Fallen gingko nuts that stink of vomit have provoked articles and editorials in South Korean newspapers as officials in the country's capital grapple with how to get rid of them, it appears.
The gingko tree is famous for its spectacular yellow leaves in autumn which become a tourist attraction in some districts. The problem is that while Seoul's thousands of gingko trees produce nutritious nuts that are tasty when cooked, acid in the husks produces a smell that's offensive to the noses of local residents, the Korea JoongAng Daily reports. With over 114,000 gingko trees in the city, one-in-10 being female trees which produce the nuts, the smell can be overpowering in the autumn months. The problem is made worse by the fact that the trees are city property, and picking the fallen fruit is theft, meaning they are left to rot in the streets, the Korea Herald says.
银杏树因在秋天身披金黄叶片的景致而闻名,这成了某些地区吸引游客的亮丽风景。据韩国《中央日报》(JoongAng Daily)报道,首尔市内有数以千计的银杏树,结出的银杏果营养丰富,煮后食用相当美味。然而,银杏果的果壳中含有的酸散发的恶臭令市民苦不堪言。鉴于首尔街头有11.4万多棵银杏树,其中1/10为能够结果的雌树,到了秋天,恶臭难忍。《韩国先驱报》(Korea Herald)称,首尔的银杏树是城市公共财产,捡拾掉落的银杏果属于盗窃,因此市民只能任凭掉落的果实烂在街上,这使情况变得更糟。
【银杏果臭味扰民 首尔拟移走结果的雌银杏树】相关文章: