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当前位置: 查字典英语网 >高中英语 > 高考英语 > 高考高考英语 > 高考高考复习指南 > 高中英语语法对话练习《生活大爆炸-第4季》中英双译6素材
00:02:19,200  ■  3  00:02:19,210 --> 00:02:23,210  翻译:YY  米小勒  小蛮腰  海因里希  4  00:02:19,210 --> 00:02:23,210  ■  5  00:02:23,210 --> 00:02:27,210  后期:孤帆  时间轴:YY  6  00:02:23,210 --> 00:02:27,210  ■  7  00:02:27,210 --> 00:02:31,210  校对:Vin  总监:YY  8  00:02:27,210 --> 00:02:31,210  ■  9  00:02:33,310 --> 00:02:35,110  生活大爆炸  第四季第六集  10  00:00:05,380 --> 00:00:06,510  有问题吗  Problem?  11  00:00:06,510 --> 00:00:08,920  这是我吃过最难吃的脆皮水果派  This is the worst cobbler I've ever eaten.  12  00:00:08,920 --> 00:00:13,090  味道就跟出自一个初级的补鞋匠之手一样  It tastes like it's made of actual ground-up shoemaker.  13  00:00:13,090 --> 00:00:16,660  真好笑  "cobbler"一词两意都点到了  Amusing. A play on the two meanings of "cobbler."  14  00:00:13,090 --> 00:00:16,660  cobbler既有水果派也有鞋匠的意思  15  00:00:19,390 --> 00:00:21,900  伙计们  猜猜我在洛杉矶机场发现谁了  Hey  guys. Guess who I found at LAX?  16  00:00:21,900 --> 00:00:23,230  我的妹妹普丽娅  My baby sister Priya.  17  00:00:23,230 --> 00:00:25,400  抱歉  我反对  Excuse me  I object.  18  00:00:25,400 --> 00:00:27,600  你提出的是一个猜谜游戏  You propose a guessing game  19  00:00:27,600 --> 00:00:29,570  可是你一点猜的时间都不给我  yet you don't give me enough time to guess.  20  00:00:29,570 --> 00:00:32,210  声明一下  我本来就打算说  For the record  I was going to say:  21  00:00:32,210 --> 00:00:33,470  "你的妹妹普丽娅"  "Your sister Priya."  22  00:00:33,470 --> 00:00:37,040  谢尔顿  你一点都没变  对吧  Oh  Sheldon. You haven't changed a bit  have you?  23  00:00:37,040 --> 00:00:39,150  我为什么要变  Why would I change?  24  00:00:39,150 --> 00:00:40,310  她的本意其实是  The hope has been that  25  00:00:40,310 --> 00:00:42,380  你最终能变得正常一点  you'd eventually bend to public opinion.  26  00:00:42,380 --> 00:00:45,520  普丽娅  什么风把你吹来洛杉矶  So  Priya  what brings you back to L.A.?  27  00:00:45,520 --> 00:00:47,650  我本来要去多伦多  但我得在这滞留一天  I have a one-day layover on my way to Toronto.  28  00:00:47,660 --> 00:00:49,060  企业并购  Corporate merger.  29  00:00:49,060 --> 00:00:50,160  你们相信吗  Can you believe it?  30  00:00:50,160 --> 00:00:51,520  小普丽娅是印度最大汽车公司  Little Priya's one of the lead attorneys  31  00:00:51,530 --> 00:00:52,960  首席律师之一  for the biggest car company in India.  32  00:00:52,960 --> 00:00:56,000  鉴于当时咱们见面  她已经从法学院毕业了  Given that when we met her  she was finishing law school  33  00:00:56,000 --> 00:00:59,370  而且正打算去一家大的印度汽车公司实习  and planning an internship at a large Indian car company  34  00:00:59,370 --> 00:01:01,270  这个结果其实相当合理  it's actually extremely plausible.  35  00:01:01,270 --> 00:01:04,740  你怎么就这么惹人嫌呢  And your poll numbers just keep dropping.  36  00:01:05,510 --> 00:01:07,040  虽然我很想跟大家一起聊聊  I want to catch up with all of you  37  00:01:07,040 --> 00:01:08,780  但我得先去上个厕所  but first I really must visit the loo.  38  00:01:08,780 --> 00:01:10,940  我也去  我给你指路吧  I'm going  too; I'll show you where it is.  39  00:01:11,750 --> 00:01:13,210  好的  虽然这不用明讲  All right  this goes without saying  40  00:01:13,210 --> 00:01:14,910  但是无论如何我还是重申一下  but I'm just going to say it anyway.  41  00:01:14,920 --> 00:01:17,180  不许碰我妹妹  Hands off my sister.  42  00:01:17,180 --> 00:01:21,020  我干嘛碰她  她浑身布满了飞机细菌  Why would I touch her? She's covered with airplane germs.  