Vikash Kumar, Thinker, new to the corporate, B.Tech IIT Delhi
Do something which buys you happiness.
While studying in Delhi only for 4 years, I had visited Connaught Palace quite a few times. I used to see those children selling balloons and other stuffs all day long over there. I found this fact really disheartening that those children would be passing through the gates of these fancy restaurants like KFC and McDonald's on numerous occasions each and every day, many more than we people who actually go in there without actually knowing how does that food inside tastes. So a part my first salary was dedicated to treating a dozen of such kids at KFC and that 31st evening was truly one of the happiest moments of my life. Now the salary is a decent amount so rest of the things like sharing it with parents and treating my friends did followed.
虽然我在德里只学习生活了4年,但我早已去过Connaught Palace很多遍了。以前我常常看到一些孩子们在那里售卖气球什么的东西,一卖就是一整天。而且我发现一件很让人感到心酸的事情,那些孩子们整天都得穿梭于诱人的餐馆,比如肯德基和麦当劳,但是他们跟我们不一样,他们根本不知道这些餐馆的食物味道如何。所以当我收到了第一份薪水,我就拿出一部分来请客,我请了十二个这样情况的小孩子吃肯德基,这个月末的夜晚是我人生中感到最快乐的一个晚上。如今我的工资水平已经相当不错了,接下来的事情就顺利成章了,比如和父母朋友分享自己财富。