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当前位置: 查字典英语网 >高中英语 > 高考英语 > 高考高考英语 > 高考高考复习指南 > 高中英语语法对话练习《生活大爆炸-第3季》中英双译3素材
00:03:18,810  生活大爆炸  第三季第三集  2  00:00:01,380 --> 00:00:04,720  今晚我要出去  心情大好  I'm going out tonight, I'm feelin' alright  3  00:00:04,810 --> 00:00:08,800  我要好好爽一下  Gonna let it all hang out  4  00:00:09,050 --> 00:00:12,840  放声歌唱  升三个八度  Wanna make some noise, really raise my voice  5  00:00:13,010 --> 00:00:16,880  耶  我要大唱大叫  Yeah, I wanna scream and shout  6  00:00:16,880 --> 00:00:20,420  滴滴啦啦  De-de-de, de-de-de-de-de, uh  7  00:00:20,630 --> 00:00:24,130  不  早安  谢尔顿  和我一起跳舞吧  No.. Morning, Sheldon. Come dance with me.  8  00:00:25,900 --> 00:00:27,370  不要  No.  9  00:00:27,430 --> 00:00:29,940  干嘛不要  Why not?  10  00:00:29,990 --> 00:00:32,440  佩妮  我支持"多个世界"理论  Penny, while I subscribe to  11  00:00:32,510 --> 00:00:34,940  这个理论表明  The "many worlds" theory which pots the existence  12  00:00:34,990 --> 00:00:36,540  在无限个宇宙中存在着  Of an infinite number of sheldons  13  00:00:36,610 --> 00:00:38,210  无限个谢尔顿  In an infinite number of universes,  14  00:00:38,280 --> 00:00:41,630  我向你保证其中没一个"我"是在跳舞的  I assure you that in none of them am I dancing.  15  00:00:42,220 --> 00:00:45,950  那这些"你"里有没有幽默一点的  Are you fun in any of them?  16  00:00:46,020 --> 00:00:46,870  根据推算  The math would suggest  17  00:00:46,950 --> 00:00:49,640  其中有几个"我"是糖娃娃  That in a few I'm a clown made of candy.  18  00:00:50,940 --> 00:00:52,600  但是绝不跳舞  But I don't dance.  19  00:00:53,450 --> 00:00:54,880  行吧  来点法式吐司不  Alright, want some French toast?  20  00:00:54,910 --> 00:00:56,980  今天是燕麦粥日  It's oatmeal day.  21  00:00:57,050 --> 00:01:01,450  这样吧  下个法式吐司日  我给你煮燕麦粥  Tell you what, next French toast day, I'll make you oatmeal.  22  00:01:01,520 --> 00:01:05,150  神啊  你还要在这赖到法式吐司日啊  Dear lord, are you still going to be here on French toast day?  23  00:01:09,330 --> 00:01:10,580  早啊  Morning.  24  00:01:10,610 --> 00:01:11,560  莱纳德  你看啊  Look, Leonard,  25  00:01:11,610 --> 00:01:13,500  佩妮烤了法式吐司  Penny made French toast.  26  00:01:13,560 --> 00:01:15,900  抱歉我还没给她你的用餐日程表  Sorry I haven't given her your schedule yet.  27  00:01:15,950 --> 00:01:17,530  那是个iCal[Apple电子日程表]下载啊  It's an iCal download.  28  00:01:17,580 --> 00:01:19,270  她可以直接下到手机里的  She can put it right in her phone.  29  00:01:19,340 --> 00:01:20,990  而且我想咱们说好了的  And I thought we agreed  30  00:01:21,010 --> 00:01:23,590  你们只在她那儿行房事  That you'd have your conjugal visits in her apartment.  31  00:01:23,670 --> 00:01:26,510  是说好了  但是现在是特殊情况  We did, but there were extenuating circumstances.  32  00:01:26,590 --> 00:01:27,580  我明白了  I see.  33  00:01:27,630 --> 00:01:29,040  她浑身的傻气  Did her abysmal housekeeping skills  34  00:01:29,100 --> 00:01:30,880  终于被她那盖世的家务活能力打压下去了是吗  Finally trump her perkiness?  35  00:01:32,220 --> 00:01:37,090  不  是她的床有点散架了  No, her bed kind of... Broke.  36  00:01:37,150 --> 00:01:39,420  这是不太可能的  That doesn't seem likely.  37  00:01:39,490 --> 00:01:41,740  她的床的构造很结实  Her bed's of sturdy construction.  38  00:01:41,810 --> 00:01:42,630  就算多承重一个  Even the addition of a second  39  00:01:42,680 --> 00:01:45,310  正常体型的人类也不会引致其床架松动的  Normal size human being wouldn't cause a structural failure,  40  00:01:45,400 --> 00:01:47,950  更别提像你这样的小雏形人了  Much less a homunculus such as yourself.  