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当前位置: 查字典英语网 >高中英语 > 高考英语 > 高考高考英语 > 高考高考复习指南 > 高中英语语法对话练习《生活大爆炸-第3季》中英双译12素材
00:00:05,200  看咱哥俩  准备好去奔赴四人有约  Look at us, getting ready for a double date  2  00:00:05,200 --> 00:00:07,160  并且她们以名副其实的女朋友身份  With actual women who publicly acknowledge  3  00:00:07,160 --> 00:00:09,190  光明正大的来约会  They're our girlfriends.  4  00:00:09,690 --> 00:00:12,390  没错  真女人最赞  Yes, actual women are the best.  5  00:00:12,910 --> 00:00:13,940  我就不明白了  I don't understand.  6  00:00:13,940 --> 00:00:15,920  难道还有其他种类的女人  What other kind of women are there?  7  00:00:16,910 --> 00:00:18,630  霍华德  人造女性是属于你的研究部门的  Howard, artificial women are your department.  8  00:00:18,630 --> 00:00:19,760  你要接这个茬吗  You want to take this?  9  00:00:22,320 --> 00:00:24,490  才不咧  那会吓坏他的  No, it would just freak him out.  10  00:00:26,000 --> 00:00:27,240  听着  在出发之前  Listen, before we leave,  11  00:00:27,240 --> 00:00:30,290  我要警告你  我是个热情的男人  I should warn you, I'm a passionate man  12  00:00:30,290 --> 00:00:34,690  倾向于公开地表达我炙热的感情  And I tend towards public displays of affection.  13  00:00:34,690 --> 00:00:37,590  你到底想说什么啊  霍华德  What are you trying to tell me, Howard?  14  00:00:37,590 --> 00:00:40,670  我会在车里或餐厅里缠绵一下  There might be some making out in the car or the restaurant,  15  00:00:40,670 --> 00:00:42,570  而且我不想让伯纳黛特感到不安  And I don't want Bernadette to feel uncomfortable,  16  00:00:42,570 --> 00:00:46,220  所以如果你和佩妮也打啵儿的话会有所帮助的  So it would help if you and Penny made out, too.  17  00:00:47,170 --> 00:00:48,020  别担心  Don't worry.  18  00:00:48,020 --> 00:00:50,340  我们正打算在沙拉吧上云雨一番咧  We're planning to have sex right on the salad bar.  19  00:00:51,860 --> 00:00:53,860  晚上好  白种人  Namaste, white people.  20  00:00:55,890 --> 00:00:56,740  好消息  Good news!  21  00:00:56,740 --> 00:00:59,940  我租到了四小时特别版的《守望者》  I rented us the four-hour edition of Watchmen.  22  00:01:00,010 --> 00:01:00,840  -我有了  -看过了  - Got it.  - Seen it.  23  00:01:00,910 --> 00:01:03,310  我的详细分析已经发到网上了  Detailed analysis posted online.  24  00:01:04,520 --> 00:01:05,890  那...我们今晚干嘛  Well, then what are we going to do tonight?  25  00:01:05,890 --> 00:01:07,120  不好意思哈  拉杰  Uh, sorry, Raj.  26  00:01:07,120 --> 00:01:08,190  我和霍华德要与  Howard and I are going out to dinner  27  00:01:08,190 --> 00:01:09,620  -佩妮和伯纳黛特共进晚餐  -没错  - With penny and bernadette.  - Yeah.  28  00:01:09,620 --> 00:01:12,490  我和莱纳德告别无忧无虑的单身生活了  No more carefree bachelor nights for me and Leonard.  29  00:01:12,490 --> 00:01:14,530  咱这两匹野马算是彻底从良了  These broncos have been saddled.  30  00:01:20,260 --> 00:01:22,540  我们是怎么勾到真正的女人的  How did we get actual women?  31  00:01:23,310 --> 00:01:23,960  真棒  Great.  32  00:01:23,960 --> 00:01:25,950  难道他们就这么见色忘义  They get girlfriends, and they just abandon us?  33  00:01:25,950 --> 00:01:27,440  这很好哇  不是吗  It is great, isn't it?  34  00:01:28,620 --> 00:01:31,070  -一个美妙的夜晚就在前方  -是吗  - We have a wonderful evening ahead of us.  - We do?  35  00:01:31,070 --> 00:01:33,220  那是  我才发现我没有  Oh, yes. I just discovered I don't have  36  00:01:33,220 --> 00:01:35,550  足够的硬盘空间分配给Linux系统  Enough room ony hard drive for a Linux partition,  37  00:01:35,550 --> 00:01:37,940  所以你和我要做一份全套备份  So you and I are going to perform a full backup,  38  00:01:37,940 --> 00:01:41,890  初始化然后重装我的所有操作系统  Reinitialize and then reinstall all my operating systems.  39  00:01:42,170 --> 00:01:44,220  我才不想做那个咧  I don't want to do that.  40  00:01:44,220 --> 00:01:45,090  好吧  All right.  41  00:01:45,090 --> 00:01:46,950  那我要做一份全套备份  Well, I'm going to perform full backup,  42  00:01:46,950 --> 00:01:50,700  初始化然后重装我的所有操作系统  Reinitialize and then reinstall all my operating systems.  43  00:01:50,700 --> 00:01:52,270  那我呢  What about me  44  00:01:52,620 --> 00:01:55,900  嗯...我刚了解到有好几种类型的人造女性  Well, I understand there are several types of artificial women.  45  00:01:58,690 --> 00:02:00,350  也许你应该关注一下那方面  Maybe you should look into that.  46  00:02:20,210 --> 00:02:21,810  生活大爆炸  第三季第十二集  47  00:02:28,040 --> 00:02:29,370  老兄  今晚有太多很酷的事情  Dude, there's so many cool things  48  00:02:29,370 --> 00:02:31,450  等着我们去玩呢  看  We could be doing tonight. Look.  49  00:02:31,450 --> 00:02:33,160  在幽谷拱廊商场  At the glendale galleria,  50  00:02:33,160 --> 00:02:35,010  "穿上你最正的阻特装  "Put on your best zoot suit  51  00:02:33,160 --> 00:02:35,010  40年代流行爵士音乐迷所穿上衣过膝  宽肩  裤子肥大裤口狭窄的服装  52  00:02:35,010 --> 00:02:37,960  在梅西百货附近的中央广场向摇摆音乐致敬  "It's a salute to swing music in the center court near macy's.  53  00:02:37,960 --> 00:02:39,210  晚五点到九点  5 p.M. To 9 p.M."  54  00:02:39,210 --> 00:02:41,340  怎么样  如何  Huh? Huh?  55  00:02:41,340 --> 00:02:43,050  向阻特装的致敬  A salute to zoot.  56  00:02:43,970 --> 00:02:45,670  听起来像是猫头鹰  Sounds like a hoot.  57  00:02:45,670 --> 00:02:46,750  不好意思  拉杰  I'm sorry, Raj,  58  00:02:46,750 --> 00:02:50,010  我今晚没有向任何类型服装致敬的欲望  I have no desire to salute any article of clothing tonight.  59  00:02:50,010 --> 00:02:53,180  更何况这还涉及到四十年代的种族暴乱  Much less one that's linked to race riots in the 1940s.  60  00:02:53,380 --> 00:02:54,980  种族暴乱  Race riots?  61  00:02:55,460 --> 00:02:57,520  阻特装暴动  The zoot suit riots.  62  00:02:57,620 --> 00:02:59,830  啊哈  Oh.  63  00:02:59,830 --> 00:03:03,110  我一直以为那是什么圣诞节后的减价活动  I always thought that was some sort of after-christmas sale.  64  00:03:05,360 --> 00:03:08,020  那为什么不单纯地到拱廊商场散散步呢  Well, then why don't we just go to the galleria and walk around?  65  00:03:08,020 --> 00:03:09,870  我又不需要那里面的东西  But I don't need anything at the galleria.  66  00:03:09,870 --> 00:03:11,370  你在拱廊商场有何需求  Do you need anything at the galleria?  67  00:03:11,370 --> 00:03:13,840  没  我们就随便走走看看怎么回事而已  No. We would just walk around and see what's what.  68  00:03:15,690 --> 00:03:18,020  这在语义上是个无效的句子  That's a semantically null sentence.  69  00:03:19,190 --> 00:03:21,520  那好吧  嗯...那这个如何  Okay, well, how about this?  70  00:03:21,520 --> 00:03:23,010  大学网站上的  From the university web site:  71  00:03:23,010 --> 00:03:26,430  晚七点到十点  诺顿厅多功能室  7 p.M To 10:00 p.M., Norton hall multipurpose room,  72  00:03:26,430 --> 00:03:28,700  "理科与文科的  "Mixer for grad student and faculty  73  00:03:28,700 --> 00:03:31,350  研究生和教员联谊  of the science and humanities departments.  74  00:03:31,350 --> 00:03:33,900  "不论你是分解原子还是分解不定式  "Whether you split atoms or infinitives,  75  00:03:33,900 --> 00:03:35,670  这是你必到的聚会  This is the place to be."  76  00:03:36,940 --> 00:03:39,360  这当然是很幽默 但...  Well, that's certainly amusing, but...  77  00:03:40,330 --> 00:03:41,960  但我没兴趣  I have no interest.  