A few years ago Zhou Xiaochuan, then governor of the People’s Bank of China, called for theSDR to become a super-sovereign reserve currency. That call was treated respectfully as acontribution to the global monetary governance debate in much of the world. In the US,probably correctly, it was regarded as part of China’s campaign to get other countries to bail itout of its own lopsided reserve accumulation policies by allowing Beijing to transform itsdollar-denominated reserves into SDRs without selling its dollars on the open market.
The renminbi’s potential addition to the SDR, whose basket is reviewed every five years,carries risks for the credibility of the asset itself. If the unit is to take off as a reserve andindeed privately held asset, it will need to develop a deep and liquid market. This may not beassisted by the addition of a currency like the renminbi which, though its use has been growingrapidly, is still not much traded in foreign exchanges and which has a very small share of globalbond markets and cross-border bank lending.
★ 人与同行的狮子
★ 那不是我的狗