41  00:01:49,270 --> 00:01:50,620  小雏形人  A homunculus?  42  00:01:50,700 --> 00:01:54,040  功能健全的迷你型人类  Perfectly formed miniature human being.  43  00:01:54,120 --> 00:01:58,440  你这我的小宝贝雏形人  Oh, you're my little homunculus.  44  00:01:58,510 --> 00:02:00,010  别这样  Don't do that.  45  00:02:00,580 --> 00:02:03,220  抱歉 好啦  谁要普通糖浆谁要肉桂糖浆呀  Sorry. Okay, who wants syrup and who wants cinnamon sugar?  46  00:02:03,220 --> 00:02:04,400  我要燕麦粥  I want oatmeal.  47  00:02:04,470 --> 00:02:05,570  行啊  Yes, well  48  00:02:05,600 --> 00:02:08,280  我想要个室友不是大混蛋的男朋友  I want a boyfriend whose roommate isn't a giant pain in the ass.  49  00:02:08,750 --> 00:02:11,080  这个愿望很快就能实现了  I'm sure that will happen soon enough.  50  00:02:11,770 --> 00:02:14,590  但我还是要燕麦粥  But in the meantime, I still want oatmeal.  51  00:02:15,160 --> 00:02:16,790  得了  我投降  You know what, I give up.  52  00:02:16,860 --> 00:02:17,990  怎么会有他这种人  He's impossible.  53  00:02:17,990 --> 00:02:20,850  怎么会没有  我就是存在的  I can't be impossible, I exist.  54  00:02:20,910 --> 00:02:22,700  我相信你想说的是  I believe what you meant to say is,  55  00:02:22,750 --> 00:02:25,230  "我投降  这种人几乎是不存在的"  "I give up, he's improbable."  56  00:02:30,810 --> 00:02:32,890  谢尔顿  你真得换个方式  Sheldon, you really need to find a better way  57  00:02:32,980 --> 00:02:34,140  和佩妮相处了  Of dealing with penny.  58  00:02:34,140 --> 00:02:35,380  那我该怎么做  What am I supposed to do--  59  00:02:35,450 --> 00:02:37,180  在礼拜一吃法式吐司吗  Eat french toast on a Monday?  60  00:02:37,230 --> 00:02:39,880  这种情况才是不存在的  Now, that would be impossible.  61  00:02:40,450 --> 00:02:42,570  我只是说  你想抓苍蝇的话得用蜂蜜  I'm just saying, you can catch more flies with honey  62  00:02:42,600 --> 00:02:43,770  而不是醋  Than with vinegar.  63  00:02:43,840 --> 00:02:45,890  你用粪粪还能抓更多呢  You can catch even more flies with manure.  64  00:02:45,960 --> 00:02:47,260  你到底想说什么  What's your point?  65  00:02:47,320 --> 00:02:48,890  这个...  It's a...  66  00:02:53,280 --> 00:02:55,700  天  还挺香的呢  Boy, that does smell good.  67  00:02:55,770 --> 00:02:57,150  太遗憾了  今儿就是礼拜一  Too bad it's Monday.  68  00:03:25,510 --> 00:03:28,220  我们经理基姆去休产假了  Okay, Kim the night manager went on maternity leave  69  00:03:28,310 --> 00:03:29,940  她老公叫桑迪  And her husband's name is Sandy, right?  70  00:03:30,010 --> 00:03:31,210  然后  So get this--  71  00:03:31,280 --> 00:03:33,500  顶她班的是一个叫桑迪的女人  Her replacement is a woman named Sandy  72  00:03:33,560 --> 00:03:35,870  而她老公叫基姆  Whose husband's name is Kim.  73  00:03:39,020 --> 00:03:41,290  -哇啊  -是啊  - Wow!  - I know!  74  00:03:41,350 --> 00:03:43,150  这什么概率哦  What are the odds?  75  00:03:43,160 --> 00:03:44,210  很好算嘛  Easily calculable.  76  00:03:44,290 --> 00:03:46,130  先找到几对双方都取中性名字的  We begin by identifying a set of married couples  77  00:03:46,190 --> 00:03:47,530  已婚夫妇  With unisex names.  78  00:03:47,580 --> 00:03:48,910  然后剔除那些不适合  We then eliminate those unqualified  79  00:03:49,000 --> 00:03:49,630  从事餐饮工作的  For restaurant work--  80  00:03:49,700 --> 00:03:52,230  比如说年老的  坐牢的  残疾的  The aged, the imprisoned and the limbless, for example,  81  00:03:52,230 --> 00:03:54,420  -再然后就  -谢尔顿  - Next we look at... - Sheldon--  82  00:03:54,500 --> 00:03:56,090  这是一个奇妙的巧合  It's an amazing coincidence.  83  00:03:56,170 --> 00:03:57,640  就这样了行吗  Can we leave it at that?  84  00:03:57,710 --> 00:04:00,840  对不起  I'm sorry.  85  00:04:01,010 --> 00:04:05,340  喔佩妮  你们奶酪蛋糕工厂就好像是巫婆们开的  Ooh, Penny. It's as if the cheese-cake factory is run by witches.  86  00:04:08,450 --> 00:04:12,420  喔谢尔顿  别以为我不会揍你  Ooh, Sheldon, it's as if you don't think I'll punch you.  87  00:04:13,490 --> 00:04:15,860  行啦  你俩  别吵了  Come on, you guys, let it go.  88  00:04:15,910 --> 00:04:17,040  哼  随便吧  Fine, whatever.  89  00:04:17,120 --> 00:04:19,530  你吃完了吗  Are you finished?  90  00:04:19,580 --> 00:04:20,990  谢了  Well, thank you.  91  00:04:21,050 --> 00:04:22,910  多么体贴  How thoughtful.  92  00:04:23,000 --> 00:04:24,910  你要吃巧克力吗  Would you like a chocolate?  93  00:04:25,000 --> 00:04:26,880  好啊  Um, yeah, sure.  94  00:04:29,790 --> 00:04:31,590  多谢啦  Thanks.  95  00:04:33,010 --> 00:04:35,940  这算什么  What was that?  96  00:04:36,010 --> 00:04:38,730  你让我对佩妮好点的  You said be nice to Penny.  97  00:04:38,810 --> 00:04:40,510  我觉得给别人喂巧克力  I believe offering chocolate to someone  98  00:04:40,560 --> 00:04:42,780  能够符合"好"的定义  Falls within the definition of nice.  99  00:04:42,850 --> 00:04:44,200  没错  It does.  100  00:04:44,270 --> 00:04:46,870  但就我观察  你这人不符合  But in my experience, you don't.  101  00:04:46,940 --> 00:04:50,490  何瑞修  宇宙间无奇不有  There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,  102  00:04:50,560 --> 00:04:52,480  不是你的哲学全能梦想得到的[第一幕;第五景]  Than are dreamt of in your philosophy  103  00:04:52,540 --> 00:04:54,230  这才是你嘛  Now that's you  104  00:04:54,280 --> 00:04:56,450  讨厌而且让人难以忍受  Obnoxious and insufferable.  105  00:05:02,840 --> 00:05:05,590  日居者们  你们好啊  What's going on, day dwellers?  106  00:05:05,660 --> 00:05:10,540  KISS[美重金属乐队]粉丝团也废除了"不许问不许说"[美军处理同性恋旧政策]吗  Oh, man, did the kiss army repeal "don't ask, don't tell"?  107  00:05:10,610 --> 00:05:11,750  不是  No.  108  00:05:11,800 --> 00:05:14,910  我和拉杰要去好莱坞的哥特夜总会  Raj and I are going to a goth club in Hollywood  109  00:05:14,970 --> 00:05:16,950  和夜猫子一起玩儿  To hang with the night people.  110  00:05:17,970 --> 00:05:19,350  有人想一起去吗  Anybody want to come along?  111  00:05:19,420 --> 00:05:21,960  你真要这样上街吗  Oh, wow, you're actually going out like that?  112  00:05:22,020 --> 00:05:23,510  不不  No, no.  113  00:05:23,590 --> 00:05:25,310  我要这样上街  I'm going out like this...  114  00:05:27,530 --> 00:05:29,480  霍华德  你做了些什么  Howard, what did you do?  115  00:05:29,560 --> 00:05:31,010  这叫纹身袖  They're called tattoo sleeves.  116  00:05:31,080 --> 00:05:32,130  看  Look.  117  00:05:34,190 --> 00:05:35,440  我在网上买的  拉杰也买了一身  I go them online! Raj got a set, too..  118  00:05:39,640 --> 00:05:40,820  帅死了  是吧  Fantastic, right?  119  00:05:40,910 --> 00:05:43,030  穿上它  就能和前卫女孩  Put them on, have hot sex with some freaky girl  120  00:05:43,110 --> 00:05:45,030  发生韵事  脱下他  With her business pierced, take them off,  121  00:05:45,110 --> 00:05:47,610  我依旧是个恪礼守节的犹太人  I can still be buried in a jewish cemetery.  122  00:05:48,780 --> 00:05:50,120  知道吗  You know, I've always wanted  123  00:05:50,200 --> 00:05:51,320  我一直都想去哥特夜总会  To go to a goth nightclub.  124  00:05:51,370 --> 00:05:52,320  真的吗  Really?  125  00:05:52,370 --> 00:05:53,590  才怪呢  Bazinga!  