43  00:01:21,020 --> 00:01:24,660  我当然不是跟你说  我是跟他说  I'm so not talking to you. I'm talking to him.  44  00:01:24,660 --> 00:01:28,360  -喂  我都是有女朋友的人了  -拜托  - Hey. I've got a girlfriend now.  - Oh  please.  45  00:01:28,360 --> 00:01:30,160  我的妹妹比你那女友辣多了  My sister's much hotter than your girlfriend  46  00:01:30,160 --> 00:01:31,430  这点你心知肚明  and you know it.  47  00:01:31,430 --> 00:01:33,370  她们俩都很辣行了吧  Let's just agree they're both hot.  48  00:01:33,370 --> 00:01:36,540  但是伙计  你说的可是我妹妹  But dude  that's my sister you're talking about!  49  00:01:36,540 --> 00:01:38,310  算了  不说这个话题  Okay  forget who's hotter.  50  00:01:38,310 --> 00:01:41,340  普丽娅第一次来洛杉矶时  我和莱纳德  The first time Priya came to L.A.  Leonard and I made a pact  51  00:01:41,340 --> 00:01:44,040  出于对我们友情以及对你的尊敬  out of respect to our friendship and to you  52  00:01:44,050 --> 00:01:46,150  我们约定  谁也不能泡你妹妹  that neither of us would hit on her.  53  00:01:46,150 --> 00:01:47,780  你们拉钩钩了吗  Did you pinky-swear?  54  00:01:50,480 --> 00:01:52,250  当然  Yes.  55  00:01:53,320 --> 00:01:54,990  那好吧  Okay  then.  56  00:01:54,990 --> 00:01:58,120  补鞋匠的水果派  我到现在还忍不住发笑  Cobbler. I'm still laughing.  57  00:01:59,160 --> 00:02:01,490  真高兴再次见到你 莱纳德  It's really nice to see you again  Leonard.  58  00:02:01,500 --> 00:02:03,600  是啊  我也很高兴见到你  Yeah. It's good to see you  too.  59  00:02:03,600 --> 00:02:04,600  你到了  Here you go.  60  00:02:04,600 --> 00:02:05,770  谢谢  Thanks.  61  00:02:09,240 --> 00:02:10,640  哇哦  哇哦  哇哦  Whoa  whoa  whoa  whoa  whoa!  62  00:02:12,910 --> 00:02:14,810  继续  Okay.  63  00:02:41,873 --> 00:02:44,219  你跟你的妹妹有什么特别计划吗  So you got any special plans with your sister?  64  00:02:44,219 --> 00:02:46,619  没有  就是一起出去玩  Oh  not really. Just hang out.  65  00:02:46,619 --> 00:02:49,289  我总是跟人说  如果你只能在  I always tell people  "If you have only one day  66  00:02:49,289 --> 00:02:52,859  洛杉矶呆一天  火车一日游是最佳选择  in Los Angeles  make it a train day."  67  00:02:52,859 --> 00:02:54,659  火车一日游  Train day?  68  00:02:54,659 --> 00:02:58,029  乐趣始于在影城的卡尼餐厅吃早午饭  The fun starts with brunch at Carney's in Studio City  69  00:02:58,029 --> 00:03:01,169  在改造过的铁路餐车里  有一个热狗站  a hotdog stand in a converted railroad dining car.  70  00:03:01,169 --> 00:03:03,099  下一站  Travel Town  Next stop  Travel Town  71  00:03:03,099 --> 00:03:06,599  一家户外的博物馆  专门展出1880年至1930年的  an outdoor museum featuring 43 railroad engines  72  00:03:06,609 --> 00:03:10,209  铁路引擎  汽车  和其他轨道车辆  cars  and other rolling stock from the 1880s to the 1930s.  73  00:03:10,209 --> 00:03:14,179  最后  我们在浮华与魅力并存的好莱坞下车  And  finally  we're off to the glitz and glamour of Hollywood  74  00:03:14,179 --> 00:03:18,079  对  就在好莱坞的卡尼餐厅吃晚饭  for dinner at--that's right-- the Hollywood Carney's  75  00:03:18,079 --> 00:03:22,949  那是另外一个改造过的铁路餐车热狗站  a hotdog stand in a different converted railroad dining car.  76  00:03:22,949 --> 00:03:26,059  我们才不会玩这个  I don't think we're going to do that.  77  00:03:26,059 --> 00:03:29,489  显然  你讨厌寻乐  Well  then apparently you hate fun.  78  00:03:33,829 --> 00:03:35,929  普丽娅还没回来呢  Priya's not back yet?  79  00:03:35,929 --> 00:03:37,399  这很正常  Well  I guess that's not unusual.  80  00:03:37,399 --> 00:03:39,799  女人  男人  一个蹲着一个站着  Women  men  the whole sitting-standing deal.  81  00:03:39,799 --> 00:03:41,269  咱们刚才聊到哪里了  So what are we talking about?  