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00:03:24,610  生活大爆炸  第三季第五集  2  00:00:02,420 --> 00:00:06,070  好的  拉杰出了幽灵军团卡  All right, Raj has played his phantom warlord card,  3  00:00:06,140 --> 00:00:10,910  我就出绞杀蔓藤帮他  And I am going to back him up with my strangling vines.  4  00:00:11,780 --> 00:00:14,450  绞死你  笨蛋  Choke on that, sucka.  5  00:00:14,510 --> 00:00:19,350  那我就用红宝石剑砍断你的蔓藤  Okay, well, then I'll just cut your vines with my ruby sword.  6  00:00:19,420 --> 00:00:23,290  没错  我干的  我砍了  That's right, I did it. I cut 'em.  7  00:00:26,210 --> 00:00:28,110  我想问个问题  I have a question.  8  00:00:28,200 --> 00:00:31,860  军团能吃巨人  巨人能吃精灵  Warlord beats troll, troll beats elf,  9  00:00:31,930 --> 00:00:33,200  精灵能吃水妖  Elf beats water sprite,  10  00:00:33,270 --> 00:00:36,740  基本上什么都能吃魔法小兔  And basically everything beats enchanted bunny.  11  00:00:36,800 --> 00:00:38,770  除非你有胡萝卜粉  Unless you have the carrot powder.  12  00:00:38,840 --> 00:00:41,910  我还想问一个问题  Okay, I've got another question.  13  00:00:41,960 --> 00:00:43,930  这有什么好玩的  When does this get fun?  14  00:00:43,990 --> 00:00:45,880  我们是要讨论  Are we going to talk  15  00:00:45,950 --> 00:00:48,830  还是继续玩"卡亚神秘勇士"  Or are we going to play "mystic warriors of ka-ah"?  16  00:00:48,900 --> 00:00:51,130  出毒药卡  Just play a potion card.  17  00:00:51,220 --> 00:00:52,600  哪张  Which one?  18  00:00:52,640 --> 00:00:53,640  哪张都一样  It doesn't matter.  19  00:00:53,720 --> 00:00:55,820  你不可能赢了  You can't possibly win.  20  00:00:55,890 --> 00:00:56,970  谢尔顿  别破坏游戏  Sheldon, don't ruin the game.  21  00:00:57,060 --> 00:00:58,420  他怎么可能破坏游戏  How could he ruin the game?  22  00:00:58,480 --> 00:01:00,180  根据已出的卡推算  Given the cards that have already been played,  23  00:01:00,260 --> 00:01:02,770  佩妮手上只能有巫师毒药  Penny can only be holding necromancer potions,  24  00:01:02,770 --> 00:01:05,100  毒药只对幽灵和日行者有效  Which are only effective against wraiths and day-walkers,  25  00:01:05,100 --> 00:01:06,830  但两个都已经出完了  And there are no more of either left to be drawn.  26  00:01:06,830 --> 00:01:08,270  剩下未出的卡是  The cards remaining in the undrawn stack are:  27  00:01:08,340 --> 00:01:12,620  四张火焰  一张巨人  两张食人怪和冥神宝石  Four fire weapons, a troll, two ogres and the jewel of osiris.  28  00:01:12,660 --> 00:01:14,940  瞧  被破坏了吧  See? Ruined.  29  00:01:14,990 --> 00:01:17,780  谢尔顿  太厉害了  Sheldon, that is incredible.  30  00:01:17,840 --> 00:01:20,960  对你来说  当然是厉害  From your vantage point, it certainly must seem so.  31  00:01:21,030 --> 00:01:24,170  谢尔顿有图像式记忆的能力  Sheldon has kind of a photographic memory.  32  00:01:24,250 --> 00:01:26,290  "图像式"用词不当  "photographic" is a misnomer.  33  00:01:26,340 --> 00:01:29,170  应该是高清图像式记忆  我说过好几遍了  I have an eidetic memory, as I've told you many times.  34  00:01:29,260 --> 00:01:31,370  最近一次是去年5月7日  Most recently last year during lunch  35  00:01:31,460 --> 00:01:33,160  中午午餐期间  On the afternoon of may seventh.  36  00:01:34,390 --> 00:01:36,800  你吃了火鸡  还抱怨太干了  You had turkey and complained it was dry.  37  00:01:36,860 --> 00:01:38,630  看来游戏结束了  Well, I guess game'over.  38  00:01:38,680 --> 00:01:40,600  真的  太好了  Really? Oh, great.  