Nevada  64  00:03:05,870 --> 00:03:08,270  特别设计的城市能帮霍华德这类人  designed specifically to help people like Howard  65  00:03:08,330 --> 00:03:10,670  忘却他们的烦恼  forget their problems.  66  00:03:12,200 --> 00:03:14,400  直接用新烦恼替代  They can replace them with new problems such as alcoholism,  67  00:03:14,470 --> 00:03:18,000  比如酗酒  赌博  性传播疾病  gambling addiction, and sexually transmitted diseases.  68  00:03:19,500 --> 00:03:25,000  是我想错了  还是谢尔顿在说去维加斯  Is it me, or was that Sheldon's way of saying, "Vegas, baby!"?  69  00:03:26,400 --> 00:03:27,870  我没去过那儿  你呢  I've never been there. Have you?  70  00:03:27,930 --> 00:03:29,370  我也没有  Me? No.  71  00:03:29,430 --> 00:03:32,970  我引用文森·沃恩在《摇摆者》里的话而已  I just got "Vegas, baby!" from Vince Vaughn in Swingers.  72  00:03:33,030 --> 00:03:37,370  应该不错啊  反正现在周末也空下来了  It could be fun. I know my weekend's wide open, now that...  73  00:03:41,170 --> 00:03:44,600  就这么办  我们去维加斯吧  Okay, let's do this. Let's go to Las Vegas.  74  00:03:44,670 --> 00:03:46,270  -现在就去吗  -何乐而不为呢  - Now? Right now? - Why not?  75  00:03:46,330 --> 00:03:48,030  大家都做即兴的事  People do things "right now," all the time.  76  00:03:48,100 --> 00:03:49,870  我们也即兴一把  Why can't we be "right now" people, too?  77  00:03:49,930 --> 00:03:52,800  回家收拾行李  我们就是即兴一族了  Go home, pack a bag, and we'll be "right now" people.  78  00:03:52,870 --> 00:03:56,030  但是 我得先去药店买药  I mean, I have to stop at the drug store to refill a prescription,  79  00:03:56,100 --> 00:03:57,530  买完药  我们就即兴去  but after that, we'll go right now.  80  00:03:58,900 --> 00:04:00,030  你意下如何  霍华德  What do you say, Howard?  81  00:04:00,100 --> 00:04:01,930  我觉得  I say...  82  00:04:02,000 --> 00:04:03,700  去维加斯吧  "Vegas, baby!"  83  00:04:03,770 --> 00:04:05,470  你怎么跟你妈说  What are you going to tell your mother?  84  00:04:05,530 --> 00:04:06,830  我去海洋世界  "Sea World, baby!"  85  00:04:11,870 --> 00:04:13,270  谢尔顿  你去吗  Hey, Sheldon, are you coming?  86  00:04:13,330 --> 00:04:15,630  即使让丽蝇在我耳道里  I'd rather have a blowfly lay eggs  87  00:04:15,700 --> 00:04:19,130  产卵孵幼虫  我也不去  and hatch larvae in my auditory canal.  88  00:04:20,600 --> 00:04:22,900  行  我们会给你带T恤  Great. We'll bring you back a t-shirt.  89  00:04:26,630 --> 00:04:27,900  谢谢  Thank you.  90  00:04:29,000 --> 00:04:30,870  你好啊  邻居  Hello, neighbor.  91  00:04:30,930 --> 00:04:32,200  你好  谢尔顿  Hello, Sheldon.  92  00:04:32,270 --> 00:04:34,900  这个美好的夜晚过得愉快么  And how are you this fine evening?  93  00:04:34,970 --> 00:04:36,200  愉快  Great.  94  00:04:36,270 --> 00:04:37,900  很好  真高兴  Good. I'm glad.  95  00:04:37,970 --> 00:04:39,170  是吗  Really?  96  00:04:39,230 --> 00:04:41,030  你喝醉了?  Are you drunk?  