126  00:05:55,060 --> 00:05:59,160  没有人能察觉到我的玩笑  对吧  None of you ever see my practical jokes coming, do you?  127  00:05:59,210 --> 00:06:01,090  你们俩去吗  Okay, how about you two?  128  00:06:01,160 --> 00:06:03,710  我还带了几个纹身袖  Look, I've got some extra tatoo sleeves.  129  00:06:03,800 --> 00:06:05,830  你带那么多干什么  Why are you carrying extras?  130  00:06:05,900 --> 00:06:08,840  万一被哪个女人的乳环刮破了好有个替换呀  In case I snag one on someone's nipple ring.  131  00:06:08,900 --> 00:06:11,440  我们就不去了  Uh, yeah, I think we'll pass.  132  00:06:11,510 --> 00:06:16,510  你现在就得"妻管严"了吗  Oh, is the missus speaking for the couple now?  133  00:06:16,580 --> 00:06:19,610  这件事  肯定她说了算  In this case, you bet she is.  134  00:06:21,850 --> 00:06:24,400  是啊  她很强势  他受压迫  Yes, she's pushy, and yes, he's whipped,  135  00:06:24,490 --> 00:06:28,240  但是不能这么说  But that's not the expression.  136  00:06:29,740 --> 00:06:32,160  快走  我要去沃尔格林药店  Come on, I want to stop at walgreens  137  00:06:32,240 --> 00:06:34,030  再多买几支眼线笔  And pick up some more eyeliner.  138  00:06:37,180 --> 00:06:41,200  他们在夜总会要被揍了  They're gonna get beaten up at that club.  139  00:06:41,270 --> 00:06:44,400  我看他们在药店就会被揍  They're gonna get beaten up at walgreens.  140  00:06:47,890 --> 00:06:48,980  抱歉  谢尔顿  Oh, sorry, Sheldon.  141  00:06:49,040 --> 00:06:50,380  我差点坐在你的专座上  I almost sat in your spot.  142  00:06:50,440 --> 00:06:53,230  是吗  我都没注意  Did you? I didn't notice.  143  00:06:53,310 --> 00:06:55,180  给你块巧克力吧  Have a chocolate.  144  00:06:56,220 --> 00:06:58,180  谢谢  Thank you.  145  00:07:10,730 --> 00:07:15,000  我觉得我们很适合这里  I think we're fitting quite nicely.  146  00:07:15,070 --> 00:07:18,070  要是你不喝低度啤酒就更好了  It did help if you weren't drinking light beer.  147  00:07:18,120 --> 00:07:21,260  喝伏特加和蔓越莓果汁就显得比我更有哥特风格吗  What's so gothic about vodka and cranberry juice?  148  00:07:21,340 --> 00:07:23,880  是啊  这看起来像在饮血  Hello? It looks like blood.  149  00:07:23,930 --> 00:07:25,750  你没去看我发给你的  Did you even read the "wiki how" link  150  00:07:25,800 --> 00:07:27,460  手把手学哥特风格的WikiHow链接吗  I sent you on being goth?  151  00:07:27,550 --> 00:07:30,130  没  我自己的东西还看不玩呢  No, I'm behind on my wiki-reading.  152  00:07:30,220 --> 00:07:32,940  我正在读约翰·格里沙姆[法律惊悚小说《掮客》作者]  I'm kind of on a John Grisham kick right now.  153  00:07:33,020 --> 00:07:34,020  什么  What?  154  00:07:34,020 --> 00:07:36,050  我看完了《绝对机密》  I finished reading The Pelican Brief  155  00:07:36,090 --> 00:07:38,530  我太喜欢了  已经完全身临其境了  And loved it so much, I dived right into the client.  156  00:07:38,590 --> 00:07:39,560  他本身就是个律师  He was a lawyer himself,  157  00:07:39,590 --> 00:07:43,260  所以他的小说内容的准确性和娱乐性都很强  So his novels are accurate as well as entertaining.  158  00:07:43,610 --> 00:07:49,070  要记住  我们是浪荡子  暗夜之子  Just remember we are lost boys, children of the night.  159  00:07:49,120 --> 00:07:51,570  好的  浪荡子  暗夜之子  Great. Lost boys, children of the night.  160  00:07:51,620 --> 00:07:52,790  明白了  Got it.  161  00:07:52,870 --> 00:07:56,630  能帮忙把小吃递过来吗  Can you pass the chex mix please?  162  00:07:57,910 --> 00:07:59,210  谢谢  Thank you.  163  00:08:02,180 --> 00:08:05,180  我们是浪荡子  We are lost boys.  164  00:08:05,250 --> 00:08:08,300  是吗  Good for you.  165  00:08:08,390 --> 00:08:11,590  其实我比他更放浪  I'm actually much more lost than he is.  166  00:08:13,480 --> 00:08:14,730  纹身不错  Nice ink.  167  00:08:14,730 --> 00:08:16,650  谢谢  Thanks.  