39  00:01:41,380 --> 00:01:44,100  我是说"哦"  I mean, aw.  40  00:01:44,970 --> 00:01:47,020  -我得走了  -为什么  - Okay, I gotta go. - Why?  41  00:01:47,110 --> 00:01:48,560  就因为上次没走  Because the last me I didn't go,  42  00:01:48,640 --> 00:01:51,390  我才会玩"卡神秘勇士"  I ended up playing "mystic warlords of ka."  43  00:01:51,480 --> 00:01:54,160  不是"卡"  是"卡亚"  Not "ka. Ka-ah."  44  00:01:54,230 --> 00:01:56,370  拜丫儿  Buh-eye.  45  00:01:56,450 --> 00:01:58,450  回见  See ya.  46  00:02:00,040 --> 00:02:02,200  还是不敢相信她和我在一起了  Still can't believe she's going out with me.  47  00:02:02,290 --> 00:02:03,960  没人相信  Nobody can.  48  00:02:05,380 --> 00:02:07,830  这倒提醒我有笔旧账还没跟你算清  That reminds me I have a bone to pick with you.  49  00:02:07,890 --> 00:02:08,580  什么  What?  50  00:02:08,660 --> 00:02:10,530  你我有个约定  You and I made a pact  51  00:02:10,580 --> 00:02:13,000  我们中谁先追到个漂亮女友  That if either of us ever got a hot girlfriend,  52  00:02:13,050 --> 00:02:14,500  谁就得让他的女友  That person would have his girlfriend  53  00:02:14,550 --> 00:02:17,720  给对方介绍一个女友  Hook the other guy up with one of her girlfriends.  54  00:02:17,800 --> 00:02:19,760  我不记得有这回事  I don't remember that.  55  00:02:19,840 --> 00:02:22,160  2004年  6月30日  June 30th, 2004.  56  00:02:22,230 --> 00:02:25,710  《蜘蛛侠 2》在帕萨迪纳AMC影院上映  Opening day of Spider-Man 2 at the Amc Pasadena.  57  00:02:25,760 --> 00: 02:29,420  那里只有红冰极饮料  没有蓝的  They only had red icees, no blue.  58  00:02:29,480 --> 00:02:30,850  想起来了  Oh, yeah.  59  00:02:30,900 --> 00:02:33,490  你和佩妮在一起都有一个半月了  So you've been with Penny for like a month and a half now.  60  00:02:33,550 --> 00:02:35,000  我的妞呢  Where's my shorty, morty?  61  00:02:35,070 --> 00:02:38,520  霍华德  你不能要求我这么做  Howard, you can't hold me to that.  62  00:02:38,580 --> 00:02:39,740  为什么不行  Why not?  63  00:02:39,830 --> 00:02:41,110  因为当时约定时  Because when I made that agreement,  64  00:02:41,190 --> 00:02:42,910  我没想过能交到一个漂亮女友  I didn't think I'd ever have a hot girlfriend.  65  00:02:43,000 --> 00:02:44,330  我当时以为你能交到呢  And I was positive you ever would.  66  00:02:45,580 --> 00:02:48,250  我怎么不知道这件事  Hey, how come I wasn't part of this deal?  67  00:02:48,340 --> 00:02:50,030  你当时不在小食店  You had left the refreshment stand  68  00:02:50,030 --> 00:02:53,540  你去解决习惯性提前出现的尿急了  In order to indulge in your customary preemptive pre-show urination.  69  00:02:53,590 --> 00:02:55,420  就因为这个  Oh, so that's how it works?  70  00:02:55,510 --> 00:02:58,910  就因为我的膀胱小  我就不能有漂亮女友了  I have a teeny bladder and I don't get a hot girlfriend?  71  00:02:58,960 --> 00:03:02,050  对  拉杰  就因为这个  Yeah, Raj. That's how it works.  72  00:03:02,100 --> 00:03:04,600  靠  Damn.  73  00:03:32,520 --> 00:03:34,820  能给我张纸巾吗  Can I have a napkin?  74  00:03:34,860 --> 00:03:37,540  抱歉  不行  I'm sorry, no.  75  00:03:37,610 --> 00:03:40,040  你有好几张呢  But you have whole bunch of 'em.  76  00:03:40,110 --> 00:03:43,580  对  我现在用的是四张纸巾体系  Yes, I've moved to a four-napkin system.  77  00:03:43,670 --> 00:03:47,250  分别对应腿  手  脸和个人紧急情况  Lap, hands, face and personal emergency.  78  00:03:48,340 --> 00:03:50,450  你需要的话  明天开始  If you like, starting tomorrow,  79  00:03:50,540 --> 00:03:52,090  我会加一张客用纸巾  I'll add a guest napkin,  80  00:03:52,170 --> 00:03:55,080  但我今天实在无能为力  But I'm afraid there's nothing I can do for you today.  81  00:03:58,210 --> 00:04:00,750  好运  那是擦脸纸巾  Good luck. That's the face napkin.  