97  00:04:41,100 --> 00:04:42,970  我就是心情好嘛  I'm just in a good mood.  98  00:04:43,030 --> 00:04:45,170  我的同胞们都去维加斯了  While my compatriots are in Las Vegas,  99  00:04:45,230 --> 00:04:49,570  我就能在这美好的夜晚 独自享受《孤独要塞》了  I will be enjoying a blissful evening in my personal Fortress of Solitude.  100  00:04:49,630 --> 00:04:53,270  你指的是超人的那个大冰冻那啥对吧  That's Superman's big ice thingy, right?  101  00:04:53,330 --> 00:04:55,130  我现在心情好  You know, I'm in such a good mood,  102  00:04:55,200 --> 00:04:57,030  居然觉得你对英语词汇掌握之贫乏  I'm actually finding your tenuous grasp  103  00:04:57,100 --> 00:05:01,570  甚至有一点可爱的说  of the English language folksy and charming today.  104  00:05:01,630 --> 00:05:03,770  什么闻着这么香  Mmm. What smells so good?  105  00:05:03,830 --> 00:05:08,070  这是奶油咖喱的醉人香气  That is the intoxicating aroma of Kadhai Paneer,  106  00:05:08,130 --> 00:05:09,900  更是对这个自由的傍晚  a perfect culinary representation  107  00:05:09,970 --> 00:05:11,430  通过美食的完美体现  of the freedom this evening holds.  108  00:05:11,500 --> 00:05:14,800  这不光是库萨帕里所厌恶的印度美食  Not only is it Indian cuisine, which Koothrappali loathes,  109  00:05:14,870 --> 00:05:16,930  并且有大量花生作为配菜  it contains a generous helping of peanuts,  110  00:05:17,000 --> 00:05:20,070  能把沃罗威茨变成一个97磅的呼哧呼哧的大泡泡  which would reduce Wolowitz to a wheezing 97-pound blister.  111  00:05:22,400 --> 00:05:26,900  还有  主料是干酪  一种农家芝士  And finally, its main ingredient is paneer, a farmer's cheese  112  00:05:26,970 --> 00:05:29,400  莱纳德食用后会瞬间让同房间的人  that would cause Leonard to render any room uninhabitable  113  00:05:29,470 --> 00:05:31,470  死不见血  within minutes.  114  00:05:32,670 --> 00:05:34,630  好吃啊  Yum.  115  00:05:36,330 --> 00:05:37,930  那就祝你晚上玩得开心  Well, enjoy your big evening.  116  00:05:38,000 --> 00:05:39,130  佩妮  Penny.  117  00:05:39,200 --> 00:05:42,170  我知道你今晚也是一个人  I realize you're also on your own tonight,  118  00:05:42,230 --> 00:05:44,730  如果你万一觉得一个人无聊了  so if, at some point, you find yourself with nothing to do,  119  00:05:44,800 --> 00:05:47,130  请不要来打扰我  please do not disturb me.  120  00:05:48,570 --> 00:05:49,930  谢尔顿  玩得开心  Have fun, Sheldon.  121  00:05:50,000 --> 00:05:52,400  当然会了  Oh, I shall.  122  00:06:02,600 --> 00:06:05,500  不要啊  No!  123  00:06:06,800 --> 00:06:08,200  超人同志  您怎么了  What's wrong, Superman?  124  00:06:08,270 --> 00:06:10,330  被锁在你的大冰冻那啥外面了么  Locked out of your big ice thingy?  125  00:06:18,530 --> 00:06:20,170  快看  Look at this.  126  00:06:20,230 --> 00:06:22,600  漱口水  润肤露  沐浴液  Mouthwash, lotion, body wash.  127  00:06:22,670 --> 00:06:23,630  洗发水护发素  Shampoo and conditioner  128  00:06:23,700 --> 00:06:26,970  全部在一个小瓶子里  together in one tiny bottle.  129  00:06:27,030 --> 00:06:28,830  我爱拉斯维加斯  I love Las Vegas.  