82  00:03:41,269 --> 00:03:42,939  我和普丽娅的出游计划  Uh  my plans with Priya.  83  00:03:42,939 --> 00:03:44,909  他拒绝火车一日游  He rejected Train Day.  84  00:03:44,909 --> 00:03:47,479  你有说清楚那是两辆不同的火车车厢  Did you make it clear that it's two different train cars  85  00:03:47,479 --> 00:03:49,349  改造成的热狗站吗  turned into hotdog stands?  86  00:03:49,349 --> 00:03:51,079  十分清楚  Abundantly.  87  00:03:51,079 --> 00:03:52,979  我想他就是讨厌寻乐  I guess he just hates fun.  88  00:03:52,979 --> 00:03:56,419  我也是这么说的  That's what I said!  89  00:03:58,919 --> 00:04:01,229  好了  你们有什么资讯  Okay  so... what's new with you guys?  90  00:04:01,229 --> 00:04:02,659  我有女朋友了  I have a girlfriend now.  91  00:04:02,659 --> 00:04:04,029  不错嘛  Hey  good for you!  92  00:04:04,029 --> 00:04:05,699  嗯  我就想让大家都知道  Yeah  I just want to put it out there  93  00:04:05,699 --> 00:04:06,759  以防我不经意  in case I inadvertently  94  00:04:06,769 --> 00:04:09,529  朝你喷射出我的性引诱外激素  squirt any pheromones in your direction.  95  00:04:10,299 --> 00:04:11,469  满意了吧  Happy?  96  00:04:13,639 --> 00:04:16,109  普丽娅  你有什么安排吗  So  Priya  what are your plans while you're here?  97  00:04:16,109 --> 00:04:18,109  我不知道  我只有一天时间  I don't know. I just have the one day.  98  00:04:18,109 --> 00:04:21,309  你喜欢火车吗  Do you like trains?  99  00:04:21,309 --> 00:04:22,779  不是特别喜欢  Not particularly.  100  00:04:25,749 --> 00:04:29,949  那你在机场上等着登机就好了  You might as well just wait at the airport for your flight.  101  00:04:31,119 --> 00:04:33,159  你在一片森林当中  "You are in a forest.  102  00:04:33,159 --> 00:04:34,829  在西面  有一片流沙  "There is quicksand to the west  103  00:04:34,829 --> 00:04:38,859  有一条通向东面的路  a path leads to the east."  104  00:04:38,859 --> 00:04:41,569  去东面  Go east.  105  00:04:41,569 --> 00:04:45,499  一道铁门挡住了你的路  "An iron gate blocks your way."  106  00:04:45,499 --> 00:04:48,239  开门  Open gate.  107  00:04:48,239 --> 00:04:49,739  上锁了  "It's locked."  108  00:04:49,739 --> 00:04:51,909  这样啊  Hmm.  109  00:04:51, 909 --> 00:04:54,079  那算了  Well  so much for that.  110  00:04:57,419 --> 00:04:59,279  很晚了  你怎么还不睡  It's getting pretty late. How come you're still up?  111  00:04:59,279 --> 00:05:03,319  我刚在网上发现了一款游戏模拟器  I found an emulator online that lets you play classic text-based  112  00:05:03,319 --> 00:05:05,789  可以玩上世纪80年代的经典文字游戏  computer games from the 1980s.  113  00:05:05,789 --> 00:05:07,219  不错啊  That's pretty cool.  114  00:05:07,229 --> 00:05:10,629  当然了  因为它用到了世界上最强大的图像处理器  Oh  yes. It runs on the world's most powerful graphics chip:  115  00:05:10,629 --> 00:05:12,899  想象力  imagination.  116  00:05:12,899 --> 00:05:15,699  你倒是真该好好发掘一下  You've really got to get out more.  117  00:05:17,599 --> 00:05:19,739  向北走  Go north.  118  00:05:19,739 --> 00:05:21,909  你不能走这条路  "You can't go that way."  119  00:05:21,909 --> 00:05:23,639  向西走  Go west.  120  00:05:23,639 --> 00:05:26,039  巨魔挡住了你的道路  "A troll blocks your passage."  121  00:05:26,039 --> 00:05:28,349  好吧  系好你的安全带  Okay. Fasten your seatbelts.  122  00:05:29,749 --> 00:05:31,979  剿灭巨魔  Kill troll.  123  00:05:31,979 --> 00:05:33,619  用什么  "With what?"  124  00:05:33,619 --> 00:05:35,719  用剑  With sword.  125  00:05:36,419 --> 00:05:37,689  你没有剑  "You don't have the sword."  