The Id is the source of our basic drives and all of our psychological energy. Sigmund Freud also states that we all are born with this element. The Id is also refereed to the pleasure principle, which also represents self-gratification. The Id has two basic drives sex and aggression. The Id is the part of us that is seeking pleasure through the immediate satisfaction of its needs. In reference to the Id, it is always trying to satisfy every impulse whenever and wherever, it knows no limits.
The second element of our personality is the ego; Freud relates this as the reality principle. The ego is the practical side of our personality; it is aware of what?s possible and impossible and is able to accept limits and to act in a practical way. The ego?s main purpose is to figure out appropriate ways to satisfy the id?s desire.
In a sense, the ego is like congress and the id the president. The president can not take major actions without the approval of congress. In short, the id supplies the power and the ego suppliesthe control. The reaction of the two acts as a driving force in which our decisions are made, thus eliminating free will.