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当前位置: 查字典英语网 >高中英语 > 高考英语 > 高考高考英语 > 高考高考复习指南 > 高中英语语法对话练习《生活大爆炸-第4季》中英双译11素材
00:02:59,900  ■  3  00:02:59,910 --> 00:03:03,910  翻译:米小勒  MADD  海因里希  Joanna  4  00:02:59,910 --> 00:03:03,910  ■  5  00:03:03,910 --> 00:03:07,910  后期:孤帆  时间轴:小e  6  00:03:03,910 --> 00:03:07,910  ■  7  00:03:07,910 --> 00:03:11,910  校对:Joanna  MADD  总监:YY  8  00:03:07,910 --> 00:03:11,910  ■  9  00:03:14,010 --> 00:03:16,710  生活大爆炸  第四季第十一集  10  00:00:07,020 --> 00:00:08,480  水魔王  Water Demon.  11  00:00:10,140 --> 00:00:11,960  冰龙  Ice Dragon.  12  00:00:12,710 --> 00:00:15,500  卡哈战神  Lesser Warlord of Ka'a.  13  00:00:15,500 --> 00:00:17,690  慢着  Not so fast.  14  00:00:18,570 --> 00:00:20,550  无敌谢尔顿  Infinite Sheldon.  15  00:00:22,210 --> 00:00:23,460  无敌谢尔顿  Infinite Sheldon?  16  00:00:23,460 --> 00:00:26,450  是的  "无敌谢尔顿"能击败其他所有牌  Yes, Infinite Sheldon defeats all other cards  17  00:00:26,450 --> 00:00:28,720  而且没有违背自制卡牌的规则  and does not violate the rule against homemade cards  18  00:00:28,720 --> 00:00:31,080  因为这规则是我在工作时发明的  because I made it at work.  19  00:00:32,930 --> 00:00:35,720  你明白为何别人都不想跟你一起玩吗  Do you understand why people don't want to play with you?  20  00:00:35,720 --> 00:00:37,060  不明白  No...  21  00:00:37,060 --> 00:00:40,260  虽然我从幼儿园开始就一直被问这个问题  Although it's a question I've been pondering since preschool.  22  00:00:45,650 --> 00:00:47,990  你的《科学》杂志寄到了我的邮箱里  Hey, your copy of Science Magazine was in my mailbox.  23  00:00:47,990 --> 00:00:49,130  哦  谢了  Oh, thanks. Mm-hmm.  24  00:00:49,130 --> 00:00:51,830  看啊  这期讲的都是关于星球的内容  Check it out, all about planets this month.  25  00:00:52,260 --> 00:00:53,850  这是颗原子  That's an atom.  26  00:00:54,970 --> 00:00:56,880  各抒己见嘛  Agree to disagree.  27  00:00:57,890 --> 00:00:59,430  这就是我喜爱科学的原因  That's what I love about science.  28  00:00:59,430 --> 00:01:01,500  因为总没有正确的答案  There's no one right answer.  29  00:01:06,350 --> 00:01:07,510  那么...  So...  30  00:01:07,510 --> 00:01:08,680  你和扎克又在一起了吗  You and Zack again, huh?  31  00:01:08,680 --> 00:01:10,830  是啊  我和扎克又在一起了  Yeah, yeah, me and Zack again.  32  00:01:10,830 --> 00:01:12,890  我俩之前来过吗  Were we here earlier?  33  00:01:14,440 --> 00:01:15,560  好吧  我看我们还是走吧  Okay, we should, we should go.  34  00:01:15,560 --> 00:01:16,430  等下  Ah, not yet.  35  00:01:16,430 --> 00:01:18,620  我还想和这帮捣腾科学的小子聊聊科学呢  I want to talk science with the science dudes.  36  00:01:18,620 --> 00:01:22,920  好棒哦  科学小子们要和你聊科学了  Oh, and the science dudes want to talk science with you.  37  00:01:23,690 --> 00:01:24,760  你想聊点啥呢  What do you want to talk about,  38  00:01:24,760 --> 00:01:28,680  岩石  恐龙还是我们的好朋友海狸呢  rocks, dinosaurs, our friend the beaver?  39  00:01:29,970 --> 00:01:32,520  我在探索频道看过件妙事  You know, I saw this great thing on the Discovery Channel.  40  00:01:32,520 --> 00:01:34,670  原来海星一旦被杀  Turns out that if you kill a starfish,  41  00:01:34,670 --> 00:01:36,580  它会立刻复活  it'll just come back to life.  42  00:01:38,430 --> 00:01:40,270  那海星没穿拳击短裤吧  Was the starfish wearing boxer shorts?  43  00:01:40,270 --> 00:01:43,040  也许你看的是尼克频道[儿童频道]  Because you might have been watching Nickelodeon.  44  00:01:45,540 --> 00:01:49,470  不  我比较确定看的是探索频道  No, I'm almost sure that it was the Discovery Channel.  