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当前位置: 查字典英语网 >高中英语 > 高考英语 > 高考高考英语 > 高考高考复习指南 > 高中英语语法对话练习《生活大爆炸-第3季》中英双译4素材
00:02:30,810  生活大爆炸  第三季第四集  2  00:00:04,000 --> 00:00:07,020  每次看这部电影  我都很困惑  This movie baffles me every time we watch it.  3  00:00:07,080 --> 00:00:08,470  什么意思  What do you mean?  4  00:00:08,470 --> 00:00:09,520  指南说得一清二楚  The instructions are very clear:  5  00:00:09,520 --> 00:00:11,760  午夜后别喂魔怪  "don't feed the gremlins after midnight."  6  00:00:13,320 --> 00:00:15,440  别弄湿魔怪  "don't get the gremlins wet."  7  00:00:17,550 --> 00:00:19,450  这能有多难  How hard is that?  8  00:00:20,700 --> 00:00:22,370  伙计们好啊  Hi, guys.  9  00:00:22,420 --> 00:00:23,370  好啊  亲爱的  Hi, honey.  10  00:00:23,420 --> 00:00:24,350  好  Hey.  11  00:00:24,420 --> 00:00:26,270  都已经是"亲爱的"啦  Ooh, we're "honey" now, are we?  12  00:00:26,340 --> 00:00:29,010  对  自从他们发展至肉体关系  Yes. Since their relationship become carnal,  13  00:00:29,070 --> 00:00:31,630  佩妮就升级了对他的爱称  Penny has upgraded his designated term of endearment,  14  00:00:31,690 --> 00:00:34,130  跟她称为"甜心"的人区分  Thus distinguishing him from those she calls "sweetie,"  15  00:00:34,130 --> 00:00:37,810  通常为了略微消减隐含的讽刺之意  Usually in an attempt to soften a thinly-veiled insult.  16  00:00:37,880 --> 00:00:41,150  别这么无聊  "甜心"  You're boring people, "sweetie".  17  00:00:41,220 --> 00:00:45,460  但有时她就是赤裸裸的讽刺  Although, sometimes, she omits the veil entirely.  18  00:00:45,520 --> 00:00:46,920  你们在干什么  So, what are you guys doing?  19  00:00:46,980 --> 00:00:48,730  庆祝哥伦布发现美洲纪念日  Celebrating Columbus day.  20  00:00:48,790 --> 00:00:52,300  我们在看《七宝奇谋》《小魔怪》《少年福尔摩斯》  We're watching goonies, gremlins and young sherlock holmes.  21  00:00:52,300 --> 00:00:54,800  都是克里斯·哥伦布的作品  They're all written by Chris Columbus.  22  00:00:56,520 --> 00:00:57,730  好啊  Okay.  23  00:00:57,800 --> 00:00:59,470  那你们感恩节看什么  What do you watch on thanksgiving?  24  00:00:59,540 --> 00:01:01,640  游行  The parade.  25  00:01:02,660 --> 00:01:04,440  这倒是提醒了我  Oh, you know, that reminds me--  26  00:01:04,510 --> 00:01:06,160  我通常回内布拉斯加过感恩节  I usually go back to Nebraska for thanksgiving,  27  00:01:06,240 --> 00:01:07,640  但今年取消了  But this year they're calling it off,  28  00:01:07,700 --> 00:01:09,450  因为我哥哥被人告了  On account of my brother's trial.  29  00:01:09,510 --> 00:01:11,150  为什么  What's he on trial for?  30  00:01:11,220 --> 00:01:13,030  只是个误会  Oh, just a big misunderstanding.  31  00:01:13,120 --> 00:01:14,620  你应该会喜欢我哥哥  You know, you'd actually like my brother.  32  00:01:14,670 --> 00:01:16,540  他也算是个化学家  He's kind of a chemist.  33  00:01:18,940 --> 00:01:21,460  既然我今年在这里过感恩节  Anyway, I was thinking I'd have thanksgiving here,  34  00:01:21,510 --> 00:01:22,790  你们都要来  And you are all invited.  35  00:01:22,840 --> 00:01:23,840  我会去的  Oh. I'll be there.  36  00:01:23,910 --> 00:01:25,930  你是用蔓越橘果冻  Will you be serving cranberry jelly  37  00:01:26,000 --> 00:01:28,030  还是蔓越橘酱招待客人  Or cranberry sauce?  38  00:01:28,100 --> 00:01:29,820  估计两个都有  I guess I could serve both.  39  00:01:29,880 --> 00:01:32,670  估计  貌似你对这方面不在行  You guess? You don't seem to have much of a handle on this.  40  00:01:34,610 --> 00:01:37,720  佩妮  我很想参加  但每年  Yeah, I really wish I could, Penny, but every year,  41  00:01:37,810 --> 00:01:40,230  我妈都请所有亲戚过来  My mother has all the relatives over and cooks up  42  00:01:40,290 --> 00:01:42,660  做传说中的鸡胸鱼  Her famous tur-briska-fil.  43  00:01:42,730 --> 00:01:44,900  鸡脯鱼?  