警惕!如果你在工作时出现了以下症状,说明你很有可能选错行:1.你的潜质没有发挥出来 2.整个行业在衰落 3.工作时变成另一个自己 4.请了更多的病假 5.停止学习 6.履历上唯一变化是工龄 7.钱成为唯一的收获。这些正是你不适合这份工作发出来的信号。也许这是一份让人羡慕的工作,可是你很痛苦。也许你害怕改变,不愿重找工作,但如果你继续,就是在浪费生命。请仔细思考,正确选择!
7 WARNING Signs You Chose the Wrong Job
Now 6, 12, 20 months have passed…and the honeymoon is over. You’re immersed in the job and can now see it for what it is, free from the rose colored glasses you began with. Maybe the culture is stone cold and you don’t really feel like you fit in or maybe some of the promises you were told before you started the job, have now been forgotten.
Whatever the case, you don’t want to crawl back to the job search market…unless you are certain this job isn’t going to work out.
So what are the signs to look out for?
1. Your Potential is Being Wasted
About 17% of the U.S. population is classified as underemployed. I can imagine that number only grows if you look world wide.
The recession unfortunately caused many qualified workers to take jobs below their potential in order to make ends meet. If this was a temporary set back, it wouldn’t be such a big deal. But for many of you, the job you initially took as a bootstrap, is now looking like your new future. Just look at this poor girl’s story on Reddit.