45  00:01:49,470 --> 00:01:50,140  那是个不错的节目  It was a great show.  46  00:01:50,140 --> 00:01:52,930  节目还说海豚可能比人还聪明  They also said dolphins might be smarter than people.  47  00:01:53,280 --> 00:01:56,070  海豚可能比某些人聪明  They might be smarter than some people.  48  00:01:58,210 --> 00:02:00,620  也许我们可以做个试验看看  Maybe we can do an experiment to find out.  49  00:02:00,620 --> 00:02:01,920  这很容易  That's easy enough.  50  00:02:01,920 --> 00:02:05,170  我们找一缸水  找个海豚能穿过去的铁圈  We'd need a large tank of water, a hoop to jump through,  51  00:02:05,170 --> 00:02:09,550  再找一桶你喜欢吃的饵料就行了  and a bucket of whatever bite-sized treats you find tasty.  52  00:02:15,980 --> 00:02:17,600  我没听懂  I don't get it.  53  00:02:18,080 --> 00:02:20,010  海豚可能懂  A dolphin might.  54  00:02:23,670 --> 00:02:24,230  我明白了  Oh, I see.  55  00:02:24,230 --> 00:02:25,870  你们是说我傻是吧  You guys are inferring that I'm stupid.  56  00:02:25,870 --> 00:02:27,430  你这就错了  That's not correct.  57  00:02:27,430 --> 00:02:29,800  我们是在暗喻  We were implying it.  58  00:02:30,920 --> 00:02:33,330  是你自己说出来的  You then inferred it.  59  00:02:36,550 --> 00:02:38,070  我们走  Let's go.  60  00:02:40,520 --> 00:02:41,760  有这样一群人  You know, for a group of guys  61  00:02:41,760 --> 00:02:44,330  一辈子可能都会被别人羞辱欺负着  who claim they spent most of their lives being bullied,  62  00:02:44,330 --> 00:02:45,870  你们就是那羞辱人的混蛋  you can be real jerks.  63  00:02:45,870 --> 00:02:47,770  为你们感到羞耻  Shame on all of you.  64  00:02:50,450 --> 00:02:52,470  我什么都没做过啊  What the hell did I do?  65  00:02:53,530 --> 00:02:55,230  你笑了  You laughed.  66  00:03:22,980 --> 00:03:24,050  你们也认同佩妮的说法吗  Do you think Penny's right?  67  00:03:24,050 --> 00:03:25,790  我们刚才是在欺负扎克吗  Were we bullying Zack?  68  00:03:25,790 --> 00:03:27,520  不  我知道什么叫欺负  No, I know bullying.  69  00:03:27,520 --> 00:03:31,250  他刚才走得很淡定  内裤也好端端地在屁股上呢  He left here unswirlied and his ass crack was underpants-free.  70  00:03:32,800 --> 00:03:35,500  而且也没人把鸡鸡画到他额头上啊  And nobody drew a penis on his forehead.  71  00:03:37,880 --> 00:03:39,580  有人画到过你额头上吗  That happened to you?  72  00:03:40,070 --> 00:03:41,920  我去板球训练营的第一天  First day of cricket camp.  73  00:03:41,920 --> 00:03:44,710  他们就是想拿我的俩眼睛当蛋蛋  They drew it so the testicles were my eyes.  74  00:03:48,580 --> 00:03:51,090  我觉得我们还是得跟那家伙道个歉  I don't know, I think we might owe the guy an apology.  75  00:03:51,090 --> 00:03:53,640  -那你去道歉呗  -为什么是我去  - So go apologize. - Why me?  76  00:03:53,640 --> 00:03:56,280  你开的头  我们只是附和罢了  You started it, we just piled on.  77  00:03:57,400 --> 00:03:58,620  那我该怎么说  What would I even say?  78  00:03:58,620 --> 00:04:01,420  扎克  很抱歉  你太蠢了  Zack, I'm sorry you're stupid.  79  00:04:04,090 --> 00:04:06,040  吃点奶球吧  Have a Milk Dud.  80  00:04:07,310 --> 00:04:08,350  奶球  A Milk Dud?  81  00:04:08,350 --> 00:04:11,050  是的  凭借奶球这自嘲的名字  Yeah, Milk Duds, with their self-deprecating name  82  00:04:11,050 --> 00:04:12,920  外加温和的口味  and remarkably mild flavor,  83  00:04:12,920 --> 00:04:16,050  是盒装糖果里最能表达歉意的  are the most apologetic of the boxed candies.  84  00: 04:17,520 --> 00:04:18,420  我有个好主意  I got a better idea.  85  00:04:18,420 --> 00:04:19,270  这事儿我们都有责任  We're all responsible.  