78  00:03:41,960 --> 00:03:43,280  别这样  谢尔顿  Come on, Sheldon,  79  00:03:43,280 --> 00:03:45,650  这个世界上充满了在室外活动的人  The world is filled with people doing things outside.  80  00:03:45,650 --> 00:03:46,740  我们出去吧  Let's go outside.  81  00:03:46,740 --> 00:03:48,810  外面多美好  Outside is good.  82  00:03:48,810 --> 00:03:52,210  要是外面这么美好  那为什么人类花费上千年  Outside is so good, why has mankind spent thousands of years  83  00:03:52,210 --> 00:03:54,010  来完美内部装饰  Trying to perfect inside?  84  00:03:55,010 --> 00:03:56,830  我咋知道  也许是营销计划  I don't know, it's a marketing scheme.  85  00:03:57,790 --> 00:03:59,320  拜托  谢尔顿  我是个年轻的  Please, Sheldon, I'm a young,  86  00:03:59,320 --> 00:04:01,320  来自他乡的"刚健的"纯爷们儿访客  Virile visitor from a foreign land  87  00:04:01,320 --> 00:04:03,700  我需要炫耀下我的"宝贝"  And I need to strut my stuff.  88  00:04:05,120 --> 00:04:07,030  那我提供个妥协方案  Let me offer you a compromise.  89  00:04:07,030 --> 00:04:10,890  当我感到憋闷  想换换视野的时候  Sometimes when I feel stifled and want a change of scenery,  90  00:04:10,890 --> 00:04:13,210  我会利用我的想象力  I use my imagination.  91  00:04:13,770 --> 00:04:14,820  天  来了  Oh, boy.  92  00:04:14,820 --> 00:04:16,540  我最爱探访的地方之一  One of my favorite places  93  00:04:16,540 --> 00:04:18,500  就是二维世界  To visit is the two dimensional world  94  00:04:18,500 --> 00:04:21,270  在爱德温·艾伯特的数学幻想小说  Described in Edwin Abbott's mathematal fantasy,  95  00:04:21,270 --> 00:04:22,640  《平地》里有描述过  "Flatland."  96  00:04:23,190 --> 00:04:25,050  我才不想去平地  I don't want to go to flatland.  97  00:04:25,050 --> 00:04:27,250  你这么说只是因为你还没去过那里  You're only saying that becae you haven't been there.  98  00:04:30,110 --> 00:04:33,630  我现在是二维空间里的一个六边形  I am now a hexagon in two-dimensional space  99  00:04:33,630 --> 00:04:36,560  并且只能感知其他物体的边缘  And can only perceive the edges of other objects.  100  00:04:36,560 --> 00:04:39,770  见鬼咧  Oy.  101  00:04:39,770 --> 00:04:41,820  那是你吗  拉杰  Is that you, Raj?  102  00:04:41,820 --> 00:04:43,690  我认不出你的边缘  I don't recognize your edge.  103  00:04:44,320 --> 00:04:45,450  谢尔顿  我求你了  Sheldon, I'm begging you.  104  00:04:45,450 --> 00:04:48,500  我想参加这个联谊  而且不想一个人去  I want to go to this mixer, and I don't want to go alone.  105  00:04:48,740 --> 00:04:50,200  那你就走运了  Well, you're in luck.  106  00:04:50,200 --> 00:04:53,300  在平地上正有一个联谊  There's a mixer here in flatland  107  00:04:55,120 --> 00:04:59,460  看啊  那边有条性感的线段  Oh, look, the's a sexually attractive line segment  108  00:04:55,120 --> 00:04:59,460  在埃德温的小说里线段是女性  109  00:05:00,470 --> 00:05:01,590  你应该跟她搭讪  You should chat her up.  110  00:05:01,590 --> 00:05:03,150  -什么?  -告诉她你是一个圆  - What?  - Tell her you're a circle.  111  00:05:03,150 --> 00:05:05,450  平地上的女孩子都喜欢圆  Flatland gals are all hot for circles.  112  00:05:08,950 --> 00:05:09,970  伯纳黛特  我希望你现在有胃口  I hope you're hungry, beadette.  113  00:05:09,970 --> 00:05:11,710  我们要去一家很棒的餐厅  We're going to a terrific restaurant.  114  00:05:11,710 --> 00:05:13,370  噢  我快饿死了  Oh, yeah, I'm starved.  115  00:05:13,370 --> 00:05:14,970  花了一整天的时间在生物实验室  When you spend all day in a bio-lab,  116  00:05:14,970 --> 00:05:17,880  观察食肉细菌如何吃掉小型啮齿类动物  Watching flesh-eating bacteria skeletonize small rodents,  117  00:05:17,880 --> 00:05:19,830  真的让人胃口大开  It really works up an appetite.  118  00:05:21,240 --> 00:05:22,970  这个女人喜欢食肉细菌  Flesh-eating bacteria.  