130  00:06:28,900 --> 00:06:32,230  霍华德  能借我你的须后水用用么  Howard, could I borrow some aftershave?  131  00:06:32,300 --> 00:06:34,030  黑色的包里  上面那层  Black case, top compartment.  132  00:06:40,130 --> 00:06:42,430  这么多古龙水  That's a lot of cologne.  133  00:06:42,500 --> 00:06:44,770  第一排是你要的麝香型  First row are your musks. Second is woods,  134  00:06:44,830 --> 00:06:47,100  第二排是木头 皮革和植物味  leathers and botanicals.  135  00:06:47,170 --> 00:06:50,870  第三排是配套的外激素  慎用  Third is assorted pheromones. Tread lightly.  136  00:06:56,600 --> 00:06:59,730  霍华德  精神可嘉  That's the spirit, Howard.  137  00:06:59,800 --> 00:07:01,830  我们能行  Yes, we can.  138  00:07:04,170 --> 00:07:06,100  我们走吧  Come on. Let's go.  139  00:07:06,170 --> 00:07:08,870  你们先去  我还有封邮件要回  You guys go ahead. I just have to finish up an email.  140  00:07:08,930 --> 00:07:12,730  才不是邮件呢  你在看莱斯利的FACEBOOK主页  That's not an email. That's Leslie's Facebook page.  141  00:07:12,800 --> 00:07:13,900  好吧  Okay, fine.  142  00:07:13,970 --> 00:07:15,330  我是在看她的主页  I'm checking her Facebook page.  143  00:07:15,400 --> 00:07:17,630  你看她的状态更新了  她说她把我甩了  Look at her status update. She's saying she dumped me.  144  00:07:17,700 --> 00:07:19,270  大家需要知道是我甩了她  People need to know I dumped her.  145  00:07:20,300 --> 00:07:21,770  事实是她甩你啊  But she did dump you.  146  00:07:21,830 --> 00:07:25,730  拉杰  醒醒吧  互联网上无事实  Grow up, Raj. There's no place for truth on the Internet.  147  00:07:28,670 --> 00:07:31,470  你们先去吧  我等下就去找你们  Just go. I'll catch up with you.  148  00:07:31,530 --> 00:07:33,030  好吧  All right.  149  00:07:33,100 --> 00:07:36,200  我们该计划一下  万一我们走桃花运呢  Oh, we should have a plan in case one of us gets lucky.  150  00:07:39,370 --> 00:07:42,030  如果我走运了  我就带她  Okay, uh, if I get lucky, I'll take her  151  00:07:42,100 --> 00:07:45,070  去我在哥谭城外的古堡[蝙蝠侠居住的城市]  to my stately manner outside Gotham City, and...  152  00:07:45,130 --> 00:07:48,230  如果你走运了  我就去月亮上睡  if you get lucky, I'll sleep on the moon.  153  00:07:49,830 --> 00:07:52,100  计划不错  Sounds like a plan.  154  00:07:53,470 --> 00:07:56,570  等着  我记得备用钥匙就放在这附近  Hang on. I think the emergency key is around here somewhere.  155  00:07:56,630 --> 00:07:58,970  我们有个碗  We have a bowl.  156  00:07:59,030 --> 00:08:02,000  钥匙都放那个碗里  Our keys go in a bowl.  157  00:08:02,070 --> 00:08:04,000  你应该弄个碗  You should get a bowl.  158  00:08:04,070 --> 00:08:06,630  那么请问美丽心灵的谢尔顿·库珀  So, how did the beautiful mind of Sheldon Cooper  159  00:08:06,700 --> 00:08:08,500  是怎么忘带钥匙的  forget his key in the first place?  160  00:08:08,570 --> 00:08:11,700  我把它们落在碗里了  I left them in the bowl.  161  00:08:13,000 --> 00:08:14,930  我想起来备用钥匙在哪了  I just remembered where the emergency key is.  162  00:08:15,000 --> 00:08:17,100  -在哪  -在你们家  - Where? - In your apartment.  