About 750 people lined up outside Apple store in Tokyo's posh Ginza neighborhood as of ten minutes before opening time, chanting with a revved-up fanfare. A few blocks away a digital countdown clock ticked outside a Softbank Corp. store where several hundred more iPhone fans had lined up.
东京高档社区银座的苹果专卖店外,在离开门营业还有10分钟的时候,就已有750人左右在排队,人们还伴着热烈的节奏高呼口号。几个街区之外软银(Softbank Corp.)的一个门店外,立着一个数字倒计时时钟,也有几百名iPhone粉丝已经在排队。
Masayoshi Son, the founder and CEO of Softbank Corp. (9984.TO)-one of two carriers that service Apple products in Japan-led a ceremonial cheer when the count reached zero and people could buy the slimmer, longer device.
软银是日本两家出售苹果产品的运营商之一。当倒计时结束、这部更细长的手机开售时,软银创始人兼CEO孙正义(Masayoshi Son)率领众人一起欢呼庆祝。
'It's lighter than I thought it'd be and the screen is big. It's easy to hold,' said Mitsuya Hirosa, white iPhone in hand. The 37-year-old Tokyo resident was the first one in line outside the Apple store in Ginza. He had claimed his coveted sidewalk turf six days ago.
37岁的东京居民Mitsuya Hirosa手拿白色iPhone说,手机比我想象的轻,屏幕很大,拿起来方便。他是银座苹果店外排在队伍最前面的一个,六天之前,他就占据了人行道上很多人都想占领的那块地盘。
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