Tur-briska-fil?  44  00:01:44,900 --> 00:01:48,350  火鸡包胸脯肉杂  胸脯肉里包鱼丸  Turkey stuffed with a brisket stuffed with gefilte fish.  45  00:01:50,400 --> 00:01:52,410  没听起来那么好吃  It's not as good as it sounds.  46  00:01:53,410 --> 00:01:54,990  拉杰  你呢  Raj, what about you?  47  00:01:55,060 --> 00:01:56,880  他通常都去我家过节  对吧  Oh, he usually comes to my house. Right, pal?  48  00:02:01,670 --> 00:02:03,370  好啦  今年不逼你  All right, this year, you don't have to  49  00:02:03,420 --> 00:02:05,220  吃鸡脯鱼啦  Eat the tur-briska-fil.  50  00:02:06,590 --> 00:02:07,670  我根本不嚼  I don't even chew it.  51  00:02:07,720 --> 00:02:09,220  直接当药丸吞  I swallow it like pills.  52  00:02:37,240 --> 00:02:39,290  拉杰怎么了  So, what's going on with Raj?  53  00:02:39,300 --> 00:02:41,170  好消息是  Well, the good news is,  54  00:02:41,240 --> 00:02:44,360  我对我妈的鸡脯鱼没意见  He has no problem with my mother's tur-brka-fil.  55  00:02:44,420 --> 00:02:47,320  真不敢相信  继续说  Hard to believe, but go on.  56  00:02:47,390 --> 00:02:49,540  坏消息是  他要被驱逐出境了  The bad news is, he says he'getting deported.  57  00:02:49,610 --> 00:02:50,730  他要被驱逐出境  What do you mean,  58  00:02:50,810 --> 00:02:52,100  是什么意思  He's getting deported?  59  00:02:52,160 --> 00:02:53,880  意思是美国政府  I believe it means that the U.S. Government  60  00:02:53,930 --> 00:02:55,480  要驱赶他离开本国  Is going to expel him from the country.  61  00:02:56,820 --> 00:02:58,570  他要么回印度老家  He could then either return to his native india,  62  00:02:58,650 --> 00:03:00,690  要么移居接受他的国家  Emigrate to another country that's willing to accept him,  63  00:03:00,740 --> 00:03:03,540  或者去公海当个无国籍海盗  Or wander the high seas as a stateless pirate.  64  00:03:06,800 --> 00:03:09,010  要是我  我就选海盗  Personally, I'd choose pirate.  65  00:03:10,200 --> 00:03:11,530  佩妮  你能不能先出去  Penny, would you mind stepping outside  66  00:03:11,580 --> 00:03:12,850  我们才能和他谈谈  So we can speak to him?  67  00:03:12,920 --> 00:03:14,870  好吧  Fine.  68  00:03:14,920 --> 00:03:17,340  但他也该改改不敢跟女生说话的毛病了  But the man really needs to work on his girl issues.  69  00:03:17,410 --> 00:03:19,910  这也是考虑做海盗的理由  Another reason to consider life of piracy.  70  00:03:19,960 --> 00:03:22,930  即使是今天  海盗仍是男性职业  Even today, I unrstand that's an all-male profession.  71  00:03:25,180 --> 00:03:27,250  好了  她走了  Okay, she's go.  72  00:03:31,220 --> 00:03:34,440  对不起  我失态了  Sorry. I lost my cool.  73  00:03:34,510 --> 00:03:37,120  怎么回事  So, what's going on?  74  00:03:37,190 --> 00:03:38,610  事情是这样的  Okay, here's the deal:  75  00:03:38,690 --> 00:03:40,880  六个月前  我的实验  Six months ago, my research testing  76  00:03:40,950 --> 00:03:43,110  测试海王星物体的成分  The predicted composition of trans-neptunian objects  77  00:03:43,200 --> 00:03:44,570  宣告失败  Ran into a dead end.  78  00:03:44,620 --> 00:03:45,980  所以?  So?  79  00:03:45,980 --> 00:03:48,700  我的签证只有在大学任聘才有用  So, my visa's only good as long as i employ to the university.  80  00:03:48,700 --> 00:03:50,290  如果他们发现我的实验一无所获  And when they find out that I've got squat,  81  00:03:50,370 --> 00:03:52,220  他们就会裁掉我  They're going to cut me off.  82  00:03:52,290 --> 00:03:55,880  而且  我说的一无所获是一丁点都没有  By the way, when I say squat, I mean diddly-squat.  