163  00:08:17,170 --> 00:08:18,230  怎么在我们家  What's it doing in my apartment?  164  00:08:18,230 --> 00:08:20,300  我几周前去过  Well, I went in there a few weeks ago,  165  00:08:20,300 --> 00:08:22,300  你们不在家  被我落在那了  and you guys weren't home and I forgot it there.  166  00:08:22,370 --> 00:08:23,600  你进了我...为什么  You went in my... Why would...  167  00:08:23,670 --> 00:08:26,030  你说什么呢  What are you saying?  168  00:08:26,100 --> 00:08:27,400  没什么大不了的  It's not a big deal. I was making  169  00:08:27,470 --> 00:08:28,600  我泡咖啡的时候没牛奶了  coffee and I ran out of milk.  170  00:08:28,670 --> 00:08:31,370  你就是那个偷奶贼啊  You're the milk thief!  171  00:08:33,030 --> 00:08:37,370  莱纳德说我疯了 但我知道牛奶盒是轻了一些  Leonard said I was crazy, but I knew that carton felt lighter.  172  00:08:37,430 --> 00:08:38,900  好啦  谢尔顿  淡定  All right. Sheldon, look. Just calm down.  173  00:08:38,970 --> 00:08:41,570  我给公寓管理员打电话  叫他来开门  I will call the building manager and he'll come open your door.  174  00:08:41,630 --> 00:08:43,500  你可以一边等  一边吃饭  You just eat your dinner here while you're waiting.  175  00:08:43,570 --> 00:08:46,900  吃?  我的晚饭?  在你家?  Eat? My dinner? In your apartment?  176  00:08:46,970 --> 00:08:47,900  是啊  怎么了  Yeah. Why not?  177  00:08:47,970 --> 00:08:50,270  是啊  怎么了  Sure. Why not?  178  00:08:50,330 --> 00:08:52,900  日落之后  我们再坐着我的小皮卡  And after the sun's down, we can all pile in my pickup  179  00:08:52,970 --> 00:08:55,330  去小溪边裸泳多好  and go skinny-dipping down at the crick.  180  00:08:55,330 --> 00:08:59,330  因为今天是失去理智的日子  Cause today is the day to stop making sense.  181  00:09:04,330 --> 00:09:05,570  谢谢  Thanks.  182  00:09:05,630 --> 00:09:07,970  告诉你  莱纳德  老虎机  I'm telling you, Leonard... video slots...  183  00:09:08,030 --> 00:09:11,000  大胸吧台妹端来的免费饮料  free drinks brought to us by a bosomy barmaid  184  00:09:11,070 --> 00:09:13,700  只要三块九毛五的鲜虾自助  and all you can eat shrimp for $3.95.  185  00:09:15,230 --> 00:09:18,570  迪斯尼一边去吧  Disneyland can suck it.  186  00:09:20,400 --> 00:09:23,930  这里真是人间仙境  This is the real happiest place on earth.  187  00:09:26,630 --> 00:09:28,230  哥们快看  Dude, check it out!  188  00:09:28,300 --> 00:09:29,970  还有整月的洗衣钱  That's laundry for a month!  189  00:09:39,770 --> 00:09:42,030  你好  Hello.  190  00:09:42,100 --> 00:09:43,700  你叫什么  What's your name?  191  00:09:43,770 --> 00:09:47,370  拉杰·罗摩衍那·库萨帕里  Rajesh Ramayan Koothrappali.  192  00:09:47,430 --> 00:09:49,500  你好  拉杰拉杰·罗...  Hello, Rajesh Ra--  193  00:09:49,570 --> 00:09:52,200  嗨  拉杰  Hi, Rajesh.  194  00:09:52,270 --> 00:09:53,200  我是迈克拉  I'm Michaela.  