86  00:04:19,270 --> 00:04:20,840  所以都该去道歉  I say we all go.  87  00:04:23,890 --> 00:04:25,950  拜托  谁跟我一起去一下呢  Come on, who's with me?  88  00:04:27,320 --> 00:04:30,520  跟我去的我赠送漫画书  谁想去一下呢  Free comic books to anyone who comes with me.  89  00:04:31,750 --> 00:04:34,290  我可能会被海扁一顿  你们不想看看吗  I might get punched. You really want to miss that?  90  00:04:39,750 --> 00:04:41,490  薄荷糖也挺有道歉味道的  Junior Mints are pretty apologetic.  91  00:04:41,490 --> 00:04:43,590  你这是在自取其辱  You're embarrassing yourself.  92  00:04:47,970 --> 00:04:49,510  佩妮  Penny.  93  00:04:54,880 --> 00:04:57,980  -什么事  -我们想跟扎克说两句  扎克你还好吗  - What? - Yeah, we came to talk to Zack. Hey, Zack.  94  00:04:57,980 --> 00:04:59,310  你们想怎么样  What do you want?  95  00:04:59,310 --> 00:05:00,920  我们之前说的那些  Listen, the stuff we were saying before,  96  00:05:00,920 --> 00:05:02,640  只不过是跟你开玩笑来着  we were just kidding around.  97  00:05:02,640 --> 00:05:03,370  才不是呢  No, you weren't.  98  00:05:03,370 --> 00:05:04,930  你们刚才在嘲讽我  You were making fun of me.  99  00:05:05,260 --> 00:05:06,790  拜托  我们经常这样的  Come on, that's what we do.  100  00:05:06,790 --> 00:05:09,130  互相找不痛快  We give each other a hard time.  101  00:05:09,130 --> 00:05:10,050  喂  谢尔顿  Hey, Sheldon,  102  00:05:10,050 --> 00:05:12,190  你长得像在祈祷的螳螂  you look like a praying mantis.  103  00:05:14,510 --> 00:05:15,460  你这话太伤人了  That's very hurtful.  104  00:05:15,460 --> 00:05:17,050  看到了吧  See?  105  00:05:18,290 --> 00:05:20,880  我不知道  还是觉得很不爽  I don't know, it still wasn't very nice.  106  00:05: 20,880 --> 00:05:22,980  奶球要吗  Milk Dud?  107  00:05:22,980 --> 00:05:24,620  爱死奶球了  Oh, I love Milk Duds.  108  00:05:26,210 --> 00:05:27,960  好了  咱们和好了  Okay, we're cool.  109  00:05:29,950 --> 00:05:32,650  还说薄荷糖吗  Junior Mints.  110  00:05:33,230 --> 00:05:34,480  你们想进来喝杯啤酒吗  You guys want to come in and have a beer?  111  00:05:34,480 --> 00:05:36,260  我们正打算去漫画书店呢  Uh, we're on our way to the comic book store.  112  00:05:36,260 --> 00:05:37,870  莱纳德请客哦  Leonard's buying.  113  00:05:37,870 --> 00:05:38,740  真的吗  Really?  114  00:05:38,740 --> 00:05:39,950  我有整整一百万年  I haven't been to a comic book store  115  00:05:39,950 --> 00:05:42,150  没去过漫画书店了  in literally a million years.  116  00:05:42,530 --> 00:05:43,590  真的吗  Literally?  117  00:05:43,590 --> 00:05:46,390  是字面上理解的一百万年吗  Literally a million years?  118  00:05:47,050 --> 00:05:48,270  打住  Don't.  119  00:05:48,270 --> 00:05:49,770  -你想和他们一起去吗  -不想  - You want to go with 'em?  - No.  120  00:05:49,770 --> 00:05:51,030  -哦  那就回见了  -等等  - Okay, see you later.  - Wait,  121  00:05:51,030 --> 00:05:55,780  等等  你为了去漫画书店就丢下我吗  w-w-w-wait, you're ditching me to go look at comic books?  122  00:05:55,780 --> 00:05:57,190  你生我气了吗  Are you mad at me?  123  00:05:57,190 --> 00:05:59,070  我不高兴了  I'm not happy.  124  00:06:01,190 --> 00:06:02,840  奶球要吗  Milk Dud?  125  00:06:06,800 --> 00: 06:09,020  哇  这地方太赞了  Wow, this place is awesome.  126  00:06:09,020 --> 00:06:10,930  阿奇的漫画一般在哪儿  Where do they keep the Archies?  127  00:06:09,020 --> 00:06:10,930  美国著名漫画出版商  128  00:06:11,640 --> 00:06:15,330  在十岁小姑娘的卧室里  在那儿才对  In the bedrooms of ten-year-old girls, where they belong.  129  00:06:15,590 --> 00:06:17,280  你说的那是老阿奇漫画  Oh, no, you're thinking old-school Archie.  