119  00:05:22,970 --> 00:05:24,780  但我还是想吻她  And yet, I still want to kiss this woman.  120  00:05:24,780 --> 00:05:26,070  这说明什么?  What does that tell you?  121  00:05:26,070 --> 00:05:27,770  为了上她二垒这个极小的可能性  That you'd be willing to die a horrible death  122  00:05:27,770 --> 00:05:30,160  你愿意尸骨无存地死去?  On the off-chance you'd get to second base?  123  00:05:31,220 --> 00:05:33,150  我们已经远不止是二垒的关系了  Oh, we're way past second base.  124  00:05:33,150 --> 00:05:34,620  对吧  亲爱的?  Right, Howard?  125  00:05:34,620 --> 00:05:36,340  虽然我们对各垒的位置  Well, we kind of disagree  126  00:05:36,340 --> 00:05:38,290  有些分歧  About what the bases are.  127  00:05:39,940 --> 00:05:41,370  佩妮  你工作怎么样?  How's your work going, penny?  128  00:05:41,370 --> 00:05:42,750  有参加什么表演吗?  Any acting jobs?  129  00:05:42,750 --> 00:05:44,990  我最近的一个大型表演是  Well, the last big thing I did was this production  130  00:05:44,990 --> 00:05:47,560  在一家保龄球馆上的剧场演出安妮日记  Of Diary of Anne Frank above a bowling alley.  131  00:05:48,110 --> 00:05:51,090  但我觉得我的转机马上要来了  But I think things might be turning around pretty soon.  132  00:05:51,420 --> 00:05:53,230  太好了  怎么回事?  Great. How come?  133  00:05:53,230 --> 00:05:55,380  答应我你不会嘲笑我  Well, promise you won't make fun of me.  134  00:05:55,380 --> 00:05:57,980  当然  我永远不会嘲笑你  Of course, I would never make fun of you.  135  00:05:58,430 --> 00:05:59,150  好吧  Okay.  136  00:05:59,150 --> 00:06:02,060  一个通灵师告诉我  如果我剪了头发  Well, I went to this psychic who told me that if I cut my hair,  137  00:06:02,060 --> 00:06:04,430  我就能出演一个全国性的广告  I'm going to get a national commercial.  138  00:06:05,850 --> 00:06:07,670  什...  开玩笑呢吧?  Wh... seriously?  139  00:06:07,960 --> 00:06:10,660  你去找通灵师要职业建议?  You're getting career advice from a psychic?  140  00:06:10,660 --> 00:06:13,030  好一个永远不嘲笑她  Good job not making fun of her.  141  00:06:13,950 --> 00:06:16,250  她跟那些骗子不同的  好不好  She's not one of those phonies, okay.  142  00:06:16,250 --> 00:06:18,200  她写了本书  还有自己的网站  She wrote a book and has her own web site.  143  00:06:18,200 --> 00:06:19,620  噢  你干吗不早说?  Oh, gee, why didn't you say so?  144  00:06:19,620 --> 00:06:22,560  又不是人人都有资格申请网站的  They don't let just anyone have a web site.  145  00:06:22,930 --> 00:06:25,930  -你干吗这么刻薄?  -你觉得奇怪?  - Why are you being such a jerk?  - You're surprised?  146  00:06:25,930 --> 00:06:28,500  你的通灵师没告诉你我会变得很刻薄?  Your psychic tell you I was going to be a jerk?  147  00:06:29,560 --> 00:06:31,210  去死吧  Bite me.  148  00:06:32,300 --> 00:06:33,460  开玩笑嘛  佩妮  Come on, penny.  149  00:06:33,460 --> 00:06:35,160  你们俩继续吵你们  Why don't you kids go ahead and chat?  150  00:06:35,160 --> 00:06:37,350  我们要在后面亲热一会儿  We're gonna make out back here.  151  00:06:40,890 --> 00:06:43,350  我要上你三垒了  I'm sliding into third.  152  00:06:47,450 --> 00:06:48,670  谢谢你陪我来  Thanks for coming with me.  153  00:06:48,670 --> 00:06:49,330  谢谢你给我  Thanks for giving me  154  00:06:49,330 --> 00:06:52,300  限量版的绿灯侠能量灯  Your limited edition green lantern lantern.  155  00:06:52,710 --> 00:06:54,820  你非得带上它不可吗?  Did you really have to bring it in with you?  156  00:06:54,820 --> 00:06:58,080  如果恶魔来袭  但我的戒指又没了能量怎么办?  What if evil strikes and my power ring runs low?  157  00:07:02,500 --> 00:07:04,760  -来吧  我们去喝一杯  -我不喝酒  - Come on, let's get a drink.  - I don't drink.  158  00:07:04,760 --> 00:07:05,640  我要喝酒  Yeah, well I do.  159  00:07:05,640 --> 00:07:07,990  而且我的泡妞伙伴带着台能量灯  And when my wingman is carrying a green lantern lantern,  160  00:07:07,990 --> 00:07:09,650  我得喝得更多  I drink a lot.  161  00:07:10,560 --> 00:07:11,770  请给我一杯伏特加橙汁鸡尾酒  I'll have a screwdriver, please.  162  00:07:11,770 --> 00:07:13,590  别吝啬你的伏特加  Don't be chintzy with the screw.  163  00:07:15,000 --> 00:07:16,680  我要一杯漂浮沙士 [无酒精饮料]  I would like a root beer float.  164  00:07:18,150 --> 00:07:19,930  谢尔顿  他们这儿没有冰淇淋  Sheldon, they don' have ice cream.  165  00:07:19,930 --> 00:07:21,700  没有?  They don't?  166  00:07:21,700 --> 00:07:23,670  显然这里的人对派对的定义  Well, apparently, these people and I differ greatly  167  00:07:23,670 --> 00:07:25,450  跟我是不一样的  On the definition of "Party."  168  00:07:26,310 --> 00:07:27,990  给他秀兰·邓波尔(一种无酒精鸡尾酒)  He'll have a shirley temple.  169  00:07:27,990 --> 00:07:29,940  也别吝啬里面的果汁  And don't be chintzy with the shirley.  170  00:07:33,500 --> 00:07:35,050  好的  Okay,  171  00:07:35,050 --> 00:07:36,960  我们开始找女人吧  Let's check out the females.  172  00:07:36,960 --> 00:07:38,030  好  All right.  173  00:07:38,180 --> 00:07:39,410  那里有个女人  There's a female.  174  00:07:40,230 --> 00:07:41,620  那是威尔金森教授的太太  That's professor wilkinson's wife.  175  00:07:41,620 --> 00:07:43,550  她好像都80了  She's like 80 years old.  176  00:07:43,550 --> 00:07:44,760  但她是个女人  But she's female.  177  00:07:44,760 --> 00:07:46,500  -你不是要玩找女人的游戏吗?  -不  - Isn't that the game?  - No.  178  00:07:46,500 --> 00:07:47,850  我要找的是能共赴巫山的小妞  I'm looking for a hookup.  179  00:07:47,850 --> 00:07:49,640  噢  是么  Oh, yes.  180  00:07:49,640 --> 00:07:51,140  所以这个游戏的重点是  So, the point of this exercise is  181  00:07:51,140 --> 00:07:53,410  帮你找到可以交配的人?  For you to find someone to copulate with?  182  00:07:54,180 --> 00:07:55,270  别那么大声  Not so loud,  183  00:07:55,270 --> 00:07:57,120  不过理论上是正确的  But ideally, yes.  184  00:07:58,850 --> 00:08:00,390  谢谢  Thanks.  185  00:08:00,390 --> 00:08:01,340  谢谢你  Thank you.  186  00:08:02,050 --> 00:08:04,750  我作为泡妞伙伴的职责是什么?  And what is my function as "Wingman"?  187  00:08:04,750 --> 00:08:07,390  -帮我完成游戏  -没问题  - You help me run my game.  - Okay.  188  00:08:08,580 --> 00:08:10,390  你的游戏是什么?  What is your game?  189  00:08:11,190 --> 00:08:13,230  在我跟女人胡吹的时候  When I lie through my teeth to a woman,  190  00:08:13,230 --> 00:08:15,330  你就点头附和我  You nod and agree.  191  00:08:16,590 --> 00:08:17,870  这玩意儿真帅  Hey, that's pretty cool.  192  00:08:17,870 --> 00:08:19,050  它是什么东西?  What is it?  193  00:08:19,050 --> 00:08:20,190  这是限量版的  It's a limited edition  194  00:08:20,190 --> 00:08:22,110  绿灯侠能量灯  Green lantern lantern.  195  00:08:22,110 --> 00:08:24,730  我朋友在找可以跟他交配的人  My friend is looking for someone to copulate with.  196  00:08:26,390 --> 00:08:27,490  你真幽默  You're very funny.  197  00:08:27,490 --> 00:08:28,400  我是艾比  I'm Abby.  198  00:08:28,400 --> 00:08:30,350  -我是谢尔顿  -你好  - I'm Sheldon.  - How do you do?  199  00:08:30,350 --> 00:08:32,390  我是拉杰·罗摩衍·库萨帕里  Rajesh Ramayan Koothrappali.  200  00:08:32,390 --> 00:08:34,370  -叫我拉杰  -你好  拉杰  - Call me Raj.  - Hi, Raj.  201  00:08:34,370 --> 00:08:35,260  你是哪里人?  Where are you from?  202  00:08:35,260 --> 00:08:37,730  神秘的印度次大陆  The mysterious subcontinent of India.  