195  00:09:53,270 --> 00:09:54,400  你好  迈克拉  Hello, Michaela.  196  00:09:54,470 --> 00:09:56,970  你想来个小小的聚会么  So, you interested in a little party?  197  00:09:57,030 --> 00:10:01,030  好啊  我喜欢聚会  Why, yes, I love to party.  198  00:10:01,100 --> 00:10:02,730  聚会是我的中间名  Party is my middle name.  199  00:10:02,800 --> 00:10:06,730  如果不是罗摩衍那的话  Or, it would be if it weren't Ramayan.  200  00:10:06,800 --> 00:10:09,370  拉杰  我能和你说句话么  Uh, Raj, can I... can I talk to you for a moment?  201  00:10:09,430 --> 00:10:10,470  莱纳德  现在不行  Not now, Leonard.  202  00:10:10,530 --> 00:10:12,200  迈克拉邀请我去聚会呢  Michaela's inviting me to a party.  203  00:10:12,270 --> 00:10:14,030  你最好给月亮打个电话  You better call the moon  204  00:10:14,100 --> 00:10:16,000  确认一下他们有没有给你备床  and make sure they have a bed for you.  205  00:10:18,900 --> 00:10:21,130  拜托  我真的有话要跟你说  Yeah. I really need to talk to you.  206  00:10:21,200 --> 00:10:22,830  抱歉  我马上回来  Excuse me. I'll be right back.  207  00:10:22,900 --> 00:10:24,030  不要乱跑哦  Don't go anywhere.  208  00:10:24,100 --> 00:10:26,030  最好连动都不要动  保持造型哦  Don't move. Just stay the beautiful,  209  00:10:26,100 --> 00:10:28,870  你就像一朵未经采摘  娇艳欲滴的美式鲜花  unspoiled American flower that you are.  210  00:10:30,230 --> 00:10:31,430  伙计  你发什么神经啊  What's wrong with you, dude?  211  00:10:31,500 --> 00:10:33,770  那个女人已经深深地被我的雄性激素吸引了  That woman was all up in my jammy.  212  00:10:33,830 --> 00:10:38,070  好吧  我真的不想打击 你所谓的"雄性激素"  Okay. I hate to break this to you and whatever your "jammy" is,  213  00:10:38,130 --> 00:10:40,830  但我可以肯定她只是个娼妓  but I'm pretty sure she's a prostitute.  214  00:10:40,900 --> 00:10:42,270  什么  What?  215  00:10:43,470 --> 00:10:45,270  不能吧  No...  216  00:10:45,500 --> 00:10:46,730  那我换个方式解释吧  Let me put it this way:  217  00:10:46,800 --> 00:10:49,610  在你的一生中  能有几个超级美女  In your entire life, how many gorgeous women  218  00:10:49,610 --> 00:10:51,080  会一进酒吧就过来跟你搭讪  have walked straight up to you in a bar  219  00:10:51,080 --> 00:10:52,970  还问你要不要去参加派对?  and asked if you wanted to party?  220  00:10:55,870 --> 00:10:58,330  或许我可以感化她  Maybe I can save her.  221  00:10:59,970 --> 00:11:04,470  或许吧  但我猜你可能会为此 付出每小时500美元的代价  Maybe, but I'm guessing it'll cost you about $500 an hour to try.  222  00:11:08,900 --> 00:11:13,670  很高兴认识你 祝你的未来更加灿烂美好  It was lovely meeting you. Best of luck in your future endeavors.  223  00:11:14,830 --> 00:11:16,230  随你便  Whatever.  224  00:11:17,870 --> 00:11:19,500  天啊  我已经开始想她了  Oh, I miss her already.  225  00:11:23,330 --> 00:11:26,100  看来霍华德不行了  Oh, Howard's losing it.  226  00:11:26,230 --> 00:11:28,270  他在博客上最新的留言写着  Check out his latest Twitters.  227  00:11:28,330 --> 00:11:31,470  我正处于黑洞的最底端 凝视着绝望的深渊  "I'm at the bottom of a black hole "staring into the abyss.  