The big winners were people like John Paulson, an expert in mergers who only began researching housing in 2006 and scored a record $20 billion for his hedge fund. Jeffrey Greene, a Los Angeles playboy who partied with Paris Hilton, made $500 million predicting housing troubles.
大赢家是像约翰?鲍尔森(John Paulson)这样的人,他是一位并购专家,2006年才开始研究住房市场,但他为自己麾下的对冲基金赚得创纪录的200亿美元。与帕丽斯?希尔顿(Paris Hilton)往来甚密的洛杉矶花花公子杰弗里?格林(Jeffrey Greene)因预见住房市场危机而赚得5亿美元。
In 2006, Andrew Lahde was an out-of-work 35-year-old stuck in a cramped one-bedroom apartment; then he made tens of millions of dollars betting against subprime mortgages. So did Michael Burry, a doctor-turned-stock investor in northern California with Asperger's syndrome.
2006年,35岁的安德鲁?拉赫德(Andrew Lahde)住在一套只有一个卧室的狭小公寓里,没有工作;后来他通过做空次级抵押贷款赚得数千万美元。同样大赚特赚的还有北加州的迈克尔?伯里(Michael Burry),他以前是医生,后来改行做了股票投资人,患有亚斯伯格综合症(Asperger's syndrome)。
Wall Street talks up the importance of being contrarian. But in 2007, most traders subscribed to the mantra that the Fed wouldn't let housing crumble or that the boom would continue, while others couldn't find a good way to short subprime mortgages. They left it for the amateurs to figure out.