126  00:05:37,689 --> 00:05:40,859  天呐  这种倒霉事真降临到我头上了  Good golly  it's as if it's actually happening to me.  127  00:05:43,029 --> 00:05:44,659  拉杰总算上床睡了  Raj finally went to bed.  128  00:05:47,629 --> 00:05:50,069  可谢尔顿还没睡  Sheldon's still up.  129  00:05:50,069 --> 00:05:51,839  你跟我说过他九点会睡的  You said he goes to bed at 9:00.  130  00:05:51,839 --> 00:05:54,539  他的确应该睡了  但他刚痴迷于一款电脑游戏...  Yeah  he does  but he got caught up in a computer game and...  131  00:05:54,539 --> 00:05:57,269  用斧头击杀巨魔  Hit troll with axe!  132  00:05:57,279 --> 00:06:00,639  用斧头击杀巨魔  Hit troll with axe!  133  00:06:00,649 --> 00:06:03,309  用斧头击杀巨魔  Hit troll with axe!  134  00:06:03,309 --> 00:06:05,719  服了  这真是个顽强的巨魔  My  this is one tough troll.  135  00:06:05,719 --> 00:06:07,379  你没法摆脱他吗  Can't you get rid of him?  136  00:06:07,389 --> 00:06:10,189  根据以往经验  不可能  If the past is any indication  no.  137  00:06:10,189 --> 00:06:12,359  莱纳德  我陷进流沙里了  Leonard  I'm trapped in quicksand!  138  00:06:12,359 --> 00:06:15,189  这斧头在拖我下去呢  The axe is dragging me down!  139  00:06:15,189 --> 00:06:16,289  扔掉斧头  Drop axe!  140  00:06:16,289 --> 00:06:18,829  扔掉斧头  英明  Drop axe  brilliant!  141  00:06:19,759 --> 00:06:23,169  稍等一下  Give me a minute.  142  00:06:24,639 --> 00:06:26,669  -谢尔顿  -等一下  - Sheldon. - Hold on.  143  00:06:26,669 --> 00:06:28,669  我正在思考如何能拿到桶  Trying to figure out how to get the bucket  144  00:06:28,669 --> 00:06:31,139  这样我就能扛着泥土越过那条龙了  so I can carry the mud past the dragon.  145  00:06:31,139 --> 00:06:34,479  -谢尔顿  你还得早起工作呢  -我知道  - Sheldon  you need to work in the morning. - I know!  146  00:06:34,479 --> 00:06:35,479  那还不赶紧睡觉  Well  then bed  mister!  147  00:06:35,479 --> 00:06:37,819  再给我五分钟嘛  Five more minutes!  148  00:06:37,819 --> 00:06:39,219  你确定吗  Really?  149  00:06:39,219 --> 00:06:41,449  你打算冒着在热力波动学研讨会上打瞌睡的  You're going to risk getting sleepy in the middle of your  150  00:06:41,449 --> 00:06:42,719  风险继续玩下去吗  thermodynamic fluctuations seminar?  151  00:06:42,719 --> 00:06:45,119  你知道自己在公众面前打哈欠的后果吧  You know what happens when you yawn in public.  152  00:06:48,829 --> 00:06:52,529  大家都会看着我形态奇异的小舌头  Everyone will see my oddly shaped uvula.  153  00:06:54,069 --> 00:06:55,569  你也不想看到这个画面吧  You don't want that  do you?  154  00:06:56,429 --> 00:06:58,799  不想  No.  155  00:06:58,799 --> 00:07:03,639  但我们社会嘲笑奇异舌头的做法是可耻的  But it's a shame our society mocks the differently uvulated.  156  00:07:05,139 --> 00:07:06,179  刚才谁敲门了  Who was at the door?  157  00:07:06,179 --> 00:07:08,179  呃  楼管员  Uh  building manager.  158  00:07:08,179 --> 00:07:10,049  他们要来修个管子  They have to fix a pipe  159  00:07:10,049 --> 00:07:12,719  所以明天中午到下午两点会停水  so the water'll be off tomorrow from noon to 2:00.  160  00:07:12,719 --> 00:07:14,249  这是让人无法接受的  That's unacceptable.  161  00:07:14,249 --> 00:07:15,689  我们理应提前得到书面通知的  We're supposed to be given written notice.  162  00:07:15,689 --> 00:07:17,489  没关系的  反正我们到时候也是在工作的  Well  no  it doesn't matter-- we'll be at work.  163  00:07:17,489 --> 00:07:20,359  如果我不小心把番茄汤撒到衣服上怎么办  What if I spill tomato soup on my shirt  164  00:07:20,359 --> 00:07:21,729  我必须回家来换  and have to come home to change  165  00:07:21,729 --> 00:07:24,089  结果发现没有水来泡洗衣粉吗  only to find there's no water for an enzyme soak?  166  00:07:24,099 --> 00:07:26,199  别忘了分叉的小舌头  谢尔顿  Bifurcated uvula  Sheldon!  