Before we go into the actual benefits of kissing, it’s important to point out that being a good kisser is an essential element to these smooching stats. Avoid sloppy (and slobbering) kissing, make sure the person on the receiving end wants a kiss, and it’s got to be the right place and time. Go in gently and softly at first! 在我们进入正题,讨论接吻的好处之前,先要说明一下,想要体会以下接吻的好处,先要成为一个接吻高手。不要把亲吻变成敷衍了事,确保在正确时间和地点亲吻正确的那个人。一开始要轻柔温和!
1. Kissing is a Stress Buster 纾解压力
As people kiss, the amount of the hormone we create in the brain, oxytocin, also increases. Among many other functions, oxytocin is thought to reduce stress and elevate feelings of happiness. 接吻时,大脑中分泌的催产素也会增多。催产素有许多功能,可以减少压力,提升快乐的感觉。
2. Kissing Increases Your Emotional Connection 增进感情
Hugging is great, but there’s nothing quite like a sweet kiss, which connects you and your partner on a very deep level. Some say it is truly the most intimate exchange two people can have. Whether you’ve been dating three months or three years, don’t forget to kiss your partner—a lot. 拥抱的感觉非常美妙,但最为甜蜜的还是一个亲吻。亲吻使你和伴侣的联系更为紧密,有人说接吻是两个人最亲密的交流方式。不管你俩正在三个月的热恋期,还是已经交往三年,不要忘记常常亲吻你的伴侣。
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