The group behind the report has previously fought proposals for encryption access. In 1997,it analyzed the technical risks and shortcomings of a proposal in the Clinton administrationcalled the Clipper chip. Clipper would have poked a hole in cryptographic systems by requiringtechnology manufacturers to include a small hardware chip in their products that would haveensured that the government would always be able to unlock scrambled communications.
撰写报告的这些人此前也曾反对过关于获得加密权限的提议。1997年,他们分析了克林顿政府一个被称作“曲别针芯片(Clipper Chip)的提议项目的技术风险和缺点。曲别针项目会通过要求科技产品制造商在产品中加入一个小型芯片硬件,在加密系统里形成一个漏洞,以此保证政府总能解密复杂的通讯信息。
The government abandoned the effort after an analysis by the group showed it would havebeen technically unworkable. The final blow was the discovery by Matt Blaze, then a 32-year-oldcomputer scientist at AT&T Bell Laboratories and one of the authors of the new paper, of aflaw in the system that would have allowed anyone with technical expertise to gain access tothe key to Clipper-encrypted communications.
在该团队的分析表明曲别针项目在技术上行不通后,政府放弃了这一提议。马特·布拉兹(Matt Blaze)的发现对该提议形成了最后一击。他当时32岁,是AT&T贝尔实验室(AT&T Bell Laboratories)的一名计算机科学家,他也是这篇新论文的作者之一。他发现,系统里存在一个漏洞,任何拥有专业技术技能的人,都能获得曲别针加密通讯信息的密钥。