203  00:08:37,730 --> 00:08:38,840  噢  印度  Ooh, India.  204  00:08:38,840 --> 00:08:41,310  -你了解印度吗  -看过贫民窟的百万富翁  - You know India?  - I saw Slumdog Millionaire.  205  00:08:41,310 --> 00:08:44,560  哇  那我就是贫民窟的天体物理学家  Well, I'm a slumdog astrophysicist.  206  00:08:46,450 --> 00:08:48,950  你爸不是妇科医生吗[有钱人家]  I thought your father was a gynecologist.  207  00:08:49,820 --> 00:08:51,370  抱歉  I'm sorry.  208  00:08:54,420 --> 00:08:55,430  玛莎  快来  Martha, come here.  209  00:08:55,430 --> 00:08:56,950  这两位是拉杰和谢尔顿  Meet Raj and Sheldon.  210  00:08:56,950 --> 00:08:58,530  -这是我朋友  玛莎  -你们好  - This is my friend, Martha.  - Hi.  211  00:08:58,530 --> 00:08:59,630  -你好  -你好  - Hello.  - Hello.  212  00:08:59,630 --> 00:09:01,270  这不是限量版的  Is that the limited edition  213  00:09:01,270 --> 00:09:03,420  绿灯侠能量灯吗  Green Lantern Lantern?  214  00:09:03,420 --> 00:09:06,030  光明的昼  暗黑的夜  "In brightest day, in darkest night,  215  00:09:06,030 --> 00:09:08,340  一切罪恶无所遁形  no evil shall escape my sight."  216  00:09:11,640 --> 00:09:13,630  真是酷毙了  Oh, that is so awesome!  217  00:09:14,450 --> 00:09:16,180  多谢  Thank you.  218  00:09:16,180 --> 00:09:18,580  选好要和谁交配了吗  Have you chosen one to copulate with?  219  00:09:30,770 --> 00:09:34,370  我们聊些什么呢  So, what should we talk about?  220  00:09:35,500 --> 00:09:37,290  我们可以再听听某人的言论  Well, we could always learn more  221  00:09:37,290 --> 00:09:39,800  为什么信灵媒的人都是小白  about why people who believe in psychics are idiots.  222  00:09:39,800 --> 00:09:41,120  是吧  莱纳德  Leonard?  223  00:09:44,730 --> 00:09:46,530  这我们就不必多说了  Oh, we don't need to talk about that anymore.  224  00:09:46,530 --> 00:09:49,110  莱纳德在车里已经说得够绝了  Leonard covered it pretty well in the car.  225  00:09:49,550 --> 00:09:52,410  不好意思  但事实如此  I'm sorry, but facts are facts.  226  00:09:52,410 --> 00:09:54,140  得了  你所无法理解的事  Right, and if you can't understand it,  227  00:09:54,140 --> 00:09:55,500  那就不是事实  It's not a fact.  228  00:09:55,500 --> 00:09:58,800  不  如果不是事实  那就是扯淡  No, if it's not a fact, it's not a fact.  229  00:09:58,800 --> 00:09:59,850  明白了  Oh, got it.  230  00:09:59,850 --> 00:10:01,030  多谢你教育我  Thank you for educating me.  231  00: 10:01,030 --> 00:10:03,210  不客气  You're welcome.  232  00:10:04,360 --> 00:10:05,460  鱼好吃吗  How's your fish?  233  00:10:05,460 --> 00:10:06,370  相当美味  Amazing.  234  00:10:06,370 --> 00:10:07,730  要来点吗  Would you like to try some?  235  00:10:07,730 --> 00:10:09,570  -当然  -但事实很残酷  - Yeah, sure.  - Well, the fact is,  236  00:10:09,570 --> 00:10:10,830  偏不给你吃  you can't.  237  00:10:11,710 --> 00:10:13,760  霍华德  伯纳黛特  你俩都是科学家  Come on, Howard, Bernadette, you' both scientists.  238  00:10:13,760 --> 00:10:15,540  行行好  帮帮忙吧  Help me out here.  239  00:10:15,540 --> 00:10:16,470  你觉得呢  他们小两口矛盾  What do you think-- want to jump  240  00:10:16,470 --> 00:10:17,970  我们要搅这趟浑水吗  right in the middle of another couple's argument?  241  00:10:17,970 --> 00:10:19,010  不了  谢谢  No, thank you.  242  00:10:19,010 --> 00:10:20,210  爱莫能助  Sorry.  243  00:10:22,220 --> 00:10:24,390  我想我们别谈这个话题了  Maybe we suld just stop talking about this.  244  00:10:24,390 --> 00:10:27,400  我还是觉得我们都闭嘴好了  Maybe some of us should stop talking altogether.  245  00:10:28,510 --> 00:10:29,820  今晚用餐如何  How is everything tonight?  