“没有哪个工作是铁饭碗,所以我以这样的方式过活,这样就算是被解雇了我也有所准备。” 她说对于以捡垃圾为生的人们,曼哈顿是一座金矿。
“Consumers in wealthy areas expect their products to be perfect, so upscale stores throw out a lot of items that are still good.
“New York can be the most expensive place to live, but it can also be the least expensive if you know how to work the system.” Hashimoto let The Post spend a day with her learning how to live way below your means.
“纽约可能是生活费用最高的地方,但如果你知道怎么生活,所需要的费用可能是最便宜的。” 桥本邀请记者用一天的时间和她学学如何像她一样生活。
She lives in Harlem, where she bought a studio in 2010 and paid it off in nine months, but treks down to the Upper West Side three times a week for good, free food.
Her other money-saving methods include using soap to wash herself after using the toilet, taking surveys online to earn gift cards, participating in medical trials (she got free birth control for 5 years and took part in a herpes vaccine trial for cash), testing products for free samples, cutting her own hair, washing her clothes while she showers, and running to work to avoid using a MetroCard.
【纽约抠门女白领:如厕不用纸 食物家具全靠捡垃圾】相关文章: