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当前位置: 查字典英语网 >高中英语 > 高考英语 > 高考高考英语 > 高考高考复习指南 > 高中英语语法对话练习《生活大爆炸-第3季》中英双译15素材
00:05:06,160  然后我骑在他背上 直冲月球  Then I'm going to climb on his back and rocket to the moon?  109  00:05:09,860 --> 00:05:11,660  不对  No.  110  00:05:12,820 --> 00:05:15,290  但的确跟空中旅行有关  But it does involve air travel.  111  00:05:16,260 --> 00:05:18,290  这样吧  Okay, um...  112  00:05:18,160 --> 00:05:24,360  我用"瑞士"军刀 切一片"瑞士"干酪  let me slice this Swiss cheese with my Swiss army knife,  113  00:05:24,420 --> 00:05:30,960  你可以把它加到一杯 "瑞士"小姐速溶可可里  and then you can wash it down with a cup of Swiss Miss instant cocoa.  114  00:05:31,020 --> 00:05:34,090  嗯  我觉得瑞士应该是个关键词了  Okay, I'm starting to think Swiss is key here.  115  00:05:34,160 --> 00:05:36,260  没错  Uh-huh.  116  00:05:36,320 --> 00:05:38,990" type="audio/mpeg" />-->