228  00:11:31,470 --> 00:11:35,670  我的生活毫无意义  我的未来一片茫然  My life is meaningless. My future is without hope."  229  00:11:35,740 --> 00:11:38,510  要不带他去看蓝人乐队吧  Why don't we take him to see the Blue Man Group?  230  00:11:38,570 --> 00:11:40,510  你觉得会有用吗  You think that'd help?  231  00:11:40,570 --> 00:11:44,440  "今日美国"称他们为"老少咸宜爆笑组合"  USA Today calls them "exuberant fun for the whole family."  232  00:11:44,510 --> 00:11:48,240  我不知道  霍华德不是那种 通吃老少咸宜乐趣的人  I don't know. Howard isn't really the family fun kind of guy.  233  00:11:48,310 --> 00:11:51,340  真可惜他没在这  见不到那个妓女  It's too bad he wasn't here for that hooker.  234  00:11:51,410 --> 00:11:54,270  她绝对是他喜欢的类型  标准的妓女  She's exactly his type; a hooker.  235  00:11:55,910 --> 00:11:59,810  如果给钱请她帮忙  霍华德一定能振作起来  You know, I bet if we hired her, that would cheer him up.  236  00:11:59,870 --> 00:12:02,270  我坚决不同意让妓女去安抚沃罗威茨  We're not gonna get Wolowitz a hooker.  237  00:12:06,270 --> 00:12:09,040  我是如此孤独  熊熊的欲火燃烧着我  "I'm so lonely and horny,  238  00:12:09,110 --> 00:12:13,470  我随时会开一瓶20美元的花生酱  然后全部干掉  I may open this $20 jar of peanuts and end it all."  239  00:12:18,240 --> 00:12:21,410  让她报个价  应该不会被打吧  I suppose it wouldn't hurt to get an estimate.  240  00:12:24,770 --> 00:12:27,910  你今天过得好吗  So how was your day?  241  00:12:29,540 --> 00:12:32,170  你想跟我聊家常吗  Are you trying to make small talk?  242  00:12:32,240 --> 00:12:34,240  亲爱的  你真的不必这么做  Oh, sweetie, you really don't have to.  243  00:12:34,310 --> 00:12:37,270  错  这是个惯有的习俗  No, it's the accepted convention.  244  00:12:39,110 --> 00:12:41,770  你今天过得好吗  How was your day?  245  00:12:43,370 --> 00:12:46,340  他们把餐厅的值班表全都打乱了  Well, uh, they shifted my schedule around at the restaurant,  246  00:12:46,410 --> 00:12:47,910  所以我的时间会跟平时有点不一样  so my hours are gonna be a little differe...  247  00:12:47,970 --> 00:12:50,440  抱歉  我对此一点都不感兴趣  快吃吧  I'm sorry. That's not going to interest me at all. Just eat.  248  00:12:59,140 --> 00:13:01,170  你好啊  小姐  Hello again.  249  00:13:01,240 --> 00:13:02,670  你们好啊  Oh, hi.  250  00:13:02,740 --> 00:13:05,170  你好  如果您不忙的话  Yeah, hi. Listen, um... if you're not busy,  251  00:13:05,240 --> 00:13:08,310  我们想知道你是否...  we were thinking maybe you could...  252  00:13:09,240 --> 00:13:10,670  我们其实是想问...  We were wondering...  253  00:13:10,740 --> 00:13:13,440  你到底是不是娼妓  ...if you're really a prostitute.  254  00:13:13,510 --> 00:13:15,070  你们是警察吗  You guys cops?  255  00:13:15,140 --> 00:13:15,770  当然不是  No.  256  00:13:15,840 --> 00:13:17,670  那好  我是娼妓  I'm a prostitute.  257  00:13:17,740 --> 00:13:19,940  太好了  Okay, great.  