168  00:08:16,700 --> 00:08:18,310  能请两位小姐喝点东西吗  Can we buy you ladies a drink?  169  00:08:19,370 --> 00:08:20,750  两杯低度啤酒  Two light beers.  170  00:08:20,820 --> 00:08:23,600  低度啤酒吗  "WiliHow"该把这个写进去  Light beers. "Wiki how" about that?  171  00:08:25,320 --> 00:08:26,610  你们叫什么  What's your names?  172  00:08:26,660 --> 00:08:29,110  -我叫霍华德  拉杰  -我是贝萨妮  -I'm Howard. Raj. -I'm Bethany.  173  00:08:29,160 --> 00:08:30,540  很高兴见到你  贝萨妮  Nice to meet you, Bethany.  174  00:08:30,610 --> 00:08:31,710  很高兴  Yes, very nice.  175  00:08:31,780 --> 00:08:33,210  我也是  Nice to meet you, too.  176  00:08:33,280 --> 00:08:35,080  我叫莎拉  I'm Sarah.  177  00:08:35,130 --> 00:08:36,920  反正也没人关心  Not that anyone cares.  178  00:08:39,900 --> 00:08:44,010  两位小姐喜欢看约翰·格里沙姆的小说吗  Do either of you ladies enjoy the novels of John Grisham?  179  00:08:53,100 --> 00:08:55,450  这动画片叫什么来着  What's this cartoon called again?  180  00:08:55,520 --> 00:08:59,170  恶魔武士  Oshikuru: Demon samurai.  181  00:08:59,240 --> 00:09:00,820  恶魔武士不是动画片  Demon it's not a cartoon.  182  00:09:00,910 --> 00:09:03,130  是动漫  It'anime.  183  00:09:03,190 --> 00:09:04,440  动漫  Anime.  184  00:09:04,510 --> 00:09:07,200  高中时有个女生叫安娜·梅(Anime和Anna May谐音)  You know, I knew a girl in high school named Anna May.  185  00:09:07,280 --> 00:09:10,780  安娜·梅·弗莱彻  Anna May Fletcher.  186  00:09:10,780 --> 00:09:13,840  她天生单鼻孔  She was born with one nostril.  187  00:09:13,920 --> 00:09:15,910  她后来的整鼻手术很失败  Then she had this bad nose job  188  00:09:15,970 --> 00:09:17,910  最后竟然弄成了三个鼻孔  And basically wound up with three.  189  00:09:23,110 --> 00:09:26,320  你现在经常混在这儿了  You're here a lot now.  190  00:09:26,380 --> 00:09:28,330  我话太多了吗  Oh, am I talking too much?  191  00:09:28,390 --> 00:09:29,440  抱歉  我不说了  I'm sorry. Zip.  192  00:09:29,500 --> 00:09:30,570  谢谢  Thank you.  193  00:09:30,640 --> 00:09:32,910  吃块巧克力吧  Chocolate?  194  00:09:32,970 --> 00:09:35,310  好的  Yes please.  195  00:09:40,450 --> 00:09:42,670  基姆 你好  Oh. Hey, Kim.  196  00:09:44,990 --> 00:09:46,040  请你稍等一下  You know what,hold on.  197  00:09:46,120 --> 00:09:47,800  我到楼道里去接电话  Let me take this in the hall.  198  00:09:56,460 --> 00:09:59,130  你绝对想不到他们找谁来接替你的工作  You'll never guess who they got to replace you at work.  199  00:10:00,670 --> 00:10:04,140  我知道你在干什么了  Okay, I know what you're doing.  200  00:10:04,200 --> 00:10:05,610  真的吗  Really?  201  00:10:05,670 --> 00:10:08,590  你在用巧克力做正面教法  Yes, you're ung chocolates as positive reinforcement  202  00:10:08,660 --> 00:10:12,060  对你认为良好的行为进行奖励  For what you consider correct behavior.  203  00:10:13,930 --> 00:10:15,920  真聪明  Very good.  204  00:10:16,920 --> 00:10:17,880  来块巧克力吗  Chocole?  205  00:10:17,950 --> 00:10:20,970  我不想要什么巧克力  No, I don't want any chocolate!  206  00:10:23,220 --> 00:10:23,730  谢尔顿  Sheldon,  207  00:10:23,740 --> 00:10:28,730  你不能拿我女朋友当实验鼠一样对待  You can't train my girlfend like a lab rat.  208  00:10:28,730 --> 00:10:31,630  事实证明  我可以  Actually, it turns out I can.  209  00:10:31,630 --> 00:10:34,570  你不应该这么做  well, you shouldn't.  210  00:10:34,640 --> 00:10:36,700  莱纳德  就是没法让你满意  是吧  There's just no pleasing you, is there, Leonard?  211  00:10:36,790 --> 00:10:37,920  你不满意  You weren't happy  212  00:10:38,010 --> 00:10:39,910  我之前那样对她  With my previous approach to dealing with her,  213  00:10:39,960 --> 00:10:42,680  所以我决定根据桑代克和B.F.