167  00:07:26,999 --> 00:07:29,099  那我明天吃鸡肉面吧  晚安  I'll have the chicken noodle. Good night!  168  00:07:33,369 --> 00:07:35,669  我们一定得注意小声点  We're going to have to be very quiet.  169  00:07:40,249 --> 00:07:42,349  我想到如何拿到桶了  I know how to get the bucket!  170  00:07:42,349 --> 00:07:44,309  我可以反过来握斧头  I can turn the axe around  171  00:07:44,319 --> 00:07:46,849  然后用斧头把钩到水桶  and use the handle to reach it.  172  00:07:46,849 --> 00:07:48,819  让我试试  Let's see.  173  00:07:48,819 --> 00:07:51,259  向北走  Go north.  174  00:07:51,259 --> 00:07:52,859  你现在身处森林  "You are in a forest."  175  00:07:52,859 --> 00:07:54,559  继续向北走  Go north.  176  00:07:54,559 --> 00:07:55,989  你仍然身处森林  "You are in a forest."  177  00:07:55,989 --> 00:07:57,429  再往北走呢  Go north.  178  00:07:57,429 --> 00:08:00,099  你还是身处森林  天呐  我想我迷路了  "You are in a forest." Oh dear  I believe I'm lost.  179  00:08:00,099 --> 00:08:02,169  我还是明天从头再玩吧  Well  I'll just have to get a fresh start tomorrow.  180  00:08:02,169 --> 00:08:04,069  不不不  你刚才只不过方向搞错了而已  No  no  no! You just took a wrong turn.  181  00:08:04,069 --> 00:08:05,539  你只要把图画出来就行了  You just need to map it out.  182  00:08:05,539 --> 00:08:06,539  来吧  我来帮你  Come on  I'll help you.  183  00:08:06,539 --> 00:08:09,739  你停在了小溪旁  然后向北走了三次对吧  So you stopped at the stream  and you turned north three times?  184  00:08:09,739 --> 00:08:10,479  是的  Yes.  185  00:08:10,479 --> 00:08:12,479  你说对了  你是迷路了  祝你好运  You're right. You're lost. Good luck.  186  00:08:20,079 --> 00:08:21,119  莱纳德  醒醒  Leonard. Wake up.  187  00:08:21,119 --> 00:08:22,119  抱歉  Huh? Wh-- Sorry.  188  00:08:22,119 --> 00:08:23,649  抱歉什么啊  For what?  189  00:08:23,659 --> 00:08:26,089  我也不知道  只要我跟女孩子同床共枕后  I don't know. When I'm in bed with a girl  it's just--  190  00:08:26,089 --> 00:08:27,989  这就是我的条件反射应答  it's my go-to response.  191  00:08:27,989 --> 00:08:29,989  已经六点了  我得在拉杰睡醒  It's 6:00. I have to get back to Raj's  192  00:08:29,989 --> 00:08:31,829  发现我不见了之前  赶紧回去了  before he wakes up and realizes I'm gone.  193  00:08:31,829 --> 00:08:34,199  哦  那好吧  Oh. Right. Sure.  194  00:08:34,199 --> 00:08:36,729  我真希望你能在洛杉矶待久点  I wish you could stay in L.A. a while longer.  195  00:08:36,729 --> 00:08:37,729  我也想啊  Mmm  me  too.  196  00:08:37,739 --> 00:08:39,269  知道吗  我刚才一直在想  You know  I was thinking  197  00:08:39,269 --> 00:08:42,169  印度其实也有这么多先进的实验设施了  there are some great research facilities in India.  198  00:08:42,169 --> 00:08:44,979  你想说什么  莱纳德  Where are you going with this  Leonard?  199  00:08:44,979 --> 00:08:48,749  我其实想说  反正我在这也没啥牵挂  Well  I'm just saying  you know  I don't have any real ties here  200  00:08:48,749 --> 00:08:51,949  我也可以搬去新德里[印度城市]  我们可以一起  你懂得  so if I were to move to New Delhi  we could  you know--  201  00:08:52,149 --> 00:08:54,819  出去玩玩  go out.  202  00:08:54,819 --> 00:08:58,459  莱纳德  我们五年前不就谈过这个了吗  Leonard  didn't we have this conversation five years ago?  203  00:08:58,459 --> 00:08:59,419  是这样的  但是...  Well  yes  but...  204  00:08:59,419 --> 00:09:00,659  今非昔比了嘛  things have changed.  205  00:09:00,659 --> 00:09:02,259  你也长大了  我也长大了  You know  you're older  I'm older--  206  00:09:02,259 --> 00:09:04,459  看吧  再也没什么漫画英雄的床单了  Look  no more superhero bed sheets.  