83  00:03:55,940 --> 00:03:57,950  我倒是希望有那么一丁点收获  I wish I had squat.  84  00:03:59,530 --> 00:04:02,420  等等  那你过去6个月都在做什么  So, wait, what have you been doing for the past six months?  85  00:04:02,480 --> 00:04:04,500  收收邮件啦  You know, checking e-mail,  86  00:04:04,590 --> 00:04:06,950  更新FACEBOOK页面啦  Updating my facebook status,  87  00:04:07,010 --> 00:04:09,610  搞搞维基词条啦  Messing up wikipedia entries.  88  00:04:11,490 --> 00:04:12,630  你们知道吗  Hey, do you know netflix  89  00:04:12,690 --> 00:04:15,330  NETFLIX现在允许客户端下载电影了  Lets you stream movies on your computer now?  90  00:04:15,400 --> 00:04:17,510  这么说你一直都拿大学的薪水  And you've continued to take the university's money  91  00:04:17,580 --> 00:04:18,980  蒙混过日子  Under false pretenses?  92  00:04:19,080 --> 00:04:21,800  你这个天体物理学家也太没职业道德了  Highly unethical for an astrophysicist.  93  00:04:21,850 --> 00:04:24,640  不过倒是很适合海盗  Although practically mandatory for a pirate.  94  00:04:25,860 --> 00:04:27,610  我不想回印度  I don't want to go back to india.  95  00:04:27,660 --> 00:04:31,310  印度又热又吵  人又多  It's hot and loud, and there's so many people.  96  00:04:32,500 --> 00:04:35,220  你们不知道  到处都是人  You have no idea-- they're everywhere.  97  00:04:36,250 --> 00:04:37,670  伙计们  动动脑子  Okay, guys, think.  98  00:04:37,750 --> 00:04:39,800  怎么才能让拉杰留下来  How do we keep Raj in the country?  99  00:04:44,810 --> 00:04:46,840  另找一份工作不就行了  Why doesn't he just get another job?  100  00:04:52,350 --> 00:04:54,140  你问我有什么用  What are you asking me for?  101  00:04:54,190 --> 00:04:57,020  我哪知道你能不能说话  I don't know if you can talk now or not.  102  00:05:01,680 --> 00:05:03,110  牛肉  Oh, beef...  103  00:05:03,180 --> 00:05:05,510  我会很想念你的  I'm going to miss you so much.  104  00:05:06,870 --> 00:05:08,230  知道吗  孟买的麦当劳  Do you know, at the mumbai Mcdonald's,  105  00:05:08,320 --> 00:05:09,570  没有巨无霸  You can't get a big mac?  106  00:05:09,650 --> 00:05:12,070  只有鸡肉大君麦香堡  All you can get is a chicken maharaja mac.  107  00:05:13,070 --> 00:05:14,160  而特制酱料  And the special sauce--  108  00:05:14,210 --> 00:05:15,870  咖喱  相信我  在印度  Curry-- which, in india, believe you me,  109  00:05:15,960 --> 00:05:17,960  咖喱一点也不特别  Is really not that special.  110  00:05:19,030 --> 00:05:21,330  别担心  能找到工作的  Don't worry, you'll find another job.  111  00:05:21,380 --> 00:05:23,130  我先练习一下  Yeah,let me start practicing for it.  112  00:05:23,200 --> 00:05:25,300  "要薯条和大君麦香堡吗"  "do you want fries with maharaja mac?"  113  00:05:26,550 --> 00:05:27,590  好啊  莱纳德  Hi, Leonard.  114  00:05:27,670 --> 00:05:28,850  好啊  拉杰  Hello, Raj.  115  00:05:28,920 --> 00:05:31,320  你好  谢尔顿  Hello, Sheldon.  116  00:05:31,390 --> 00:05:34,380  不好意思  虽然我还不善长解读面部表情  Forgive me, as you know, I'm no adept at reading facial cues,  117  00:05:34,430 --> 00:05:36,230  但我想试一试  But I'm going to take a stab here:  118  00:05:36,310 --> 00:05:39,380  你不是在伤心就是在反胃中  You're either sad or nauseated.  119  00:05:39,450 --> 00:05:42,100  -我是伤心  -我正准备说伤心的  - I'm sad.  - I was going to say sad.  120  00:05:42,180 --> 00:05:43,550  不知道怎么的我犹豫了  I don't know why I hedged.  121  00:05:45,590 --> 00:05:46,900  你在吃什么  What are you eating?  122  00:05:46,990 --> 00:05:50,370  曲管通心粉配牛肉酱和番茄酱  Elbow macaroni with ground hamburger and tomato sauce.  