246  00:10:29,820 --> 00:10:31,730  相当郁闷  Really uncomfortable.  247  00:10:35,130 --> 00:10:36,930  稳定而互相支持的一夫一妻关系中  You know, the best thing about being in a committed,  248  00:10:36,930 --> 00:10:38,890  最大的优点就在于  monogamous, mutually supportive relationship  249  00:10:38,890 --> 00:10:40,840  即使两人发生分歧  is that even if you have different idea,  250  00:10:40,840 --> 00:10:43,430  并经过激烈辩论  但感情不受影响  you can have a spirited debate, yet still care for,  251  00:10:43,430 --> 00:10:46,000  甚至吵过后还是可以云雨一番...  even make love with...  252  00:10:49,300 --> 00:10:50,960  不要鱼了吗  Want your fish?  253  00:10:53,810 --> 00:10:55,240  我不用是灵媒  I knew you were going to do that.  254  00:10:55,240 --> 00:10:57,580  也能猜到你会这样  Doesn't make me psychic!  255  00:10:59,350 --> 00:11:02,240  好吧  你这废柴只会把事情越弄越糟  Attaboy, Leonard make it worse.  256  00:11:10,940 --> 00:11:13,040  什么情况  What's going on?  257  00:11:13,040 --> 00:11:15,220  我们找到女人了  We scored.  258  00:11:16,460 --> 00:11:18,770  我助攻的  I'm the wingman.  259  00:11:28,090 --> 00:11:29,670  好啊  Hey.  260  00:11:29,670 --> 00:11:32,590  -戴上  防镭射  -难忘一宵啊  - Laser.  - Had a great night last night.  261  00:11:32,590 --> 00:11:34,180  我是不想透露太多啦  I don't like to kiss and tell,  262  00:11:34,180 --> 00:11:37,370  但某些人已经上了八垒了哦  but somebody made it to eighth base.  263  00:11:40,170 --> 00:11:42,010  八垒是个什么情况  What the hell is eighth base?  264  00:11:42,010 --> 00:11:44,200  七垒只到宽衣解带  Seventh base with shirt off.  265  00:11:45,250 --> 00:11:47,360  宽的还是我的衣  Well, my shirt.  266  00:11:48,550 --> 00:11:49,740  你和佩妮咋样了  How'd things go with Penny?  267  00:11:49,740 --> 00:11:51,820  好得不能再好了  Oh... couldn't be better.  268  00:11:56,550 --> 00:11:57,400  我们感情生活一不顺  Are we taking our relationship  269  00:11:57,400 --> 00:12:00,890  就拿无辜的赛昂人出气吗  frustrations out on innocent Cylons?  270  00:12:00,890 --> 00:12:02,340  可不止赛昂人呢  It's not just Cylons.  271  00:12:02,340 --> 00:12:04,080  接下来就轮到超人了  Superman's next.  272  00:12:06,500 --> 00:12:08,020  好吧  我本想在吃午饭前  All right, I was going to try to squeeze in  273  00:12:08,020 --> 00:12:09,710  溜过来吐吐槽  a little more mocking before lunch,  274  00:12:09,710 --> 00:12:10,530  但我想我还是识相点撤吧  but I can come back later  275  00:12:10,530 --> 00:12:12,710  免得被你的杀伤性武器给殃及了  when you don't have a high-powered weapon.  276  00:12:13,820 --> 00:12:17,050  我怎么能和信灵媒的女孩子约会呢  How can I go out with a woman who believes in psychics?  277  00:12:17,680 --> 00:12:19,120  这有啥  我以前泡过一个妞  Hey, I once dated a girl  278  00:12:19,120 --> 00:12:21,560  她还相信自己被外星人绑架过  who believed she was abducted by aliens.  279  00:12:21,560 --> 00:12:22,950  你就不介意吗  And that didn'bother you?  280  00:12:22,950 --> 00:12:23,950  正相反[法语]  Au contraire.  281  00:12:23,950 --> 00:12:26,820  说明她好骗又值得"深探"一番  It meant she was gullible and open to a little probing.  282  00:12:27,900 --> 00:12:29,630  我该咋办  What am I supposed to,  283  00:12:29,630 --> 00:12:32,460  和佩妮一起时我就得装着相信吗  Pretend I believe something I don't whenever I'm with Penny?  284  00:12:32,460 --> 00:12:35,390  我肯定佩妮和你一起时  Yes, I'm sure Penny fakes all kinds of things  285  00:12:35,390 --> 00:12:37,260  她也不都是装出来的吗  when she's with you.  286  00:12:38,550 --> 00:12:42,120  帮个忙  怎么都好  让我爆了你  Do me a favor-- lean or, put your head right here.  287  00:12:42,870 --> 00:12:44,790  换种说法和你解释吧  Let me show you anothe way to look at this.  288  00:12:44,790 --> 00:12:48,710  这里是全宇宙的女人  Here we have the universe of all women.  