207  00:09:04,459 --> 00:09:05,929  亲爱的  Sweetheart  208  00:09:05,929 --> 00:09:08,929  我们在一起很愉快  并不意味着  just because we have fun when I come to town doesn't mean  209  00:09:08,929 --> 00:09:11,539  我想要开展一段正式的感情生活  I want to have a serious relationship.  210  00:09:11,539 --> 00:09:13,899  -不想吗  -不想  - It doesn't? - Mm-mm.  211  00:09:13,909 --> 00:09:17,169  此外  我永远也不可能介绍个白种男孩给我的父母  And besides  I could never bring a white boy home to my parents.  212  00:09:18,079 --> 00:09:19,239  他们宁愿要头牛  They'd have a cow.  213  00:09:19,239 --> 00:09:21,879  这在印度可就很大件事了  Which is a much bigger deal in India.  214  00:09:21,879 --> 00:09:24,309  我也没很纯的白人血统啦  I'm not that white.  215  00:09:24,319 --> 00:09:26,379  我的高祖母有一半彻罗基[印第安族]血统  My great-great-grandmother was half Cherokee.  216  00:09:26,379 --> 00:09:29,449  我知道虽然不是真正的印度血统  但也算印什么了啊  I know that's not the right kind of Indian  but it is something.  217  00:09:29,449 --> 00:09:31,149  你真有趣  You're funny.  218  00:09:31,159 --> 00:09:32,489  莱纳德  Leonard?  219  00:09:32,489 --> 00:09:33,659  莱纳德  Leonard?  220  00:09:33,659 --> 00:09:35,159  莱纳德  Leonard?  221  00:09:36,029 --> 00:09:37,029  啥事  What?  222  00:09:37,029 --> 00:09:38,629  我听到了女人的笑声  I heard a woman laughing.  223  00:09:38,629 --> 00:09:43,029  哦  我刚才想试试自己能否笑得像个女人  Oh  uh  yeah. I was trying to see if I could laugh as a woman.  224  00:09:44,999 --> 00:09:47,669  哦  那做的不错啊  很真实啊  Oh! Well  good job. Quite convincing.  225  00:09:48,369 --> 00:09:50,139  我闻到了香水味  I smell perfume.  226  00:09:50,139 --> 00:09:51,209  空气清洗剂的味道  Air freshener.  227  00:09:51,209 --> 00:09:54,779  你这脸颊和脖子上是口红吗  And is that lipstick on your cheek and neck?  228  00:09:54,779 --> 00:09:56,109  是疹子  很严重的疹子  Rash. That's a bad rash.  229  00:09:56,109 --> 00:09:57,709  深表同情  My sympathies.  230  00:09:57,719 --> 00:10:01,219  我很了解这种红色祸害  也就是皮炎  I'm no stranger to the crimson scourge that is dermatitis.  231  00:10:02,519 --> 00:10:05,219  我在我的乳液和软膏系列里  Can I interest you in a topical steroid  232  00:10:05,219 --> 00:10:07,189  帮你找一种管用的类固醇好吗  from my lotion and unguent collection?  233  00:10:07,989 --> 00:10:10,189  好啊  好啊  这主意不错  Uh  yeah  yeah  that sounds great.  234  00:10:10,189 --> 00:10:12,359  很好  我相信我可以找到  Very well. I'm sure I can find something  235  00:10:12,359 --> 00:10:14,099  帮你止痒的东西  that will help you ditch that itch.  236  00:10:15,829 --> 00:10:18,239  好了  他去洗手间了  我们走  Okay  he's in the bathroom. Let's go.  237  00:10:21,239 --> 00:10:23,909  你喜欢软膏还是霜剂  Do you prefer ointment or cream?  238  00:10:26,779 --> 00:10:27,309  霜剂  Cream.  239  00:10:27,309 --> 00:10:28,649  要不要含麻醉添加剂的  With or without a numbing agent?  240  00:10:28,649 --> 00:10:29,649  不要  Without.  241  00:10:29,649 --> 00:10:31,049  真的吗  莱纳德  Really  Leonard?  242  00:10:31,049 --> 00:10:33,719  有皮炎的时候可不能逞英雄  There are no heroes when it comes to dermatitis.  243  00:10:34,789 --> 00:10:35,669  好吧  那就要  Fine. With.  244  00:10:35,819 --> 00:10:37,649  处方药还是非处方的强效药  Prescription or non-prescription strength?  245  00:10:37,659 --> 00:10:39,089  发挥你的判断力吧  Use your best judgment.  