斯金纳的理论  So I decided to employ operant conditioning techniques,  214  00:10:42,740 --> 00:10:44,910  采取操作性条件反射的办法  Building on the works of thorndike and B.F. Skinner.  215  00:10:44,980 --> 00:10:46,460  下周的这个时候  By this time next week,  216  00:10:46,550 --> 00:10:48,850  我相信我能让她从水池里一跃而出  I believe I can have her jumping out of a pool,  217  00:10:48,920 --> 00:10:51,750  用鼻子平衡塑料气球  Balancing a beach ball on her nose  218  00:10:51,820 --> 00:10:55,090  不行  这一套必须打住  No, this has to stop now.  219  00:10:55,160 --> 00:10:59,280  我不是真的建议让她从水池里跳出来  I'm not suggesting we really make her jump out of a pool.  220  00:10:59,360 --> 00:11:01,190  我以为你该听出了我的"才怪了"  I thought the "bazinga" was implied.  221  00:11:01,260 --> 00:11:04,360  咱们不过是调整她个性  We're just tweaking her personality.  222  00:11:04,430 --> 00:11:06,600  用另一种说法  就是把那些粗糙表面磨磨光  Sanding off the rough edges, if you will.  223  00:11:06,670 --> 00:11:08,820  不行  你不能磨佩妮  No. You're not sanding Penny.  224  00:11:08,870 --> 00:11:12,270  你是说不许我使用  Are you saying that I am forbidden  225  00:11:12,320 --> 00:11:15,320  能让改进我们生活的  From applying a harmless, scientifically valid protocol  226  00:11:15,410 --> 00:11:16,980  无害的科学有效的正常手段  That will make our lives better?  227  00:11:17,040 --> 00:11:19,980  是的  我不许  Yes. You're forbidden.  228  00:11:23,050 --> 00:11:24,220  坏莱纳德  Bad Leonard.  229  00:11:33,100 --> 00:11:34,970  那你们俩是做什么的  So, what do you guys do?  230  00:11:35,020 --> 00:11:37,270  就是些  哥特东西喽  Oh, you know, goth stuff.  231  00:11:37,320 --> 00:11:39,190  哥特杂志喽  哥特音乐喽  Goth magazines, goth music.  232  00:11:39,260 --> 00:11:40,830  哥特食品喽  Goth food.  233  00:11:41,580 --> 00:11:43,010  什么哥特食品  What's goth food?  234  00:11:44,280 --> 00:11:47,030  呃  黑焦三文鱼?  Uh. Blackened salmon?  235  00:11:48,650 --> 00:11:51,320  不是  我是问你们的工作  No, I meant what do you do for jobs?  236  00:11:51,370 --> 00:11:53,040  我们是科学家  Oh, we're scientists.  237  00:11:53,120 --> 00:11:55,430  当然  是黑科学的  Yeah, you know, the dark sciences.  238  00:11:55,490 --> 00:11:57,340  什么是黑科学  What are the dark sciences?  239  00:11:57,430 --> 00:11:58,590  我们  We...  240  00:11:58,660 --> 00:12:00,930  我是个天体物理学家  Well, I am an astrophysicist,  241  00:12:01,000 --> 00:12:03,180  很多工作都要在晚上进行  And a lot of that takes place at night.  242  00:12:04,020 --> 00:12:06,170  那时候也有吸血鬼呀  When there are vampires  243  00:12:06,220 --> 00:12:09,060  僵尸呀什么的到处乱跑  And miscellaneous undead out and about.  244  00:12:13,340 --> 00:12:14,840  听起来很酷啊  That sounds really cool.  245  00:12:14,900 --> 00:12:18,780  真的吗  好吧  要是你喜欢宇宙那类的  Does it? Okay. If you like space stuff,  246  00:12:18,850 --> 00:12:20,870  我设计国际太空站的部分呢  I design components for the international space station,  247  00:12:20,950 --> 00:12:22,240  在太空里  Which is in space.  248  00:12:22,320 --> 00:12:24,850  你肯定知道  那里没人能听到你喊叫  Where, as I'm sure you know, no one can hear you scream.  249  00:12:28,790 --> 00:12:29,880  那么  两位女士是做什么的  So, what do you gals do?  250  00:12:29,910 --> 00:12:31,240  我在盖普服装店  I work at the gap.  251  00:12:31,330 --> 00:12:34,360  真的  可真有趣  我曾经去过盖普啊  Really? How about that? I've been to the gap.  252  00:12:34,420 --> 00:12:35,500  我也去过  I've been there, as well.  253  00:12:35,550 --> 00:12:38,530  我喜欢你们那种有小口袋的T恤衫  I like your t-shirts with the little pocket.  