82  00:04:02,450 --> 00:04:04,000  你跟佩妮说了吗  So, have you talked to Penny yet?  83  00:04:04,070 --> 00:04:05,150  还没有  No, I haven't.  84  00:04:05,200 --> 00:04:06,290  为什么  Why not?  85  00:04:06,290 --> 00:04:07,670  因为我很忙  Because I've been busy,  86  00:04:07,670 --> 00:04:09,490  因为我不知道怎么跟她提  Because I haven't figured out a way to bring it up,  87  00:04:09,490 --> 00:04:12,470  最主要的是  "特别强调这点"  And mostly-- and I can't stress how key this is--  88  00:04:12,470 --> 00:04:14,310  因为我不想提  Because I don't want to.  89  00:04:15,130 --> 00:04:16,630  莱纳德  约定就是约定  Leonard, pact is a pact.  90  00:04:16,700 --> 00:04:18,670  你必须让佩妮给我找个伴  You have to get Penny to fix me up.  91  00:04:18,750 --> 00:04:19,670  事情没那么简单  It's not that simple.  92  00:04:19,720 --> 00:04:20,840  你要我怎么说  What am I supposed to say?  93  00:04:20,890 --> 00:04:22,050  佩妮  你有没有  "Penny, do you have any friend  94  00:04:22,140 --> 00:04:23,500  不想再联系的朋友  You'd like to never hear from again?"  95  00:04:23,560 --> 00:04:25,720  拜托  我那么聪明  Come on, I'm smart,  96  00:04:25,810 --> 00:04:30,210  又有份好工作  而且我的体脂肪率只有3%  I have good job and I have only three percent body fat.  97  00:04:30,260 --> 00:04:31,430  真的  It's true.  98  00:04:31,510 --> 00:04:33,010  我在沙滩上看过  I've seen him at the beach.  99  00:04:33,070 --> 00:04:35,230  他就像个人形鸡翅  He's like a human chicken wing.  100  00:04:35,320 --> 00:04:36,850  莱纳德  拜托  Leonard, come on.  101  00:04:36,900 --> 00:04:39,020  好吧  我会问她有没有适合你的朋友  Fine. I'll ask if she has a friend for you.  102  00:04:39,070 --> 00:04:40,190  要漂亮的哦  Hot friend.  103  00:04:40,240 --> 00:04:42,160  -行 -还要高挑的  - Right. - And tall.  104  00:04:42,160 --> 00:04:43,910  我希望我们的孩子能在20岁前  I want our kids to be able to Ride Space Mountain  105  00:04:43,910 --> 00:04:45,880  玩飞越太空山[迪士尼乐园]  Before they're 20.  106  00:04:45,940 --> 00:04:48,260  我尽力而为  I'll see what I can do.  107  00:04:48,730 --> 00:04:50,780  谢尔顿  猜我今天听到什么  Hey, Sheldon, guess what I heard today?  108  00:04:50,850 --> 00:04:53,900  我能想象你今天听了很多东西  I'd imagine you heard many number of things today.  109  00:04:53,970 --> 00:04:56,070  你来上班肯定会听到  "你好  拉杰"  When you arrived at work you undoubtedly heard, "hello, Raj.  110  00:04:56,140 --> 00:04:57,290  过得如何  拉杰  "How are you, Raj?"  111  00:04:57,360 --> 00:05:00,620  考虑到你今天穿了件新的羊毛背心  会听到"新背心啊"  Given that you're wearing a new sweater-vest,  112  00:05:00,910 --> 00:05:03,440  也有可能  虽然可能性很小  听到"羊毛背心很漂亮"  And possibly, though far less likely, "nice sweater-vest."  113  00:05:03,510 --> 00:05:06,960  为什么不干脆让我告诉你今天听到了什么  Why don't I just tell you what I heard today.  114  00:05:07,030 --> 00:05:09,780  因为这可能节约我们的时间  That would probably save us some time.  115  00:05:09,830 --> 00:05:12,120  星期六晚上在漫画书店  Saturday night at the comic book store,  116  00:05:12,170 --> 00:05:13,800  那里将举办一个"卡亚神秘勇士"锦标赛  They're having a "Mystic Warlords of Ka-Ah" tournament.  117  00:05:13,870 --> 00:05:16,290  第一名有500美金  First prize is $500.  118  00:05:16,340 --> 00:05:18,180  如果我们组队  肯定无敌了  If we team up, we'd be unstoppable.  119  00:05:18,260 --> 00:05:20,090  对不起  拉杰  对于没有挑战性的游戏  I'm sorry, Raj, but I have no interest  120  00:05:20,160 --> 00:05:22,460  我完全不感兴趣  In playing a game in which I find no challenge.  121  00:05:22,530 --> 00:05:23,710  那钱呢  What about the money?  