123  00:05:50,440 --> 00:05:52,110  噢  牛肉通心粉  Oh, beefaroni.  124  00:05:52,190 --> 00:05:54,160  我最怀念的就会是你了  I think I'll miss you most of all.  125  00:05:55,310 --> 00:05:57,200  我一直对这事儿有些疑惑  I've always been a little confused about this.  126  00:05:57,250 --> 00:05:58,280  为什么印度教不准吃牛肉  Why don't hindus eat beef?  127  00:05:58,370 --> 00:06:00,270  我们相信牛就是神  We believe cows are gods.  128  00:06:00,270 --> 00:06:01,570  学术上说并不准确  Not technically.  129  00:06:01,640 --> 00:06:03,960  在印度教中  牛被认为长的像神  In hinduism, cattle are thought to be like god.  130  00:06:04,020 --> 00:06:05,860  不需要你教我自家的文化  谢尔顿  Do not tell me about my own culture, Sheldon!  131  00:06:05,940 --> 00:06:07,020  就我现在的心情  老子会揪你出去的  In the mood I'm in, I'll take you out--  132  00:06:07,020 --> 00:06:08,330  我向牛发誓  I swear to cow!  133  00:06:10,500 --> 00:06:12,110  对不起  I'm sorry.  134  00:06:12,780 --> 00:06:13,910  我也是  Me, too.  135  00:06:13,970 --> 00:06:15,300  我只是  我有点激动了  I'm just... I'm a little on edge.  136  00:06:15,380 --> 00:06:16,600  可以理解  Understandle.  137  00:06:16,690 --> 00:06:18,370  你的整个人生仿佛崩溃了  Your entire life seems to be crumbling around you,  138  00:06:18,450 --> 00:06:20,860  你的未来充其量也只能说惨淡无光  And your future appears bleak at best.  139  00:06:21,620 --> 00:06:23,060  谢谢  Thank you.  140  00:06:23,120 --> 00:06:24,930  而且你在印度教和牛的问题上是错的  And you're wrong about hinduism and cows.  141  00:06:26,130 --> 00:06:27,810  拉杰  你猜怎么着  Hey, Raj, guess what.  142  00:06:27,880 --> 00:06:28,810  拉夫林教授正招募人员加入  Professor Laughlin is looking for someone to join  143  00:06:28,900 --> 00:06:30,350  恒星进化科研小组  The stellar evolution research team.  144  00:06:30,820 --> 00:06:32,370  真的吗  那太棒了  You-you're kidding! That's fantastic!  145  00:06:32,370 --> 00:06:34,700  那你还在等什么  打电话预约面试啊  What are you waiting for? Call him and set up an interview.  146  00:06:34,770 --> 00:06:35,770  现在就打  I'm on it.  147  00:06:35,840 --> 00:06:37,240  这叫高兴  对吗  That's happy, right?  148  00:06:37,310 --> 00:06:38,970  -没错  -搞定  - Yeah.  - Nailed it.  149  00:06:41,960 --> 00:06:43,780  库萨帕里博士  请进  Dr. Koothrappali, come on in.  150  00:06:43,830 --> 00:06:45,450  我很惊讶你居然想加入  I was surprised to hear you were interested  151  00:06:45,500 --> 00:06:46,750  我们这个小团队  In joining our little team.  152  00:06:46,800 --> 00:06:49,000  放弃那些海王星外星体了  是吗  Giving up on those trans-neptunian objects, are we?  153  00:06:49,080 --> 00:06:51,170  不  不  那是个很有前景的领域  No, no, it's a very promising area.  154  00:06:51,170 --> 00:06:53,750  如果条件理想  我愿意花数年在这课题上  In a perfect world, I'd spend several more years on it.  155  00:06:53,810 --> 00:06:55,970  但我却不能放弃这个机会  But I just couldn't pass up the opportunity  156  00:06:56,060 --> 00:06:58,130  与您共同研究这个令人无比兴奋  To work with you on your tremendously exciting  157  00:06:58,180 --> 00:07:00,840  且还未最终定论的假设上  And not yet conclusively disproved hypothesis.  158  00:07:00,930 --> 00:07:01,930  说的太精彩了  Splendid.  159  00:07:02,000 --> 00:07:03,480  请坐  Uh, please sit down.  160  00:07:03,570 --> 00:07:05,100  要来一杯雪利酒吗  Can I offer you a Sherry?  161  00:07:05,150 --> 00:07:06,970  现在还为时过早  不是吗  It's a little early, isn't it?  162  00:07:07,020 --> 00:07:08,320  我们不在比邻星上[很暗的恒星 意指还早]  Not on Proxima Centauri.  