254  00:12:38,590 --> 00:12:43,090  我也在那儿上班  反正也没人关心  I work the, too. Not that anyone cares.  255  00:12:44,340 --> 00:12:46,890  这地方真无聊  You know, this place is boring.  256  00:12:46,980 --> 00:12:51,050  可不  咱们去别的地方开心开心吧  Yeah why don't we go somewhere else and have some fun?  257  00:12:51,100 --> 00:12:52,150  好啊  Okay.  258  00:12:52,220 --> 00:12:53,600  当然  我们喜欢开心  Sure we like fun.  259  00:12:53,680 --> 00:12:55,070  我们是开心的人  We are fun people.  260  00:12:55,150 --> 00:12:57,390  又黑暗又开心  Dark and fun.  261  00:12:57,440 --> 00:13:00,190  来吧  我知道一个地方你们肯定喜欢  Come on. I know a place you'll really dig.  262  00:13:03,230 --> 00:13:04,390  你带来黑色避孕套吗  Did you bring the black condoms?  263  00:13:04,450 --> 00:13:05,560  就在腰包包里啦  In my fanny pack.  264  00:13:05,610 --> 00:13:06,610  走吧  Let's go.  265  00:13:13,620 --> 00:13:16,160  现在高兴了  Are you happy now?  266  00:13:18,040 --> 00:13:19,840  没有特别高兴  Not particularly  267  00:13:22,480 --> 00:13:26,800  天啊  她没有吧  My god, she didn't!  268  00:13:26,870 --> 00:13:30,150  她究竟在说什么要这么久  What could she possibly be talking about for so long?  269  00:13:30,220 --> 00:13:33,270  显然  在芝士蛋糕厂做招待  Obviously, waitressing at the cheesecake factory  270  00:13:33,360 --> 00:13:35,860  是个复杂的社会经济性活动  Is a complex socioeconomic activity  271  00:13:35,940 --> 00:13:39,680  而且需要相当多的研究与计划  That requires a great deal of analysis and planning.  272  00:13:40,850 --> 00:13:42,870  才怪了  "bazinga."  273  00:13:44,000 --> 00:13:46,840  知道么  采用  You know, using positive  274  00:13:46,900 --> 00:13:49,210  正面鼓励式方法  我能在一个星期之内  Reinforcement techniques, I could train that behavior  275  00:13:49,270 --> 00:13:51,110  让她改变这个恶习  Out of her in a week.  276  00:13:51,180 --> 00:13:52,380  不  No.  277  00:13:52,440 --> 00:13:53,810  要是你让我用负面鼓励法  If you let me use negative reinforcement,  278  00:13:53,880 --> 00:13:56,110  睡觉前我就能做到  I can get it done before we go to bed.  279  00:13:56,180 --> 00:13:59,620  你不能用水喷她的脸  You're not squirting her in the face with water.  280  00:13:59,670 --> 00:14:00,950  当然不  No, of course not.  281  00:14:01,000 --> 00:14:02,990  我说的是十分轻微的电击法  We're talking very mild electric shocks.  282  00:14:04,020 --> 00:14:06,370  连组织损伤都不会有  No tissue damage whatsoever.  283  00:14:06,440 --> 00:14:08,060  别想了  Forget it.  284  00:14:08,060 --> 00:14:10,340  你不可能告诉我  Oh, come on. You can't tell me  285  00:14:10,410 --> 00:14:12,760  给你打造一个更好的女朋友  That you're not intrigued out the possibility  286  00:14:12,830 --> 00:14:14,660  让你一点都不动心  Of building a better girlfriend.  287  00:14:14,730 --> 00:14:16,070  我没有  I'm not.  288  00:14:16,130 --> 00:14:18,150  佩妮的个性 好的和坏的  Well, and Penny's qualities, both good and bad,  289  00:14:18,240 --> 00:14:20,300  合成了她这个人  Are what make her who she is.  290  00:14:23,690 --> 00:14:26,860  你是说  比如那个让人无法忍受的尖笑声  You mean, like that high-pitched, irritating laugh?  291  00:14:29,250 --> 00:14:32,320  你就不想希望一个低嗓门的笑声吗  You wouldn't prefer a throaty chuckle?  292  00:14:32,380 --> 00:14:35,050  不许你改变佩妮的笑声  You're not changing how Penny laughs.  293  00:14:35,120 --> 00:14:37,090  那才是荒诞呢  No, that would be incongruous.  294  00:14:37,150 --> 00:14:38,590  我打算把她的声音整体降低  I was going to lower the whole voice  295  00:14:38,660 --> 00:14:40,970  到一个令人愉快的音区  To a more pleasing register.  