258  00:13:28,740 --> 00:13:31,440  事情是这样的  我们有个朋友  Uh, the thing is, we've got this friend,  259  00:13:31,510 --> 00:13:33,440  他被甩了  很沮丧  and he's kind of down in the dumps.  260  00:13:33,510 --> 00:13:35,770  我们觉得你可以让他振作起来  And we thought maybe you could cheer him up.  261  00:13:35,840 --> 00:13:38,010  用你的床上功夫  With sex.  262  00:13:39,210 --> 00:13:41,370  不用说的这么直白吧  I think she knows what I meant.  263  00:13:41,440 --> 00:13:43,270  你在那兜来兜去她怎么可能明白  How can she when you beat around the bush?  264  00:13:43,340 --> 00:13:44,540  她可是红灯区的  She's from the mean streets  265  00:13:44,610 --> 00:13:47,210  那里的人都是二话不说直接干正事的  where they shoot from the hip and keep it real.  266  00:13:48,640 --> 00:13:51,070  放心吧  我会好好照顾你们的朋友  Don't worry. I can take good care of your friend.  267  00:13:51,140 --> 00:13:52,910  好的  太棒了  Okay, terrific.  268  00:13:52,970 --> 00:13:56,870  那请问能不能不让他  Uh, um... listen, is there a way that we can do this  269  00:13:56,940 --> 00:14:00,340  知道你的真实身份是...  where he doesn't know that you're a, you know...  270  00:14:00,410 --> 00:14:02,840  娼妓  Prostitute.  271  00:14:02,910 --> 00:14:04,970  你们想要女友式的服务啊  You want the girlfriend experience.  272  00:14:05,040 --> 00:14:06,740  对  对  正是  Yes. Yeah, exactly.  273  00:14:06,810 --> 00:14:08,540  女友式的服务  The girlfriend experience.  274  00:14:08,610 --> 00:14:10,540  其实  能不能再问一下  Actually, if it's not too much to ask,  275  00:14:10,610 --> 00:14:13,340  能不能搞成犹太人式的女友服务  could we have the Jewish girlfriend experience?  276  00:14:15,840 --> 00:14:17,370  这是第20个问题了  Okay, that's question 20.  277  00:14:17,440 --> 00:14:18,670  你接着猜  You have to guess.  278  00:14:18,740 --> 00:14:22,110  谢尔顿  放过我吧  I don't know, Sheldon.  279  00:14:22,170 --> 00:14:25,510  你是《星球大战》吗  Are you Star Wars?  280  00:14:25,570 --> 00:14:29,910  一个人怎么可能变身成一部电影呢  How can one person be a whole movie?  281  00:14:29,970 --> 00:14:32,270  我放弃了  能不能找点别的事干  Okay, I give up. Can we just do something else?  282  00:14:32,340 --> 00:14:34,740  好吧  Fine.  283  00:14:34,810 --> 00:14:37,270  其实人家是斯波克啦  I was Spock.  284  00:14:40,670 --> 00:14:43,870  你和莱纳德是"互利友人"吗  Are you and Leonard friends with benefits?  285  00:14:43,940 --> 00:14:45,870  什么  What?  286  00:14:45,940 --> 00:14:48,110  你和莱纳德是"互利友人"吗  Are you and Leonard friends with benefits?  287  00:14:48,170 --> 00:14:49,640  这是谁无中生有的  Where did that even come from?  288  00:14:49,710 --> 00:14:50,770  是他说的吗  Did he say we were?  289  00:14:50,840 --> 00:14:51,840  不  莱纳德什么都没说  No, Leonard said nothing.  290  00:14:51,910 --> 00:14:53,710  但他假装说你的信寄错了  But who knows what goes on over here  291  00:14:53,770 --> 00:14:56,970  谁知道你们到底在搞什么  when he pretends your mail was misdelivered?  