122  00:05:23,800 --> 00:05:24,820  我有钱啊  I have money.  123  00:05:24,880 --> 00:05:26,550  这钱不一样  This is other money.  124  00:05:26,630 --> 00:05:29,000  那这跟我自己拥有的钱有什么区别  How does it differ from the money I have?  125  00:05:29,070 --> 00:05:31,240  我要拿一半啊  Half of it will be mine.  126  00:05:31,270 --> 00:05:34,660  你需要钱买一件不那么惹人嫌的羊毛背心吗  Do you need it to buy a less disturbing sweater-vest?  127  00:05:36,860 --> 00:05:38,060  莱纳德  救救我吧  Leonard, help.  128  00:05:38,150 --> 00:05:39,980  开什么玩笑  Are you kidding?  129  00:05:40,030 --> 00:05:43,270  我甚至不能说服他给我一张狗日的餐巾纸  I couldn't even talk him into giving one of his freakin' napkins.  130  00:05:46,640 --> 00:05:51,310  天呐  你真是个天才  Wow, you really are a genius.  131  00:05:51,380 --> 00:05:52,930  不算吧  Not really.  132  00:05:52,980 --> 00:05:55,020  我其实是在网上搜到的这些花式  I googled how to do that.  133  00:05:59,390 --> 00:06:04,070  问一下  你有跟谁有过约定吗  So, listen...Have you ever made a pact with someone?  134  00:06:04,140 --> 00:06:05,910  你是说那种拉勾勾誓言吗  You mean like a pinky swear?  135  00:06:07,560 --> 00:06:10,060  好吧  就算是那种拉勾勾誓言  Okay, fine, like a pinky swear.  136  00:06:10,130 --> 00:06:12,680  一年级时候  我和我朋友萝茜  Well, in the first grade, my friend Rosie and I  137  00:06:12,730 --> 00:06:14,520  约定要嫁给毕特和恩尼  Made a pact to marry Bert and Ernie.  138  00:06:14,570 --> 00:06:17,190  你知道的  芝麻街里面[美国木偶剧]  You know, from Sesame street?  139  00:06:17,240 --> 00:06:18,890  我跟毕特和恩尼还蛮熟的  I'm familiar with Bert and Ernie.  140  00:06:19,240 --> 00:06:21,680  然后我们发现都想要嫁给恩尼  Then we find out we both wanted Ernie.  141  00:06:21,910 --> 00:06:24,630  我们直到中学都没再说过话  We didn't speak again until middle school.  142  00:06:24,700 --> 00:06:26,410  就因为那个木偶  Over puppets?  143  00:06:26,500 --> 00:06:29,770  各人心头所好啊  莱纳德  The heart wants what the heart wants, Leonard.  144  00:06:29,830 --> 00:06:31,020  好吧  Okay.  145  00:06:31,090 --> 00:06:34,040  说到心头所好  Speaking of what the heart want-  146  00:06:34,090 --> 00:06:36,660  很久以前  Um, a long time ago,  147  00:06:36,730 --> 00:06:40,310  我跟沃罗威茨有个约定  其中牵涉到你  I made a pact with Wolowitz that kind of involves you.  148  00:06:48,390 --> 00:06:52,560  我不知道接下来你要说什么  Okay, I don't know where you're going with this,  149  00:06:52,610 --> 00:06:57,590  但你最好小心点  因为我们可能因此玩完  But tread carefully because it may be the last conversation we ever have.  150  00:06:57,650 --> 00:07:00,600  不  不  不是那样的  No, no, nothing like that.  151  00:07:00,600 --> 00:07:03,990  交易说的是如果我们当中任意一个有女朋友了  The deal was that if either of us ever got a girlfriend,  152  00:07:03,990 --> 00:07:07,460  我们就要她介绍她的朋友 给约定的另一方  We'd have her fix the other one up with one of her friends.  153  00:07:07,500 --> 00:07:11,070  你觉得这种事适合在激情过后马上说吗  And you thought it's a good time to bring this up right after sex?  154  00:07:11,110 --> 00:07:15,880  我只是很确定在激情之前不会说  Well, I sure as hell wasn't going to bring it up before sex.  155  00:07:16,570 --> 00:07:20,230  而在激情进行时  我在尽力回想在谷歌上看到的花式  And during, I was trying to remember what I read on google,so...  156  00:07:23,270 --> 00:07:25,990  我绝不会介绍我的朋友给沃罗威茨  I'm not hooking Wolowitz up with one of my friends.  157  00:07:26,070 --> 00:07:29,030  不一定是要好朋友啊  It doesn't have to be a good friend.  