130  00:06:17,280 --> 00:06:19,040  现在已经成熟多了  It's much more sophisticated now.  131  00:06:19,040 --> 00:06:20,570  比如说  有两个宇宙  Like, there's two universes,  132  00:06:20,570 --> 00:06:22,060  阿奇在一个宇宙去了贝蒂  and Archie's married to Betty in one  133  00:06:22,060 --> 00:06:23,370  在另一个娶了维罗妮卡  and Veronica in the other.  134  00:06:23,370 --> 00:06:25,650  出自阿奇《New Look》系列第三期  135  00:06:23,370 --> 00:06:25,650  米吉甚至和慕思分手了  Midge is even breaking up with Moose.  136  00:06:25,650 --> 00:06:27,260  不会吧  No.  137  00:06:27,790 --> 00:06:29,330  早该改了  对吧  About time, right?  138  00:06:30,010 --> 00:06:33,770  你们终于合伙雇了位保镖啦  Hey. You guys finally chip in for a bodyguard?  139  00:06:35,450 --> 00:06:36,930  不是  这位是扎克  Uh, no. Oh, this is Zack.  140  00:06:36,930 --> 00:06:38,900  只是朋友而已  He's a friend of ours.  141  00:06:38,900 --> 00:06:39,840  扎克  这位是斯图尔特  Zack, this is Stuart.  142  00:06:39,840 --> 00:06:41,100  这儿的老板  He owns the store.  143  00:06:41,100 --> 00:06:42,890  哇  好福气啊  Wow, lucky you.  144  00:06:42,890 --> 00:06:45,540  是啊  我每周上70小时的班  Yeah, I work 70 hours a week  145  00:06:45,540 --> 00:06:48,710  平均每小时赚一块六毛五  and average $1.65 an hour.  146  00:06:49,140 --> 00:06:51,000  很赞啊  Sweet.  147  00:06:52,410 --> 00:06:53,970  他这是讽刺我吗  Is that sarcasm?  148  00:06:53,970 --> 00:06:58,000  非也  他是在控诉无能的美国教育系统  No, it's an indictment of the American education system.  149  00:06:58,860 --> 00:07:00,420  阿奇漫画都在那边呢  The Archies are over here.  150  00:07:00,420 --> 00:07:02,150  好滴  Yippee.  151  00:07:03,900 --> 00:07:06,730  你们几位来不来我的新年化装派对啊  So are you guys coming to my New Year's Eve costume party?  152  00:07:06,730 --> 00:07:07,640  当然来啊  Of course.  153  00:07:07,640 --> 00:07:09,880  我们要组成美国正义联盟  We're coming as the Justice League of America.  154  00:07:07,640 --> 00:07:09,880  美国DC漫画公司创作的超级英雄团队  155  00:07:09,880 --> 00:07:11,130  阵容安排得换一下  Switching it up from last year  156  00:07:11,130 --> 00:07:14,270  不能和去年的重复了  when we came as the Justice League of America.  157  00:07:14,990 --> 00:07:16,100  你这么一提  To that point,  158  00:07:16,100 --> 00:07:19,150  让我忽然想起来  我们今年很有可能  it occurs to me that we might have an opportunity  159  00:07:19,150 --> 00:07:21,760  最终赢得最佳团体服饰奖  to finally snare Best Group Costume  160  00:07:21,760 --> 00:07:23,850  只要我们加强了当初的短板  if we shore up our weak link,  161  00:07:23,850 --> 00:07:26,850  显然也就是莱纳德扮的超人  which is clearly Leonard as Superman.  162  00:07:28,070 --> 00:07:29,810  喂  我今年新买了靴子好吧  Hey, I got new boots this year.  163  00:07:29,810 --> 00:07:32,240  保证能增高三英寸  Guaranteed to add three inches.  164  00:07:33,090 --> 00:07:34,910  真可悲  That's sad.  165  00:07:36,320 --> 00:07:37,790  请扪心自问  Let's ask ourselves:  166  00:07:37,790 --> 00:07:40,000  我们认识的人中有哪位  Is there anyone we know  167  00:07:40,000 --> 00:07:44,780  能扮好更爷们更合适的氪星之子[即超人]呢  who would make a more manly and convincing son of Krypton?  168  00:07:44,780 --> 00:07:47,670  比穿高跟靴的莱纳德更爷们吗  Than Leonard in high-heeled boots?  169  00:07:48,490 --> 00:07:51,240  跟穿高跟靴的霍华德老妈呢  Howard's mother in high-heeled boots?  170  00:07:53,850 --> 00:07:57,440  我想到了那边那位  I was thinking specifically of the gentleman over there  171  00:07:57,440 --> 00:08:02,260  念念有词欣赏最新《贝蒂和维罗妮卡》的先生  moving his lips as he enjoys the latest exploits of Betty and Veronica.  172  00:08:05,660 --> 00:08:07,140  扎克吗  Zack?  173  00:08:07,140 --> 00:08:11,460  他是我们认识的  唯一有真正肌肉的人  He is the only person we know with actual muscles.  