292  00:14:57,040 --> 00:14:59,440  只是寄信  没有其他  Just mail, no benefits.  293  00:14:59,510 --> 00:15:01,340  我明白了  I see.  294  00:15:01,410 --> 00:15:02,640  你为什么问这个  Why are you asking?  295  00:15:02,710 --> 00:15:06,340  我对于整个交际圈很是好奇  I'm curious about the whole social construct.  296  00:15:06,410 --> 00:15:10,370  表面上看来 关于满足个人性欲方面  On its face, the idea of satisfying one's sexual appetite--  297  00:15:10,440 --> 00:15:12,370  假设某人受到这方面的折磨  assuming one is afflicted with such--  298  00:15:12,440 --> 00:15:17,560  没有感情上的纠葛 这看似相当具有实用性  without emotional entanglement, that seems eminently practical.  299  00:15:17,590 --> 00:15:22,570  不过  据我观察 霍华德·沃罗维茨却是 哭得像个小女孩一样  What I've observed, however, is Howard Wolowitz crying like a little girl.  300  00:15:22,640 --> 00:15:26,740  有些人只是无法处理好 那种关系而已  Well, some people just can't handle that kind of relationship.  301  00:15:26,810 --> 00:15:29,440  你能么  Can you?  302  00:15:31,410 --> 00:15:32,840  什么  Excuse me?  303  00:15:32,910 --> 00:15:34,940  你能否做到跟一个与自己  Are you able to have sex with men  304  00:15:35,010 --> 00:15:36,810  毫无情感依恋的男人上床呢  without developing an emotional attachment?  305  00:15:36,870 --> 00:15:42,310  谢尔顿  我实在不想跟你讨论这个话题  Sheldon, I really don't want to talk about this with you.  306  00:15:42,370 --> 00:15:44,510  这个话题让你感到不适了吗  Is this conversation making you uncomfortable?  307  00:15:44,570 --> 00:15:47,110  当然了  我很不爽  看不出来吗  Of course it's making me uncomfortable. Can't you tell?  308  00:15:47,170 --> 00:15:48,670  我看不出来  I really have no idea.  309  00:15:48,740 --> 00:15:49,870  我实在不擅长解读  I don't particularly excel  310  00:15:49,940 --> 00:15:51,640  脸部表情和肢体语言  at reading facial expressions, body language...  311  00:15:51,710 --> 00:15:54,170  我要发飙了  谢同学  I'm uncomfortable, Sheldon!  312  00:15:55,240 --> 00:15:58,010  谢谢  我了解了  Thank you. That's very helpful.  313  00:15:59,370 --> 00:16:03,310  好啦  极品虾仁在哪儿呢  All right, where are these amazing shrimp?  314  00:16:03,370 --> 00:16:05,540  看  Behold.  315  00:16:07,670 --> 00:16:11,440  说真的  你觉得这有婴儿手臂大吗  Seriously, you think this is the size of a baby's arm?  316  00:16:11,510 --> 00:16:14,270  迷你婴儿  A little baby.  317  00:16:14,340 --> 00:16:16,610  我回房间了  Okay, I'm going back to the room.  318  00:16:16,670 --> 00:16:20,770  天啊  上一盘上等"胸肉" 他们会死么!  Boy, would it maybe kill them to put out a nice brisket?  319  00:16:31,140 --> 00:16:34,870  你好  我叫霍华德·沃罗维茨  Hi, there. Howard Wolowitz.  320  00:16:34,940 --> 00:16:37,070  我叫埃斯特·罗森布拉特  Esther Rosenblatt.  321  00:16:43,210 --> 00:16:47,140  看来管理员今晚不来了  给你  I don't think the manager's coming tonight, so here.  322  00:16:47,210 --> 00:16:50,310  你准备让我睡沙发么  Are you suggesting I sleep on the" type="audio/mpeg" />-->