158  00:07:29,090 --> 00:07:33,260  而且你也知道他内里其实是个很好的人  And you know that deep down inside, Howard's a really nice guy.  159  00:07:33,330 --> 00:07:36,030  这问题不在于他的内里  The problem isn't what's on the inside.  160  00:07:36,120 --> 00:07:38,290  在于他令人毛骨悚然的淫荡外表  It's the creepy candy coating.  161  00:07:38,750 --> 00:07:42,360  你能好歹考虑一下吗  Will you at least think about it?  162  00:07:42,420 --> 00:07:44,590  就当是帮我个忙  Just as a favor to me?  163  00:07:44,660 --> 00:07:51,200  我最喜欢恩尼的一点 就是他从不求我什么  Oh, great thing about ernie, was he never asked me for anything.  164  00:07:51,300 --> 00:07:54,650  他只给予  He just gave.  165  00:07:55,620 --> 00:08:01,230  有了  有了  有了  有了  有了  有了  Got it. Got it. Got it. Got it. Got it. Got it.  166  00:08:01,310 --> 00:08:03,010  《贝蒂与维罗妮卡》  Betty and Veronica?  167  00:08:05,800 --> 00:08:08,530  谢尔顿  新的《绿灯侠》手办明天就到了  Hey, Sheldon, the new Greelantern figurine's coming in tomorrow.  168  00:08:08,620 --> 00:08:09,820  要我给你留一份吗  Want me to set one aside for you?  169  00:08:09,870 --> 00:08:11,190  谢谢  Thank you.  170  00:08:11,240 --> 00:08:15,020  你刚刚夺走了我从无意中找到手办  You just robbed me of the opportunity to stumble upon the figurine  171  00:08:15,070 --> 00:08:16,790  那种从发现到渴望到占有的  And make the oh-so-satisfying journey  172  00:08:16,860 --> 00:08:18,330  持续快感的机会给抢走了  From discovery to desire to possession.  173  00:08:18,380 --> 00:08:20,590  好吧  那我不给你留了  All right, I won't set one aside for you.  174  00:08:20,660 --> 00:08:21,810  但我必须要拥有它  But I must have it.  175  00:08:21,880 --> 00:08:24,320  -行  那我给你留着  -谢谢  - Okay, I'll set one aside for you. - Thank you.  176  00:08:24,380 --> 00:08:26,330  你知道我本可以在网上买这些的  You know, I can buy all these things online.  177  00:08:26,400 --> 00:08:28,690  我来这是为了个性化服务的  I come here for the personal service.  178  00:08:32,040 --> 00:08:33,710  斯图尔特  威尔·惠顿报名参加了  Hey, Stuart, is the Wil Wheaton signed up  179  00:08:33,780 --> 00:08:34,740  这个神秘勇士锦标赛吗  For the Mystic Warlords tournament  180  00:08:34,810 --> 00:08:37,340  就是《星际迷航》里的那个威尔·惠顿吗  The Wil Wheaton from Star Trek?  181  00:08:37,400 --> 00:08:39,580  他住在这附近  狂热玩家  Yeah, he lives around here. Big gamer.  182  00:08:39,650 --> 00:08:41,000  打扰一下  Excuse me.  183  00:08:41,070 --> 00:08:44,840  你是在说威尔·惠顿  也就是出演了  Are you saying that wil wheaton aka Ensign Wesley Crusher  184  00:08:44,940 --> 00:08:46,750  《星际迷航: 下一代》中卫斯理·柯洛夏少尉的那位  On Star Trek: The next generation  185  00:08:46,820 --> 00:08:48,670  将会参与你的锦标赛吗  Is going to be participating in your tournament?  186  00:08:48,740 --> 00:08:49,750  很抱歉  Oh, I'm sorry,  187  00:08:49,750 --> 00:08:53,030  我又剥夺了你发现这个的机会吗  did I rob you of the opportunity to stumble onto that for yourself?  188  00:08:53,530 --> 00:08:56,100  你不明白的  You don't understand.  189  00:08:56,100 --> 00:08:58,420  我从小到大一直以威尔·惠顿为偶像的  Growing up, I idolizedle Wil Wheaton.  190  00:08:58,500 --> 00:09:02,270  卫斯理·柯洛夏有和我一样的高清图像式记忆  Wesley Crusher had an eidetic memory just like me.  191  00:09:02,340 --> 00:09:03,400  天呐  多么神奇的巧合啊  Ooh, what a coincidence.  192  00:09:03,400 --> 00:09:06,020  你也许可以跟他在锦标赛中讨论一下  Maybe you can discuss with him while you're playing in the tournament.  