163  00:07:09,440 --> 00:07:10,850  说的太好了  That's very good.  164  00:07:10,940 --> 00:07:13,490  非常有趣  但如果你不介意的话  Jolly amusing, but if you don't mind,  165  00:07:13,580 --> 00:07:16,610  把我那杯留到泰坦星日落之时[土卫六 日落晚]  I'll hold off until suet on Titan.  166  00:07:16,660 --> 00:07:17,660  说的好  Well done.  167  00:07:17,750 --> 00:07:18,980  我预感你将会  I have a feeling you're going  168  00:07:19,030 --> 00:07:20,530  很好的融入这个团队的  库萨帕里博士  To fit in just fine, Dr. Koothrappali.  169  00:07:20,620 --> 00:07:21,780  谢谢称赞  先生  Thank you, sir.  170  00:07:23,030 --> 00:07:24,030  不好意思  I'm sorry.  171  00:07:24,120 --> 00:07:25,120  我来晚了吗  Am I late?  172  00:07:25,170 --> 00:07:26,620  不  不  时间正好  No, no, no. Right on time.  173  00:07:26,670 --> 00:07:28,490  库萨帕里博士  请允许我向你介绍  Dr. Koothrappali, may I present  174  00:07:28,540 --> 00:07:30,290  来自麻省理工的麦思彤博士  Dr. Millstone from MIT.  175  00:07:30,340 --> 00:07:32,460  她将领导我们的数据分析小组  She'll be heading up our data analysis team.  176  00:07:32,510 --> 00:07:34,850  很高兴认识你  库萨帕里博士  It's nice to meet you, Dr. Koothrappali.  177  00:07:35,680 --> 00:07:39,380  我读了您关于柯伊伯带物体大小分布的文章  I read your paper on Kuiper Belt object size distribution.  178  00:07:39,470 --> 00:07:41,440  我非常喜欢  I really enjoy it.  179  00:07:44,890 --> 00:07:47,520  您是如何修正选择偏差的呢  How did you correct for the selection bias?  180  00:07:47,610 --> 00:07:51,150  我进行了模拟测试  Well, I ran a simulation that allowed me  181  00:07:51,200 --> 00:07:53,900  令我可以修正观测效率  To correct for the observational efficiency.  182  00:07:53,980 --> 00:07:55,650  这实在是太牛了  That's just fascinating.  183  00:07:55,700 --> 00:07:57,230  谢谢  Thank you.  184  00:07:59,150 --> 00:08:02,360  你想在我的热水浴池里了解更多细节吗  Would you like to hear more about it in my hot tub?  185  00:08:05,740 --> 00:08:08,080  那  我们什么时候开始呢  So, when do I start?  186  00:08:10,920 --> 00:08:12,920  你没得到工作是什么意思  What do you mean you didn't get the job?  187  00:08:13,000 --> 00:08:14,230  你怎么可能得不到  How could you not get it?  188  00:08:14,300 --> 00:08:18,710  你知道的  他是英国人  我是印度人  U know... He's british; I'm indian.  189  00:08:18,760 --> 00:08:22,360  自甘地之后  他们就对我们不大友好了  Ever since Gandhi, they haven't liked us very much.  190  00:08:22,430 --> 00:08:24,600  等等  你是说他对你有种族歧视  Wait, are you saying that he discriminated against you?  191  00:08:24,680 --> 00:08:26,660  因为我们应该提出控告  Because we should file a complaint.  192  00:08:26,730 --> 00:08:27,680  可以是可以  That's okay.  193  00:08:27,730 --> 00:08:29,550  已经有人来控告了  A complaint's been filed.  194  00:08:31,150 --> 00:08:32,600  好了  玩完了  So, that's it.  195  00:08:32,670 --> 00:08:34,190  那是我最后的希望  That was my last hope.  196  00:08:34,260 --> 00:08:36,520  我要被驱除出境了  I'm going to be deported,  197  00:08:36,570 --> 00:08:37,860  狼狈地回到家里  Sent home in disgrace,  198  00:08:37,910 --> 00:08:40,780  被我表亲桑杰冷嘲热讽  Exposed to the sardonic barb of my cousin Sanjay.  199  00:08:40,860 --> 00:08:42,550  或许你们知道他的马甲  Or, as you may know him,  200  00:08:42,550 --> 00:08:44,110  是AT&T的客服人员戴夫  Dave from at&t customer service.  201  00:08:49,900 --> 00:08:51,460  我会很想你的  I'm really going to miss you.  202  00:08:51,520 --> 00:08:53,090  你会来印度探望我吗  Will you come visit me india?  203  00:08:54,630 --> 00:08:57,260  天  那个  貌似要17小时的飞机吧  Gee, that's, like, a 17-hour flight.  204  00:08:57,380 --> 00:08:58,930  要不我们在中点相见  How about I meet you halfway?  205  00:08:59,010 --> 00:09:01,370  中点是在离日本海岸线600英里的地方  Halfway is 600 miles off the coast of japan.  206  00:09:02,370 --> 00:09:04,420  干脆这样  我们视频吧  Tell you what, we'll Skype.  207  00:09:07,310 --> 00:09:08,520  先生们  Gentlemen.  208  00:09:08,590 --> 00:09:09,990  -嗨  -拉杰  - Hey.  - Raj,  209  00:09:10,060 --> 00:09:11,960  你得到了拉夫林教授的工作吗  Did you get a job with Professor Laughlin?  210  00:09:12,030 --> 00:09:13,880  -没有  -我猜也是  - No.  - I assumed as much.  211  00:09:13,950 --> 00:09:15,030  但别害怕  But never fear.  212  00:09:15,100 --> 00:09:16,450  就像是无数的动作片里面  Like the subordinate male protagonist  213  00:09:16,530 --> 00:09:17,930  那些次要男主角  In countless action movies  214  00:09:17,980 --> 00:09:20,120  在影片放到一半时消失那样  Who disappears half way through the second reel,  215  00:09:20,200 --> 00:09:23,290  我现在回来拯救世界  I have returned to save the day.  216  00:09:25,790 --> 00:09:26,870  奇怪了  Odd.  217  00:09:26,940 --> 00:09:28,930  他通常都是在欢呼声中回归的  Usually, he's met by cheers.  218  00:09:28,990 --> 00:09:31,660  不论如何  我正想着探索  Anyway, I was thinking about exploring  219  00:09:31,750 --> 00:09:32,980  超弦理论在  The string theory implications  220  00:09:33,050 --> 00:09:34,450  暗物质湮灭时所放出的伽玛射线中的含义  Of gamma rays from dark matter annihilations,  221  00:09:34,500 --> 00:09:36,330  我突然间发现我能利用  And it occurred to me that I could benefit--  222  00:09:36,420 --> 00:09:37,750  打扰一下  谢尔顿  Excuse me, Sheldon.  223  00:09:37,800 --> 00:09:39,590  通常需要浪费多少卷胶片才能让次要的男主角  How many reels before the subordine male protagonist  224  00:09:39,640 --> 00:09:40,970  说到重点上  Gets to s point?  225  00:09:41,060 --> 00:09:42,760  不好意思  如果你没有为我的出场欢呼  I'm sorry-- if you didn't cheer at my entrance,  226  00:09:42,810 --> 00:09:44,370  那你现在提出你的假设也为时已晚了  It's too late to buy into the premise.  227  00:09:47,800 --> 00:09:49,730  不管怎么说  我从系主任那里  Anyway, I got some extra money  228  00:09:49,800 --> 00:09:51,230  获得了多余的资金  From the head of the department,  229  00:09:51,300 --> 00:09:53,850  而拉杰可以来给我打工  And Raj can come work for me.  230  00:09:53,940 --> 00:09:55,870  你想让我与你共事  You want me to work with you?  231  00:09:55,940 --> 00:09:58,840  是给我打工  For me.  232  00:09:58,910 --> 00:10:00,070  你今后在工作的时候  You're going to have to listen  233  00:10:00,140 --> 00:10:02,440  必须要更仔细的听清我的话  More careful when you're on the job.  234  00:10:02,490 --> 00:10:04,860  好吧  但是可别搞错了  Ay, uh, please don't take this the wrong way,  235  00:10:04,950 --> 00:10:08,000  我情愿在乳头上别张纸  But I'd rather swim buck-naked across the Ganges  236  00:10:08,080 --> 00:10:10,220  赤条条地游过恒河  With a paper cut on my nipple  237  00:10:10,290 --> 00:10:11,620  抑或是染上病毒痛苦而挣扎着死掉  And die a slow, agonizing death  238  00:10:11,670 --> 00:10:15,540  也不要和你一起工作  From a viral infection than work with you.  239  00:10:16,590 --> 00:10:19,290  是为我工作  For me.  240  00:10:28,150 --> 00:10:29,580  谢尔顿  你在忙吗  Sheldon, are you busy?  241  00:10:29,650 --> 00:10:32,650  这不废话么  Of course I'm busy.  242  00:10:32,720 --> 00:10:33,950  那要我等你吗  Shall I wait?  243  00:10:33,950 --> 00:10:34,950  当然了  Yes, please  244  00:10:48,520 --> 00:10:50,680  能为你效劳吗  How may I help you?  245  00:10:50,750 --> 00:10:54,050  我重新考虑了你提出的合作建议  I've reconsidered your offer to let me work with you.  246  00:10:54,120 --> 00:10:55,890  是为我工作  For me  247  00:10:55,960 --> 00:10:58,190  是是  为你工作  Yes, for you.  248  00:10:58,280 --> 00:11:00,480  我接受  但有几个条件  I do, however, have a few conditions.  