246  00:10:39,089 --> 00:10:43,859  我有一支很不错的2009年的肛泰软膏  Well  I think I have a nice 2009 AnaMantle HC.  247  00:10:43,859 --> 00:10:47,259  通常是针对严重发炎的痔疮的  It's usually indicated for acutely inflamed hemorrhoids  248  00:10:47,269 --> 00:10:50,529  但是对非粘膜器官也管用  but it also goes nicely with non-mucosal body parts.  249  00:10:52,499 --> 00:10:53,669  听起来不错  Sounds great.  250  00:10:53,669 --> 00:10:55,309  明智的选择  Excellent choice.  251  00:10:57,039 --> 00:10:58,719  好了  快点  快点  快点  Okay  hurry  hurry  hurry.  252  00:11:00,549 --> 00:11:02,359  快走  快走  快走  Come on  come on  come on.  253  00:11:04,909 --> 00:11:05,799  普丽娅  Priya?  254  00:11:07,219 --> 00:11:08,309  早上好  谢尔顿  Good morning  Sheldon.  255  00:11:09,019 --> 00:11:13,389  羞耻呀  莱纳德  羞耻  For shame  Leonard  for shame.  256  00:11:14,449 --> 00:11:17,859  我居然还差点准备  And to think  I was ready to waste  257  00:11:17,859 --> 00:11:20,149  把我最后一点好用的痔疮霜浪费在你身上  the last of my good hemorrhoid cream on you.  258  00:11:27,019 --> 00:11:28,309  挺开心的啊  Making pretty good time  huh?  259  00:11:29,349 --> 00:11:31,939  你真的想说这个吗  莱纳德  Is that really what you want to talk about  Leonard?  260  00:11:32,789 --> 00:11:33,689  不是  No.  261  00:11:34,219 --> 00:11:35,659  那你想说什么  What do you want to talk about?  262  00:11:35,659 --> 00:11:36,789  拜托别跟任何人说  Please don't tell anyone  263  00:11:36,789 --> 00:11:38,259  我跟拉杰的妹妹过夜了  I spent the night with Raj's sister.  264  00:11:38,259 --> 00:11:40,259  说出来了  There it is.  265  00:11:41,229 --> 00:11:43,129  要是有人问起来呢  What if someone asks?  266  00:11:43,129 --> 00:11:45,729  没人会问我是不是跟拉杰的妹妹过夜了  No one's going to ask if I spent the night with Raj's sister.  267  00:11:45,739 --> 00:11:49,839  或许吧  但是他们可能会问我别的  Perhaps  but they might ask me something else.  268  00:11:49,839 --> 00:11:51,169  -比如呢  -比如说  - Like what?  - Like  269  00:11:51,169 --> 00:11:54,759  莱纳德最近有没有做出背叛朋友的行为  "Has Leonard betrayed any of his friends recently?"  270  00:11:55,709 --> 00:11:57,849  普丽娅和我都是成年人了  Priya and I are both adults.  271  00:11:57,849 --> 00:11:59,549  我没有背叛拉杰  I didn't betray Raj.  272  00:11:59,549 --> 00:12:03,039  你有  但是我指的是霍华德  In fact  you did  but I was referring to Howard.  273  00:12:03,119 --> 00:12:04,189  你在说什么  What are you talking about?  274  00:12:04,189 --> 00:12:06,189  2005年4月12日  April 12  2005.  275  00:12:06,189 --> 00:12:08,259  在图卢卡湖的鲍勃大头娃汉堡店里  Bob's Big Boy  Toluca Lake.  276  00:12:08,259 --> 00:12:11,859  拉杰第一次把普丽娅介绍给我们  Raj had just introduced us to Priya for the first time.  277  00:12:11,859 --> 00:12:14,999  她正在享受印度教禁止的美味食物  She was enjoying the sweet taste of Hindu rebellion  278  00:12:14,999 --> 00:12:17,769  那就是鲍勃超级大头娃牛肉堡  in the form of a Bob's Super Big Boy hamburger.  279  00:12:17,769 --> 00:12:20,179  为了维护你们的友谊  In order to preserve your friendship  280  00:12:20,179 --> 00:12:22,239  你和霍华德发拉钩钩说  you and Howard made a pinky swear  281  00:12:22,239 --> 00:12:24,569  你们俩人都不许追求她  that neither of you would attempt to woo her.  282  00:12:25,069 --> 00:12:26,619  我点了一份奶酪牛肉片  I had a patty melt.  283  00:12:27,779 --> 00:12:29,649  好吧  我背叛了霍华德  Okay  fine  I betrayed Howard.  284  00:12:29,649 --> 00:12:31,579  -还有拉杰  -好的  还有拉杰  - And Raj.  - All right  and Raj.  285  00:12:31,579 --> 00:12:32,659  还有我  And me.  286  00:12:33,249 --> 00:12:34,809  你  You?  287  00:12:34,979 --> 00:12:36,589  你违反了室友协议中  Violation of the Roommate Agreement's  288  00:12:36,589 --> 00:12:38,989  有留宿客人要提前通知之一条款  overnight guest notification clause.  