193  00:09:06,020 --> 00:09:08,380  -在这签字  -我是他的粉丝  - Sign here. - I was such a fan  194  00:09:08,430 --> 00:09:11,450  回想1995年  我坐了10个小时的汽车  That in 1995, I traveled ten hours by bus  195  00:09:11,450 --> 00:09:13,630  到密西西比州的杰克逊市参加科幻大会  To a sci-fi convention in Jackson, Mississippi,  196  00:09:13,630 --> 00:09:15,770  穿着我的星舰学院实习生制服  Wearing my Starfleet Academy cadet uniform  197  00:09:15,830 --> 00:09:17,650  就是为了见威尔·惠顿  In order to meet Wil Wheaton  198  00:09:17,740 --> 00:09:19,070  还有让他在我珍藏的  And get him to autograph  199  00:09:19,140 --> 00:09:21,440  未拆封的卫斯理·柯洛夏手办上签名  My mint in-package Wesley Crusher action figure  200  00:09:21,510 --> 00:09:24,360  啊  那这不就是重逢了嘛  Ooh, it'll be like a reunion then.  201  00:09:24,430 --> 00:09:25,340  在这签字  Sign here.  202  00:09:25,340 --> 00:09:28,650  然而我艰苦的旅行却一无所获  My arduous journey, however, was for naught.  203  00:09:28,700 --> 00:09:31,330  尽管广告说他会出现  却最终没来  Although advertised to appear, he did not show up.  204  00:09:31,420 --> 00:09:34,640  就在那一刻  我发誓要永远憎恨威尔·惠顿  It was at that moment, I vowed eternal hatred for Wil Wheaton.  205  00:09:34,700 --> 00:09:37,090  太棒了  你可以告诉他你恨他  Okay, great, you can tell him you hate him.  206  00:09:37,160 --> 00:09:38,390  在这签字  Sign here.  207  00:09:38,460 --> 00:09:41,430  也许你们会想知道威尔·惠顿  It might also interest you to know that Wil Wheaton  208  00:09:41,490 --> 00:09:44,210  在我的永远的敌人名单里暂排第六  Currently ranks sixth on my all-time enemies list--  209  00:09:44,300 --> 00:09:46,210  排名就在差点毁掉蝙蝠侠系列电影的  Right between director Joel Schumacher,  210  00:09:46,300 --> 00:09:48,220  导演乔·舒马赫  Who nearly destroyed the batman movie franchise,  211  00:09:48,280 --> 00:09:50,180  和比利·斯派克之间  And Billy Sparks,  212  00:09:50,270 --> 00:09:51,840  他住在我家后面一条路上  Who lived down the street from me  213  00:09:51,890 --> 00: 09:53,970  曾经把狗屎放在我自行车的把手上  And put dog poop on the handles of my bicycle.  214  00:09:54,020 --> 00:09:56,020  好的  我明白了  他是坏人  Okay, I get it. He's a bad guy.  215  00:09:56,110 --> 00:09:56,780  在这签名  Sign here.  216  00:09:56,780 --> 00:09:59,160  引用不朽的《可汗的愤怒》中  In the words of Khan Noonien Singh  217  00:09:59,160 --> 00:10:02,900  可汗努尼安辛格的一句话  "他让我受难"  In the immortal Wrath of Khan, "he tasks me."  218  00:10:02,980 --> 00:10:05,850  他让我受难  我要和他较量到底  He tasks me and I shall have him."  219  00:10:05,900 --> 00:10:07,820  毫无疑问  签名吧  No doubt, sign here.  220  00:10:07,870 --> 00:10:10,520  我渡尽劫波  刺出复仇之剑[《白鲸记》]  From hell's heart, I stab at thee."  221  00:10: 13,210 --> 00:10:15,990  好了  拉杰  看来你的队友名叫  All right, raj, looks like you're teamed up  222  00:10:16,040 --> 00:10:18,580  "威尔·惠顿  去死去死"  With "die, Wil Wheaton, die."  223  00:10:24,170 --> 00:10:26,790  好  多说说我未来孩子他妈嘛  So, tell me more about the future mother of my children.  224  00:10:27,970 --> 00:10:29,550  她很讨人喜欢  霍华德  She's adorable, howard.  225  00:10:29,620 --> 00:10:30,870  你一定喜欢她  I think you'll like her.  226  00:10:30,940 --> 00:10:32,090  赞  Great.  227  00:10:32,140 --> 00:10:33,980  你是怎么和他描述我的  So what did you tell her about me?  228  00:10:34,060 --> 00:10:35,430  提了我的体脂含量了吗  Did you mention the body fat?  229  00:10:35,500 --> 00:10:38,810  没有  我想给她个惊喜  No, I thought that would be a nice surprise for her.  230  00:10:38,900 --> 00:10:41,630  好  很好  Good, good.  231  00:10:43,900 --> 00:10:46,610  我就说你是航天工程师  I just told her y're an aerospace engineer,  232  00:10:46,660 --> 00:10:48,070  通五种语言  You speak five languages--  233  00:10:48,140 --> 00:10:49,770  是六种  还有克林贡语  Six if you count klingon.  