174  00:08:11,460 --> 00:08:13,800  你们不能让扎克代替我  You can't replace me with Zack.  175  00:08:13,800 --> 00:08:16,140  为啥不行  佩妮不就这么做了  Why not? Penny did it.  176  00:08:17,100 --> 00:08:18,420  对啊  她好像比以前更开心了  Yeah, she seems happier.  177  00:08:18,420 --> 00:08:20,340  为啥我们不行  Why wouldn't we be?  178  00:08:20,950 --> 00:08:21,710  爽啊  Score.  179  00:08:21,710 --> 00:08:23,810  我找到了《高中生阿奇》  《贝蒂和维罗妮卡》  I got an Archie, Betty and Veronica,  180  00:08:23,810 --> 00:08:24,970  还有《笨瓜》这册  and a Jughead.  181  00:08:24,970 --> 00:08:27,500  我的周末完美了  All set for my weekend number twos.  182  00:08:28,980 --> 00:08:30,760  恭喜恭喜  Congratulations.  183  00:08:30,760 --> 00:08:35,130  扎克  你觉得当超人感觉如何  Zack, how would you like to be Superman?  184  00:08:35,130 --> 00:08:38,240  不知道诶  听起来责任重大啊  I don't kow. Sounds like a lot of responsibility.  185  00:08:42,130 --> 00:08:43,780  好吧  如果扎克当超人的话  Fine. If Zack's gonna be Superman,  186  00:08:43,780 --> 00:08:45,080  那我就要当绿灯侠  I want to be Green Lantern.  187  00:08:45,080 --> 00:08:46,120  可我才是绿灯侠啊  But I'm Green Lantern.  188  00:08:46,120 --> 00:08:47,580  你可以去当水行侠嘛  You can be Aquaman.  189  00:08:47,580 --> 00:08:48,690  我才不想当水行侠呢  I don't want to be Aquaman.  190  00:08:48,690 --> 00:08:50,780  太衰了  He sucks.  191  00:08:51,960 --> 00:08:54,660  在水下都衰得不行  He sucks underwater.  192  00:08:55,360 --> 00:08:57,620  还得喝鱼尿  He sucks fish pee.  193  00:08:58,230 --> 00:08:59,410  容我插句嘴  Excuse me,  194  00:08:59,410 --> 00:09:02,730  我觉得水行侠会用他的通灵术  I believe Aquaman uses his telepathic powers  195  00:09:02,730 --> 00:09:06,260  让鱼儿们上别处撒尿去  to request the fish do their business elsewhere.  196  00:09:07,450 --> 00:09:08,150  嗨  宝贝  Hey, babe.  197  00:09:08,150 --> 00:09:09,470  我还在生你的气  I'm still mad at you.  198  00:09:09,470 --> 00:09:11,630  等听到这个天大的喜讯  你就不会生气了  Well, you won't be when you hear the great news.  199  00:09:11,630 --> 00:09:12,860  什么天大的喜讯  What great news?  200  00:09:12,860 --> 00:09:14,280  我们在新年夜要去参加  We're going to a costume party  201  00:09:14,280 --> 00:09:16,910  漫画店的化装派对  at the comic book store on New Year's Eve,  202  00:09:16,910 --> 00:09:19,220  而你将扮成神奇女侠  and you get to be Wonder Woman.  203  00:09:20,620 --> 00:09:24,150  还有防弹手镯和真理套索  Complete with bulletproof bracelets and lasso of truth.  204  00:09:24,610 --> 00:09:26,920  隐形飞机单独零售  Invisible plane sold separately.  205  00:09:27,870 --> 00:09:29,030  慢着  为什么是我  Wait, why me?  206  00:09:29,030 --> 00:09:31,160  为什么不找你女友做神奇女侠  Wh-Why can't your girlfriend be Wonder Woman?  207  00:09:31,160 --> 00:09:33,890  她们实验室的人正在隔离中  She and her lab team are under quarantine.  208  00:09:33,890 --> 00:09:36,640  貌似她们圣诞派对时用了  Seems at the Christmas party they were doing Jell-O shots  209  00:09:36,640 --> 00:09:40,410  装黄热病毒的培养皿做果冻杯  out of petri dishes that used to contain yellow fever.  210  00:09:41,600 --> 00:09:44,560  好吧  那你朋友艾米呢  Okay, what about your friend Amy?  211  00:09:44,560 --> 00:09:47,540  艾米·菲拉·福勒不会接受COSPLAY的  Amy Farrah Fowler doesn't believe in wearing costumes.  212  00:09:47,540 --> 00:09:50,340  她没我这么思想开放  She isn't the free spirit I am.  213  00:09:53,520 --> 00:09:54,450  好吧  别妄想了  Okay, well, forget it.  214  00:09:54,450 --> 00:09:55,770  我可不想在新年夜  I'm not spending my New Year's Eve  215  00:09:55,770 --> 00:09:58,960  扮成神奇女侠在漫画店度过  at a comic book store wearing a Wonder Woman costume.  