249  00:11:00,550 --> 00:11:01,700  首先  任何情况下  First, at all times,  250  00:11:01,780 --> 00:11:04,180  你都得把我看作同事平等对待  I am to be treated as a colleague and an equal.  251  00:11:04,230 --> 00:11:06,120  其次  在所有发表物上  Second, my contributions shall noted  252  00:11:06,180 --> 00:11:07,280  都应注明我的名字和贡献  In all published material.  253  00:11:07,350 --> 00:11:09,490  第三  绝不许你在我面前  And third, you are never allowed to lecture me  254  00:11:09,540 --> 00:11:12,920  挑剔我的印度教或印度文化  On hinduism or my Indian culture.  255  00:11:12,990 --> 00:11:14,930  真令我感到钦佩  拉杰  I'm impressed, Raj.  256  00:11:14,990 --> 00:11:16,980  你提得条件中肯而合理  Those are very cogent and reasonable conditions.  257  00:11:17,050 --> 00:11:18,000  谢谢  Thank you.  258  00:11:18,000 --> 00:11:19,100  我统统拒绝  I reject them all.  259  00:11: 20,100 --> 00:11:22,720  那我就毫无选择了  Then you leave me no choice.  260  00:11:22,800 --> 00:11:24,540  只能接受这份工作  I accept the job.  261  00:11:24,600 --> 00:11:28,340  真抱歉  我想你大概搞错了  I'm sorry, I believe you've misunderstood.  262  00:11:28,390 --> 00:11:30,270  我才不是请你来工作  I'm not giving you the job.  263  00:11:30,340 --> 00:11:33,390  我只是给你一个机会来应征  I'm simply affording you the opportunity to apply for it.  264  00:11:36,010 --> 00:11:37,680  坐下吧  我们先来面试  Have a seat; we'll get started with the interview.  265  00:11:37,730 --> 00:11:39,850  靠  你开玩笑吗  Wha... You're kidding!  266  00:11:39,900 --> 00:11:41,870  请坐  Please.  267  00:11:41,940 --> 00:11:43,890  好吧  all right.  268  00:11:47,090 --> 00:11:49,280  好吧...  So...  269  00:11:51,300 --> 00:11:54,200  你就穿这个来面试吗  That's what you wear to an interview?  270  00:11:54,270 --> 00:11:57,080  行行好吧  哥们  我们可是多年的老友啊  Come on, dude, we've been friends for years.  271  00:11:57,170 --> 00:12:00,290  哇  开始套近乎了吗  Oh, pulling strings, are we?  272  00:12:00,360 --> 00:12:03,740  谢尔顿  看在老天爷的份上  别逼我求你  Sheldon, for god's sakes, don't make me beg.  273  00:12:03,810 --> 00:12:06,580  逗你玩!  Bazinga!  274  00:12:06,640 --> 00:12:07,760  你是我经典实用笑话  You've fallen victim  275  00:12:07,850 --> 00:12:10,260  的第N个受害者  To another one of my classic practical jokes.  276  00:12:12,700 --> 00:12:15,950  我现在可是老板  你敢说我的笑话不好笑?  I'm your boss now. You may want to laugh at that.  277  00:12:19,110 --> 00:12:21,890  二人世界的感觉真棒  不是吗  Ah, this is nice having the place to ourselves, isn't it?  278  00:12:21,940 --> 00:12:23,560  唔唔  Uh-huh.  279  00:12:23,610 --> 00:12:24,980  拉杰正和谢尔顿一起工作  Now that raj is working for sheldon,  280  00:12:25,060 --> 00:12:27,000  我就不用开车载他了  I don't have to chauffeur him around anymore.  281  00:12:27,070 --> 00:12:29,100  更重要的是  他们工作到这么晚  plus, yeah, with them working late so much,  282  00:12:29,150 --> 00:12:30,120  我们就能过二人世界了  We get some privacy.  283  00:12:30,150 --> 00:12:32,450  嗯哼  Mm-hmm.  284  00:12:32,540 --> 00:12:36,560  想来点儿刺激的吗  Hey, want to get a little crazy?  285  00:12:36,620 --> 00:12:38,330  你想怎样  What are you thinking?  286  00:12:38,390 --> 00:12:41,630  我们在谢尔顿的专座上狠狠干一场  Let's slide over to sheldon's spot and make out.  287  00:12:43,560 --> 00:12:45,880  你可真是放荡  You are a dirty girl.  288  00:12:49,320 --> 00:12:51,640  天啊  他怎么知道  Oh, god, how did he know?  289  00:12:52,640 --> 00:12:53,590  你们好啊  Hello.  