234  00:10:49,830 --> 00:10:52,560  女孩儿可不鸟克林贡语  霍华德  Girls don't count klingon, Howard.  235  00:10:52,630 --> 00:10:53,330  对不?  Right?  236  00:10:53,410 --> 00:10:54,450  没错  Right.  237  00:10:56,150 --> 00:10:57,480  我还告诉她说  Oh. And I told her you have  238  00:10:57,530 --> 00:10:58,750  你对你妈有不正常的依恋情结  An unhealthy attachment to your mother.  239  00:10:58,820 --> 00:11:00,420  不会吧  What?  240  00:11:00,490 --> 00:11:01,870  说笑而已  I'm kidding.  241  00:11:03,340 --> 00:11:05,820  又一个意外惊喜啊  Another delightful surprise for her.  242  00:11:11,000 --> 00:11:12,850  谢尔顿  该你出了  Sheldon, it's your play.  243  00:11:12,920 --> 00:11:15,000  谢尔顿  Sheldon.  244  00:11:16,500 --> 00:11:19,340  魔法巨兽用诅咒权杖  My enchanted troll bludgeons your screaming harpy  245  00:11:19,390 --> 00:11:20,860  重击你的惊叫鹰女  游戏结束  With a cursed mace. Game  246  00:11:22,440 --> 00:11:23,560  抱歉  小子们  Sorry, boys.  247  00:11:23,640 --> 00:11:26,360  替我向来接你们的妈咪问声好  Say hi to your mother when she picks you up.  248  00:11:26,450 --> 00:11:29,030  还是干脆我告诉他让她晚点来  Or I could just tell her later tonight!  249  00:11:30,950 --> 00:11:32,950  我们揍得他们屁滚尿流  狂顶你  伙计  We pwned them, dude! Up top!  250  00:11:33,020 --> 00:11:34,540  看啊  Look at him.  251  00:11:34,620 --> 00:11:38,990  威尔·惠顿  我的一生之敌  Wil Wheaton, my old friend.  252  00:11:39,040 --> 00:11:41,460  "我穿过尼比亚卫星  跨过安塔里斯漩涡  I have chased you 'round the moons of Nibia  253  00:11:41,530 --> 00:11:45,830  越过毁灭的埃姆斯  不找到你誓不罢休  And 'round the Antares Maelstrom and 'round perdition's ames!  254  00:11:45,900 --> 00:11:48,170  你一直引用《星际迷航:愤怒的可汗》里的台词  You know, you keep quoting wrath of Khan,  255  00:11:48,230 --> 00:11:49,450  但他是《星际迷航:下一代》里的人物  But he was in next generation.  256  00:11:49,520 --> 00:11:51,390  角色设定完全不同  It's a totally different set of characters.  257  00:11:51,470 --> 00:11:53,920  肃静  Silence!  258  00:11:54,010 --> 00:11:56,890  还要等多久  才能了却我的复仇夙愿  How much longer must I wait for my revenge?  259  00:11:56,980 --> 00:11:58,860  如果惠顿和斯图尔特赢了这一局  Well, if Wil Wheaton and Stuart win their match  260  00:11:58,930 --> 00:12:01,510  而我们在下一局只要干掉  And we beat Lonely Larry and Captain Sweatpants  261  00:12:01,560 --> 00:12:02,730  寂寞拉里和休闲裤队长  In the next round,  262  00:12:02,820 --> 00:12:04,720  我们就会在决赛中碰面  We'll face off for the championship.  263  00:12:04,770 --> 00:12:08,050  那么说  挡在我复仇之路上的  So, my path to satisfaction is blocked  264  00:12:08,100 --> 00:12:11,460  只剩寂寞拉里和休闲裤队长吗  By Lonely Larry and Captain Sweatpants.  265  00:12:11,520 --> 00:12:13,790  好极了  Very well.  266  00:12:13,860 --> 00:12:16,380  非摧毁他们不可  They must be destroyed.  267  00:12:16,450 --> 00:12:18,530  哥们  能别用这种腔调说话了吗  Dude, you have to stop talking like that.  268  00:12:18,580 --> 00:12:19,610  真的很找抽  It's really lame.  269  00:12:19,700 --> 00:12:22,130  肃静  Silence!  270  00:12:26,370 --> 00:12:29,590  佩妮说你一边打工做女招待  So, Penny tells me you're working as a waitress  271  00:12:29,680 --> 00:12:31,510  一边念书  To put yourself through grade school.  272  00:12:31,580 --> 00:12:33,630  太好了  你学什么的  That's pretty great. What are you studying?  273  00:12:33,710 --> 00:12:34,730  微生物学  Microbiology.  