296  00:14:41,040 --> 00:14:42,840  对不起啦  伙计  Ugh. Sorry, guys.  297  00:14:42,930 --> 00:14:45,760  那丫头是个怪物  That girl is freaky.  298  00:14:45,830 --> 00:14:47,660  再说一遍  Come again?  299  00:14:47,710 --> 00:14:49,160  怪物  Freaky.  300  00:14:49,220 --> 00:14:50,250  怪物  Freaky?  301  00:14:50,320 --> 00:14:52,970  怪物  Ah, freaky.  302  00:14:58,580 --> 00:15:01,080  吃块巧克力吧  Have a chocolate.  303  00:15:02,860 --> 00:15:04,950  谢谢  Thank you.  304  00:15:12,360 --> 00:15:14,490  你真打算破坏你的身体  Are you seriously going to damage your body  305  00:15:14,540 --> 00:15:16,460  就为了有可能吊上一个  Just for the possibility you could have cheap sex  306  00:15:16,530 --> 00:15:18,340  在酒吧里遇到的马子?  With a strange girl you met in a bar?  307  00:15:19,910 --> 00:15:21,630  当然  Yeah!  308  00:15:21,700 --> 00:15:23,630  你妈妈会怎么说  What is your mother going to say?  309  00:15:23,700 --> 00:15:25,470  她根本看不到那里  She's not going to see it.  310  00:15:25,540 --> 00:15:28,220  她现在量我体温都是放嘴里的  She takes my temperature orally now.  311  00:15:31,440 --> 00:15:32,710  霍华德  你打算要什么样的  What are you going to get, Howard?  312  00:15:32,760 --> 00:15:34,730  我不知道该选  Well, I can't really decide  313  00:15:34,810 --> 00:15:37,310  尖叫魔鬼  骇人小头骨  Between a screaming devil, this mean little skull,  314  00:15:37,380 --> 00:15:39,720  或是青蛙柯米特  Or kermit the frog.  315  00:15:39,770 --> 00:15:42,130  青蛙柯米特  Kermit the frog? You know.  316  00:15:42,200 --> 00:15:45,020  你好  我在霍华德的屁股上  Hi-ho. I'm on Howard's butt.  317  00:15:46,160 --> 00:15:47,490  刺个骇人小头骨  Get the mean little skull,  318  00:15:47,560 --> 00:15:49,580  我会让它笑起来  And I'll see if I can make him smile.  319  00:15:49,660 --> 00:15:51,160  请给我刺一个骇人小头骨  Yeah, I'd like the mean little skull, please.  320  00:15:52,530 --> 00:15:54,560  你要什么  拉杰  What are you going to get, Raj?  321  00:15:54,620 --> 00:15:56,950  像我这种运气  肝炎差不多  With my luck, hepatitis.  322  00:15:58,640 --> 00:16:00,620  好了  我们开始  Okay, here we go.  323  00:16:02,290 --> 00:16:03,640  只擦了点酒精棉花  That's just rubbing alcohol.  324  00:16:03,710 --> 00:16:06,540  我知道  但凉凉的  I know, but it was cold.  325  00:16:08,850 --> 00:16:10,250  我在放图案  I'm putting on the stencil.  326  00:16:10,300 --> 00:16:12,050  放完后怎么做  What comes after the stencil  327  00:16:17,640 --> 00:16:19,310  够了  到此为止  Okay, that's it.  328  00:16:19,390 --> 00:16:21,470  不刺针  不痛苦  不纹身  No needle. No pain. No tattoo.  329  00:16:21,560 --> 00:16:23,340  小事一桩而已  你又不是没纹过  What's the big deal? You've done this before.  330  00:16:23,410 --> 00:16:25,310  我没纹过  No, I haven't.  331  00:16:25,400 --> 00:16:26,810  看  Look.  332  00:16:27,810 --> 00:16:29,600  抱歉  我骗了你们  I'm sorry. I'm a fraud.  333  00:16:29,650 --> 00:16:30,650  他是个骗子  He's a fraud.  334  00:16:30,730 --> 00:16:31,820  我们都说谎了  We're both frauds.  335  00:16:31,900 --> 00:16:32,940  我不是已经说过了吗  Yeah, I think I covered that.  336  00:16:33,000 --> 00:16:35,220  我是在总结  But I was summing up.  337  00:16:37,110 --> 00:16:40,880  我们不是哥特  我们只是普通人  We're not Goth. We're just...guys.  338  00:16:40,940 --> 00:16:42,830  非常  非常聪明的人  Very, very smart guys.  339  00:16:42,910 --> 00:16:44,780  那你们一直在骗人  So you were totally scamming us?  340  00:16:44,830 --> 00:16:46,450  是的  Yes.  341" type="audio/mpeg" />-->