216  00:10:00,570 --> 00:10:04,350  他说要是你当水行侠  他愿意当神奇女侠  He says he'll wear it if you'll be Aquaman.  217  00:10:22,520 --> 00:10:24,140  你在做啥子  What are you doing?  218  00:10:24,550 --> 00:10:25,820  我们要迟到了  We're going to be late.  219  00:10:25,820 --> 00:10:27,750  我在紧张地踱步  I'm pacing nervously.  220  00:10:28,510 --> 00:10:30,120  你这是在慢跑  You're jogging.  221  00:10:30,120 --> 00:10:32,270  闪电侠就这么踱步的  This is how the Flash paces.  222  00:10:33,530 --> 00:10:35,070  淡定点  谢尔顿  Just chill out, Sheldon.  223  00:10:35,070 --> 00:10:37,970  我不是谢尔顿  我是闪电侠  I'm not Sheldon. I'm the Flash.  224  00:10:38,490 --> 00:10:39,930  现在我要去大峡谷吼叫  And now I'm going to the Grand Canyon  225  00:10:39,930 --> 00:10:42,040  发泄我心中的沮丧  to scream in frustration.  226  00:10:42,040 --> 00:10:43,730  我回来了  I'm back.  227  00:10:46,860 --> 00:10:49,020  蝙蝠侠来也  I'm Batman.  228  00:10:50,180 --> 00:10:51,590  坑爹呢你  Oh, I hardly think so.  229  00:10:51,590 --> 00:10:54,230  真正的蝙蝠侠要是迟到  The real caped crusader calls his crime-fighting cohorts  230  00:10:54,230 --> 00:10:56,180  会打电话通知战友的  when he's running late.  231  00:10:56,920 --> 00:10:57,660  我是走路过来的  I had to walk.  232  00:10:57,660 --> 00:11:00,480  拉杰上不了我的小摩托车后座  I couldn't get Raj on the back of my scooter.  233  00:11:08,270 --> 00:11:10,500  我说过无数次了  但我还是要说  I've said this before, and I'll say it again.  234  00:11:10,500 --> 00:11:12,990  水行侠太衰了  Aquaman sucks.  235  00:11:12,990 --> 00:11:16,620  仰望天空  那是只鸟  是架飞机  Look up in the sky. It's a bird. It's a plane.  236  00:11:18,480 --> 00:11:20,240  后面的我忘了  I forget the rest.  237  00:11:18,480 --> 00:11:20,240  后面那句应该是"那是超人"  238  00:11:21,710 --> 00:11:24,070  好吧  我们早死早超生吧  All right. Let's get this thing over with.  239  00:11:26,130 --> 00:11:27,350  不好意思  I'm sorry.  240  00:11:27,350 --> 00:11:31,040  哪儿来的金发神奇女侠啊  But in what universe is Wonder Woman blonde?  241  00:11:31,040 --> 00:11:33,920  龟毛个啥  谁会盯着她的头发看啊  Relax. No one's going to be looking at her hair.  242  00:11:36,170 --> 00:11:37,680  痛啊  Ow!  243  00:11:39,700 --> 00:11:40,270  应该是  I mean,  244  00:11:40,270 --> 00:11:42,020  可恶  ow.  245  00:11:43,590 --> 00:11:45,900  等等  那套服装里的黑色假发呢  宝贝儿  Hold on. The costume came with a black wig. Where is it, babe?  246  00:11:45,900 --> 00:11:47,800  我才不要戴那个  看着逊毙了  No. I'm not wearing it. It looks stupid.  247  00:11:47,800 --> 00:11:49,500  拜托  我们可是要去比赛争冠军  Come on. We're trying to win a contest here.  248  00:11:49,500 --> 00:11:51,140  想也别想  反正我不戴假发  Forget it. I'm not wearing the wig.  249  00:11:51,140 --> 00:11:54,770  佩妮  正义联盟里没有"小我"之说  Penny, there's no "I" In "Justice League."  250  00:11:51,140 --> 00:11:54,770  事实上  Justice里有个"i" = =|||  251  00:11:57,660 --> 00:11:58,850  其实...  Well, actually...  252  00:11:58,850 --> 00:12:02,040  闭嘴  他在为我们说话呢  Don't. He's making our case.  253  00:12:02,800 --> 00:12:03,660  好吧  宝贝儿  Okay, babe. Uh...  254  00:12:03,660 --> 00:12:06,430  你让我在朋友面前有些难堪  Kind of embarrassing me in front of my friends.  255  00:12:07,640 --> 00:12:08,570  得了  告诉你  Okay. You know what?  256  00:12:08,570 --> 00:12:11,300  我改主意了  我不去了  I changed my mind. I'm not going.  257  00:12:12,940 --> 00:12:16,800  看来神奇女侠要换人咯  Looks like someone else is going to have to be Wonder Woman.  258  00:12:21,360 --> 00:12:23,110  宝贝  开门  Babe, open up.  259  00:12:23,110 --> 00:12:25,120  我不和你说话  I'm not talking to you.  260  00:12:25,120 --> 00:12:27,400  那你现在在和谁说话  Then who are you talking to?  261  00:12:30,610 --> 00:12:32,470  宝贝  Babe?  262  00:12:32,750 --> 00:12:40,590  佩妮  佩妮  佩妮  佩妮  Penny, Penny, Penny, Penny, Penny, Penny, Penny,  263  00:12:41,080 --> 00:12:43,520  你到底有什么毛病  What the hell is wrong with you?  264  00:12:44,070 --> 00:12:44,900  我是闪电侠  I'm the Flash.  265  00:12:44,900 --> 00:12:47,340  我刚敲了三万次门  I just knocked 30,000 times.  266  00:12:47,790 --> 00:12:49,320  得  你要干嘛  谢尔顿  Okay. What do you want, Sheldon?  267  00:12:49,320 --> 00:12:52,290  我明白你为什么不开心  I understand why you're upset.  268  00:12:52,290 --> 00:12:53,280  是吗  Really?  269  00:12:53,280 --> 00:12:54,410  是的  Yes.  270  00:12:54,410 --> 00:12:57,740  你担心这个装扮会让你显胖  You're afraid that costume makes you look fat.  271  00:13:00,100 --> 00:13:01,400  不是  No.  272  00:13:01,400 --> 00:13:02,780  怎么...  Wh-What...  273  00:13:02,780 --> 00:13:04,090  很显胖吗  Does it?  274  00:13:04,930 --> 00:13:06,140  不用担心  Don't worry.  275  00:13:06,140 --> 00:13:08,430  神奇女侠是亚马逊人  Wonder Woman was an Amazon.  276  00:13:08,430 --> 00:13:12,270  亚马逊的女孩子都很高大健壮  And Amazons tend to be very beefy gals.  277  00:13:14,420 --> 00:13:16,430  滚吧  谢尔顿  Good-bye, Sheldon.  278  00:13:18,740 --> 00:13:22,710  但她们不是金发  快把假发戴上  But they're not blonde, so put on your wig.  279  00:13:25,360 --> 00:13:26,990  听到吗  Hello?  280  00:13:37,590 --> 00:13:40,030  傻逼水行侠  Stupid Aquaman.  281  00:13:41,860 --> 00:13:43,400  不知道这样算不算安慰  If it makes you feel any better,  282  00:13:43,400 --> 00:13:44,370  我以前和佩妮交往时  when I was dating Penny,  283  00:13:44,370 --> 00:13:46,890  她也一直会生我的气  she used to flip out on me all the time.  284  00:13:46,890 --> 00:13:49,230  啥  你和佩妮约会过  Whoa. You dated Penny?  285  00:13:50,590 --> 00:13:52,180  她都没和你说吗  She didn't tell you?  286  00:13:52,180 --> 00:13:54,080  她说和个叫莱纳德的人交往过  She told me she dated a guy named Leonard.  287  00:13:54,080 --> 00:13:56,290  谁会想到那就是你  Who would have thought it was you?  288  00:13:57,370 --> 00:13:59,300  那还能是谁  Who else would it be?  289  00:13:59,300 --> 00:14:02,350  我也不知道  某个更壮的...  I don't know. Somebody bigger and...  290  00:14:02,350 --> 00:14:04,960  可不是  显然是你嘛  Yeah, sure. Why not you?  291  00:14:08,010 --> 00:14:10,100  我也许失败了  I may have failed.  292  00:14:10,550 --> 00:14:13,620  好吧  那我们只能不带神奇女侠去了  Okay, I guess we just go without a Wonder Woman.  293  00:14:13,620 --> 00:14:15,140  佩妮不去我也不去  I don't want to go without Penny.  294  00:14:15,140 --> 00:14:18,940  太好了  没有超人  没有神奇女侠  Oh, great. No Superman, no Wonder Woman?  295  00:14:18,940 --> 00:14:20,470  就只有瘦骨嶙峋的闪电侠  All we've got is a skinny Flash,  296  00:14:20,470 --> 00:14:21,950  印度水行侠  an Indian Aquaman,  297  00:14:21,950 --> 00:14:23,480  近视的绿灯侠  a nearsighted Green Lantern,  298  00:14:23,480 --> 00:14:26,310  还有个袖珍型的蝙蝠侠  and a teeny, tiny Dark Knight.  299  00:14:28,470 --> 00:14:31,320  显然  这不能再称为正义联盟  Obviously, we're no longer a Justice League.  300  00:14:31,320 --> 00:14:35,390  指《The Muppet Show》[《大青蛙布偶秀》]  301  00:14:31,320 --> 00:14:35,390  没办法了  只能换布偶装了  We have no choice but to switch to our Muppet Baby costumes.  