274  00:12:34,800 --> 00:12:39,600  酷啊  那你可以研究我了  Oh, cool. So you could study me.  275  00:12:39,690 --> 00:12:41,600  什么意思  I don'understand.  276  00:12:41,690 --> 00:12:46,260  微生物学不就是研究微小的生物吗  Microbiology is the study of tiny living things.  277  00:12:46,310 --> 00:12:49,440  我知道  我学的就是这个  I know, I'm studying it.  278  00:12:49,450 --> 00:12:56,400  所以我说嘛  因为我小巧玲珑呀  And I said you could study me 'cause I'm a tiny living thing.  279  00:12:56,450 --> 00:12:59,100  我只是在说笑  It's a joke.  280  00:12:59,160 --> 00:13:01,160  你确定  Are you sure?  281  00:13:05,800 --> 00:13:06,910  你喜欢科幻小说吗  Do you like Sic-Fiction?  282  00:13:06,960 --> 00:13:07,910  不喜欢  No.  283  00:13:07,960 --> 00:13:09,080  角色扮演游戏呢  Role-playing games?  284  00:13:09,130 --> 00:13:12,080  是在卧室玩的呢还是龙与地下城的那种  Like in the bedroom or like Dungeons and Dragons?  285  00:13:12,130 --> 00:13:13,620  都可以  Either.  286  00:13:13,670 --> 00:13:14,470  都不喜欢  No.  287  00:13:16,010 --> 00:13:19,310  漫漫长夜啊  Gonna be a long night.  288  00:13:19,430 --> 00:13:21,010  都是你的错  Well, it's your fault.  289  00:13:21,090 --> 00:13:24,750  我是被逼无奈  又没逼你非答应不可  I had to ask. You didn't have to say yes.  290  00:13:24,810 --> 00:13:26,980  喜欢魔术吗  You like magic?  291  00:13:27,070 --> 00:13:27,980  不太喜欢  Not really.  292  00:13:28,070 --> 00:13:29,630  好吧  Okay.  293  00:13:31,630 --> 00:13:33,630  真是漫  漫长夜啊  Long-long night.  294  00:13:37,010 --> 00:13:42,330  我出无境之蛇  装备拉杰的迷乱狂喜  I play my endless serpent. Raj will play ecstatic frenzy,  295  00:13:42,420 --> 00:13:44,300  那拉里就得出混沌领主  Whh means Larry will have to play chaos overlord.  296  00:13:44,370 --> 00:13:46,370  加上休闲裤队长的熔融之河  (看这个男人胸前的星星就是在Cos美国队长)  297  00:13:46,450 --> 00:13:49,650  而我再出毒葵树妖  你们输了  I play nightshade dryad. Game, set and match.  298  00:13:52,740 --> 00:13:56,180  威尔·惠顿  准备受死吧!  Now fetch me Wil Wheaton!  299  00:13:57,660 --> 00:14:02,680  君子报仇  十年不晚[克林贡语]  Bot-tash bir jab-loo-di rekh kkhakkh-o ny!  300  00:14:02,770 --> 00:14:05,300  那个家伙刚才是不是用克林贡语说了  Did that guy just say  301  00:14:05,370 --> 00:14:08,440  "君子报仇  十年不晚"?  "revenge is a dish best served cold" in Klingon?  302  00:14:08,510 --> 00:14:10,790  我想是吧  I believe so.  303  00:14:10,860 --> 00:14:14,400  他有毛病啊  What is wrong with him?  304  00:14:14,480 --> 00:14:17,280  萝卜青菜各有所爱  Everyone has a different theory.  305  00:14:21,120 --> 00:14:23,320  那电脑呢  How about computers?  306  00:14:23,390 --> 00:14:24,660  喜欢电脑吗  Do you like computers?  307  00:14:24,710 --> 00:14:27,540  我用电脑  但不喜欢  I use them. I don't like them.  308  00:14:27,540 --> 00:14:30,190  好吧...  Okay...  309  00:14:30,250 --> 00:14:33,400  那小狗呢  你觉得小狗怎样  Puppets?  Where do you stand on puppies?.  310  00:14:33,500 --> 00:14:36,720  有只小狗咬过我的脸  A puppy once bit my face.  311  00:14:36,800 --> 00:14:38,340  它们自然咬人啦  Of course it did.  312  00:14:38,400 --> 00:14:40,840  猜怎么着  爱因斯坦错了  How about that? Einstein was wrong.  313  00:14:40,890 --> 00:14:41,670  怎么  What?  314  00:14:41,720 --> 00:14:42,920  在接近光速的情况下  Approaching the speed of light  315  00:14:43,010 --> 00:14:44,010  时间不会减慢  Doesn't slow down time.  316  00:14:44,060 --> 00:14:45,260  和他们在一起时才会变慢  Approaching them does.  317  00:14:48,710 --> 00:14:50,430  不好意思  Excuse me.  318  00:14:50,520 --> 00:14:52,270  见鬼  是我妈  Oh, damn. It's my mother.  31" type="audio/mpeg" />-->