289  00:12:48,710 --> 00:12:50,070  其中这一部分的女人  These are the ones  290  00:12:50,070 --> 00:12:51,330  你想和她们上床  you want to sleep with.  291  00:12:51,330 --> 00:12:54,470  而这里的女人则与你的想法如出一辙  These are the women who believe exactly what you believe.  292  00:12:54,470 --> 00:12:57,350  而只有这点女人愿意和你上床  These are the women who would be willing to sleep with you.  293  00:12:58,970 --> 00:13:02,140  而你的理想伴侣  And right there in the little triple intersection...  294  00:13:02,140 --> 00:13:03,750  只能从这三者之间小小的交集中找了  is your ideal mate.  295  00:13:03,750 --> 00:13:06,370  而你的那个她可能是个又矮又自卑的物理学家  Odds are she's a short physicist with low self-esteem  296  00:13:06,370 --> 00:13:09,450  还是在为中国政府研究所工作  who lives in a government research facility in china.  297  00:13:10,570 --> 00:13:12,100  你到底想说啥  What's your point?  298  00:13:12,100 --> 00:13:14,550  为了和佩妮继续交往下去  In order to keep hing a sexual relationship with Penny,  299  00:13:14,550 --> 00:13:16,550  我就得放弃  I have to give up everything I believe in--  300  00:13:16,550 --> 00:13:19,000  我对科学知识的信仰  my intellectual integrity, the very nature  301  00:13:19,000 --> 00:13:19,930  和我的本性吗  of who I am?  302  00:13:19,930 --> 00:13:21,820  我做不到  霍华德  I can't do that, Howard.  303  00:13:21,820 --> 00:13:23,580  完全理解  I respect that.  304  00:13:26,610 --> 00:13:27,630  那是什么  What is that?  305  00:13:27,630 --> 00:13:29,430  你的新女友  Your new girlfriend.  306  00:13:30,330 --> 00:13:32,150  祝你今晚愉快  Have fun tonight.  307  00:13:34,790 --> 00:13:37,060  狗狗  The dog...  308  00:13:37,060 --> 00:13:40,020  书名《学习芬兰语》  309  00:13:37,060 --> 00:13:40,020  Koira.  Koira.  310  00:13:40,030 --> 00:13:42,740  屋顶  The roof...  311  00:13:42,740 --> 00:13:45,390  Katto  Katto  312  00:13:45,960 --> 00:13:49,650  葡萄  Grapes...  313  00:13:49,650 --> 00:13:51,880  Ryp leet  Ryp leet  314  00:13:54,630 --> 00:13:56,330  等一下  One minute.  315  00:13:58,240 --> 00:14:00,150  Sis n  Sis n  316  00:14:01,800 --> 00:14:02,800  什么意思  What was that?  317  00:14:02,800 --> 00:14:04,270  是指"请进"  It means "Come in."  318  00:14:04,270 --> 00:14:05,550  我电脑在装新的操作系统  It's taking forever to load  319  00:14:05,550 --> 00:14:07,640  等的时间太久了  The new operating system on my computer.  320  00:14:07,640 --> 00:14:09,720  我消毒了厨房和卫生间  I disinfected the kitchen and the bathroom,  321  00:14:09,720 --> 00:14:12,050  索性就来学习芬兰语吧  And now I thought I'd learn Finnish.  322  00:14:16,440 --> 00:14:17,500  那是印度语  That's Hindi for  323  00:14:17,500 --> 00:14:19,380  就是说你爱咋咋滴吧  "Whatever floats your bought."  324  00:14:20,040 --> 00:14:22,580  我收到艾比发来的短信  Uh, listen, I got a text from that girl Abby,  325  00:14:22,580 --> 00:14:25,040  她跟她朋友玛莎  还想跟我们出去玩  And she and her friend Martha want to hang out with us again.  326  00:14:25,040 --> 00:14:26,400  你怎么说  What do you say?  327  00:14:26,400 --> 00:14:27,720  我什么都不会说  I don't say anything.  328  00:14:27,720 --> 00:14:29,510  只会提醒你  你这个表情  I merely offer you facial expression  329  00:14:29,510 --> 00:14:31,680  说明你走火入魔了  That suggests you've gone insane  330  00:14:33,760 --> 00:14:35,620" type="audio/mpeg" />-->