290  00:12:53,660 --> 00:12:55,510  嗨  霍华德  Hi, howard.  291  00:12:55,590 --> 00:12:57,240  我打扰你们了吗  Am I interrupting?  292  00:12:57,310 --> 00:12:58,960  是有一点  Little bit, yeah.  293  00:12:59,030 --> 00:13:00,450  我应该先打个电话来  Guess I should have called.  294  00:13:00,520 --> 00:13:01,680  说得也是  Yeah, maybe.  295  00:13:09,610 --> 00:13:11,990  今晚我通常都和拉杰一起  Tonight's the night I usually go line dancing  296  00:13:12,080 --> 00:13:15,000  去帕拉米诺跳排排舞  With raj at the palomino.  297  00:13:15,080 --> 00:13:17,300  然后呢  Uh-huh.  298  00:13:17,370 --> 00:13:19,180  但他现在却要和谢尔顿一起工作  But he's working with sheldon.  299  00:13:19,250 --> 00:13:21,150  我们知道  Yes, we know.  300  00:13:21,220 --> 00:13:22,290  要我走吗  Want me to leave?  301  00:13:22,350 --> 00:13:24,690  也无所谓啦  You know, whatever.  302  00:13:24,760 --> 00:13:27,320  那好  我就在这消磨一会儿好了  Okay, I guess I can hang for a little while.  303  00:13:28,960 --> 00:13:31,680  在看什么呢  So what are we watching?  304  00:13:31,760 --> 00:13:34,300  哇  欲望都市  Sex and the city. Yikes.  305  00:13:34,350 --> 00:13:36,680  别换台  我喜欢这部电影  Hey, I happen to love this mie.  306  00:13:36,770 --> 00:13:38,350  好  那就看吧  Fine, let's watch it.  307  00:13:38,440 --> 00:13:42,110  好像我们的经期同步了哈  Maybe all our periods will synchronize.  308  00:13:45,890 --> 00:13:48,580  好  我们现在要设计一个实验  All right, we're going to be designing an experiment  309  00:13:48,650 --> 00:13:50,560  以观察由于宇宙暗物质的碰撞  To look for the annihilation spectrum  310  00:13:50,650 --> 00:13:52,900  而产生的光谱湮灭现象  Resulting from dark matter collisions in space.  311  00:13:52,980 --> 00:13:53,900  哇  暗物质耶  Ooh, dark matter.  312  00:13:53,990 --> 00:13:55,570  那我们最好带个手电筒  We better bring a flashlight.  313  00:13:58,920 --> 00:14:00,590  开玩笑而已  I was making a joke.  314  00:14:00,660 --> 00:14:01,880  我才是老板  I'm the boss.  315  00:14:01,940 --> 00:14:04,850  只有我能开玩笑  I make the jokes.  316  00:14:04,910 --> 00:14:07,330  抱歉  你来吧  Sorry go ahead and make your joke.  317  00:14:07,380 --> 00:14:09,600  现在有时间开玩笑吗  This is not the time for joking.  318  00:14:09,670 --> 00:14:11,330  我们可是正儿八经地在做研究  We're doing serious research,  319  00:14:11,390 --> 00:14:13,840  需要完全高度集中精神  Which requires complete and utter focus.  320  00:14:13,890 --> 00:14:15,740  好  那就全力开工吧  All right, let's buckle down and work.  321  00:14:15,810 --> 00:14:19,140  ("虎视眈眈"  电影洛奇主题曲  幸存者乐队演奏)  ("eye of the tiger" by survivor playing)  322  00:14:46,500 --> 00:14:47,770  -谢尔顿  -咋了  -Sheldon. -What?  323  00:14:47,840 --> 00:14:48,860  有脑残片么  I need an aspirin.  324  00:14:48,920 --> 00:14:51,340  在头个抽屉里  Top desk drawer.  325  00:14:56,460 --> 00:14:58,410  -谢了  -好了吗  -Thank you. -Alright?  326  00:14:58,470 --> 00:14:59,420  -是  -很好  -Yes. -Good.  327  00:15:07,440 --> 00:15:09,810  真是有趣  That was fun.  328  00:15:09,890 --> 00:15:11,310  谢谢  Thank you.  329  00:15:11,400 --> 00:15:13,530  莱纳德亲亲  我们每一次嘿咻完  Leonard, honey, you don't have to say thank you  330  00:15:13,600 --> 00:15:14,900  你不用都说谢谢  Every time we have sex.  331  00:15:14,970 --> 00:15:17,100  噢  好  Oh. Okay.  332  00:15:17,150 --> 00:15:19,150  明天你如果在信箱里看到张卡片  Tomorrow you're going to get a card in the mail.  333  00:15:19,240 --> 00:15:21,740  扔了它就是  Just throw it away.  334  00:15" type="audio/mpeg" />-->