302  00:14:37,310 --> 00:14:39,410  我要当科米蛙  Ooh, I call Kermit.  303  00:14:37,310 --> 00:14:41,710  科米蛙是该秀的导演和支持  斯库特是跑腿  剧场主人的侄子  304  00:14:39,410 --> 00:14:41,710  我才是科米蛙  你当斯库特  I'm Kermit. U're Scooter.  305  00:14:41,710 --> 00:14:44,270  不要  斯库特太衰了  Oh, man. Scooter sucks.  306  00:14:45,580 --> 00:14:48,190  他就是《大青蛙布偶秀》里的水行侠  He's the Aquaman of the Muppet Babies.  307  00:14:50,000 --> 00:14:52,310  不  不到最后不能放弃  No, we can still make this work.  308  00:14:52,310 --> 00:14:54,170  莱纳德  你去找佩妮谈  Leonard, you talk to Penny.  309  00:14:54,170 --> 00:14:56,150  你为啥觉得我能说服她  What makes you think I can convince her?  310  00:14:56,150 --> 00:14:57,720  你都让她跟你上床了  You got her to have sex with you.  311  00:14:57,720 --> 00:15:01,220  很明显  你的超能力就是给人洗脑  Obviously, your superpower is brainwashing.  312  00:15:03,900 --> 00:15:06,730  好吧  看我这么说对不对  Okay, let me see if I understand this.  313  00:15:06,730 --> 00:15:09,070  你想让我去说服我前女友  You want me to convince my ex-girlfriend  314  00:15:09,070 --> 00:15:11,660  去跟她的新男友一起参加化装派对  to go to a costume party with her new boyfriend  315  00:15:11,660 --> 00:15:13,660  就为了让我们赢那个愚蠢的奖吗  just so we can win a stupid prize?  316  00:15:13,660 --> 00:15:16,630  对  记得让她戴上黑假发  好运  Yes. And make her wear the black wig. Good luck.  317  00:15:19,310 --> 00:15:20,860  走开  谢尔顿  Go away, Sheldon.  318  00:15:20,860 --> 00:15:22,070  我是莱纳德  It's Leonard.  319  00:15:22,970 --> 00:15:25,030  走开  莱纳德  Go away, Leonard.  320  00:15:25,920 --> 00:15:28,170  拜托  让我跟你谈谈  Come on, let me just talk to you.  321  00:15:28,640 --> 00:15:30,280  门开着呢  It's open.  322  00:15:31,900 --> 00:15:33,120  我不会去那派对的  莱纳德  I'm not going to that party, Leonard.  323  00:15:33,120 --> 00:15:36,160  听我说  你不必戴那假发  Okay, listen. You don't have to wear the wig.  324  00:15:36,160 --> 00:15:37,650  只要能带个女生去那派对  At this party, we're gonna win first prize  325  00:15:37,650 --> 00:15:40,100  我们就等于不战而胜了  just by showing up with a girl.  326  00:15:41,540 --> 00:15:43,250  不是假发的问题  It's not the wig.  327  00:15:43,250 --> 00:15:44,840  那是因为我吗  Did I do something?  328  00:15:44,840 --> 00:15:46,520  我想跟扎克交个朋友  I mean, I tried to be friends with Zack,  329  00:15:46,520 --> 00:15:49,350  相信我  那对我并不容易  like you said, which believe me, was difficult,  330  00:15:49,350 --> 00:15:51,290  鉴于你我之前...  given how you and me used to be...  331  00:15:51,290 --> 00:15:55,760  之前是我们  现在你和他在一起了  you know, "You and me," And now you and him are "You and him."  332  00:15:56,430 --> 00:15:59,410  其实  我们并没真正在一起  Okay, look. We're not really "Me and him."  333  00:15:59,410 --> 00:16:00,720  那你俩这算什么  Then what are you?  334  00:16:01,220 --> 00:16:02,660  我不知道  I don't know.  335  00:16:02,660 --> 00:16:04,370  我之所以重新跟扎克约会  I only started seeing Zack again  336  00:16:04,370 --> 00:16:07,160  只因为我不想独自度过新年夜  so I wouldn't be alone on New Year's Eve.  337  00:16:07,380 --> 00:16:09,170  多可悲啊  How pathetic is that?  338  00:16:09,170 --> 00:16:11,190  没有穿成这个样子  Not as pathetic as dressing up like this  339  00:16:11,190 --> 00:16:14,530  新年夜去漫画书店度过可悲  and going to a comic book store on New Year's Eve.  340  00:16:15,150 --> 00:16:17,710  你扮成绿箭侠很可爱  You make a cute Gree" type="audio/mpeg" />-->