289  00:12:38,989 --> 00:12:41,859  好吧  我是个令人讨厌的家伙  Okay  fine  I-I'm a horrible human being.  290  00:12:41,859 --> 00:12:43,959  我就是帕萨迪纳的达斯·维达  I'm the Darth Vader of Pasadena.  291  00:12:41,859 --> 00:12:43,959  《星球大战》中的重要角色  黑武士  292  00:12:43,959 --> 00:12:46,659  你当达斯·维达还太矮了点  You're far too short to be Darth Vader.  293  00:12:47,599 --> 00:12:50,039  你最多也就是叛徒伊渥克[星球大战]  At best you might be a turncoat Ewok.  294  00:12:50,499 --> 00:12:53,899  我只是想说  普丽娅已经走了  My point is: Priya's gone and it would be much better  295  00:12:53,899 --> 00:12:56,609  要是没人知道这件事就最好了  if no one else found out about us.  296  00:12:57,439 --> 00:12:59,469  你是说你想让我帮你保密  You mean you want me to keep a secret?  297  00:12:59,479 --> 00:13:00,509  是的  Yes.  298  00:13:00,509 --> 00:13:02,179  你知道我是保守不了秘密的  You know I can't keep a secret.  299  00:13:02,179 --> 00:13:03,249  你努力尝试的话就可以的  You can if you try.  300  00:13:03,249 --> 00:13:04,479  就这样想  Think about it this way:  301  00:13:04,479 --> 00:13:07,379  如果我是蝙蝠侠  你是艾尔福  um  if I were Batman and you were Alfred  302  00:13:04,479 --> 00:13:07,379  蝙蝠侠的管家  303  00:13:07,379 --> 00:13:09,319  你一定可以对我的身份保密  对吧  you'd keep that secret  right?  304  00:13:09,549 --> 00:13:12,119  凭什么你是蝙蝠侠  Why do you get to be Batman?  305  00:13:12,119 --> 00:13:14,259  因为蝙蝠侠才有身份的秘密呀  Because Batman has the secret.  306  00:13:14,259 --> 00:13:16,089  艾尔福也有秘密的  Alfred has secrets  too.  307  00:13:16,089 --> 00:13:17,659  -什么秘密  -艾尔福知道  - Like what?  - Alfred knows  308  00:13:17,659 --> 00:13:19,329  芭芭拉·科尔顿是蝙蝠女  that Barbara Gordon is Batgirl.  309  00:13:19,959 --> 00:13:21,459  而我刚刚就把这个秘密告诉了蝙蝠侠  Which I've now just told to Batman.  310  00:13:21,459 --> 00:13:23,149  你看  我就是保守不了秘密  See  I cannot keep a secret.  311  00:13:27,269 --> 00:13:28,399  挞哒  Ta-dah!  312  00:13:29,009 --> 00:13:30,039  什么  What?  313  00:13:30,459 --> 00:13:31,379  挞哒  Ta-dah.  314  00:13:32,479 --> 00:13:33,409  这是  It's short for...  315  00:13:33,409 --> 00:13:35,379  哒哒哒哒的缩减版  Da-da-da-da! ?  316  00:13:36,529 --> 00:13:38,009  谢尔顿  我正忙着呢  Kind of busy here  Sheldon.  317  00:13:38,009 --> 00:13:39,349  我知道  所以我才缩减了  I know  that's why I shortened it.  318  00:13:41,909 --> 00:13:42,879  你想干吗  What do you want?  319  00:13:42,889 --> 00:13:46,589  我是来给你提供昨晚的不在场证明的  I came to go over your alibi for last night.  320  00:13:46,589 --> 00:13:48,019  什么不在场证明  What alibi?  321  00:13:48,019 --> 00:13:51,289  你让我替你撒谎  而你也知道  You've asked me to lie on your behalf  and as you know  322  00:13:51,289 --> 00:13:54,299  我很讨厌没有提前准备的谎言  I am deeply uncomfortable with impromptu dishonesty  323  00:13:54,299 --> 00:13:57,629  所以我就给你准备了不在场的铁证  so I've provided you with an ironclad alibi.  324  00:13:57,629 --> 00:14:00,299  你昨晚不可能跟普丽娅过夜  You couldn't have spent last night with Priya  325  00:14:00,299 --> 00:14:02,369  因为你跟另一个女人在一起  because you were with another woman.  326  00:14:02,369 --> 00:14:04,609  我一定会后悔的  Oh  I'm so sure I'm gonna regret this  327  00:14:04,609 --> 00:14:07,709  但我还是要问  我跟谁在一起  but who was I with?  328  00:14:07,709 --> 00:14:11,809  风趣但作风随便的麦琪·麦凯瑞小姐  The fun-loving an" type="audio/mpeg" />-->